]> projects.mako.cc - beamer-mako/blob - template/beamerthememetropolis.sty
examples of how to use section pages
[beamer-mako] / template / beamerthememetropolis.sty
1 %%
2 %% This is file `beamerthememetropolis.sty',
3 %% generated with the docstrip utility.
4 %%
5 %% The original source files were:
6 %%
7 %% beamerthememetropolis.dtx  (with options: `package')
8 %% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 %% Copyright 2015 Matthias Vogelgesang and the LaTeX community. A full list of
10 %% contributors can be found at
11 %% 
12 %%     https://github.com/matze/mtheme/graphs/contributors
13 %% 
14 %% and the original template was based on the HSRM theme by Benjamin Weiss.
15 %% 
16 %% This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0
17 %% International License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/).
18 %% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
19 \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}
20 \ProvidesPackage{beamerthememetropolis}
21   [2017/01/23 v1.2 Metropolis Beamer theme]
22 \RequirePackage{etoolbox}
23 \RequirePackage{pgfopts}
24 \pgfkeys{/metropolis/.cd,
25   .search also={
26     /metropolis/inner,
27     /metropolis/outer,
28     /metropolis/color,
29     /metropolis/font,
30   }
31 }
32 \pgfkeys{
33   /metropolis/titleformat plain/.cd,
34     .is choice,
35     regular/.code={%
36       \let\metropolis@plaintitleformat\@empty%
37       \setbeamerfont{standout}{shape=\normalfont}%
38     },
39     smallcaps/.code={%
40       \let\metropolis@plaintitleformat\@empty%
41       \setbeamerfont{standout}{shape=\scshape}%
42     },
43     allsmallcaps/.code={%
44       \let\metropolis@plaintitleformat\MakeLowercase%
45       \setbeamerfont{standout}{shape=\scshape}%
46       \PackageWarning{beamerthememetropolis}{%
47         Be aware that titleformat plain=allsmallcaps can lead to problems%
48       }
49     },
50     allcaps/.code={%
51       \let\metropolis@plaintitleformat\MakeUppercase%
52       \setbeamerfont{standout}{shape=\normalfont}%
53       \PackageWarning{beamerthememetropolis}{%
54         Be aware that titleformat plain=allcaps can lead to problems%
55       }
56     },
57 }
58 \pgfkeys{
59   /metropolis/titleformat/.code=\pgfkeysalso{
60       font/titleformat title=#1,
61       font/titleformat subtitle=#1,
62       font/titleformat section=#1,
63       font/titleformat frame=#1,
64       titleformat plain=#1,
65     }
66 }
67 \pgfkeys{/metropolis/.cd,
68   usetitleprogressbar/.code=\pgfkeysalso{outer/progressbar=frametitle},
69   noslidenumbers/.code=\pgfkeysalso{outer/numbering=none},
70   usetotalslideindicator/.code=\pgfkeysalso{outer/numbering=fraction},
71   nosectionslide/.code=\pgfkeysalso{inner/sectionpage=none},
72   darkcolors/.code=\pgfkeysalso{color/background=dark},
73   blockbg/.code=\pgfkeysalso{color/block=fill, inner/block=fill},
74 }
75 \newcommand{\metropolis@setdefaults}{
76   \pgfkeys{/metropolis/.cd,
77     titleformat plain=regular,
78   }
79 }
80 \providecommand{\tikzexternalenable}{}
81 \providecommand{\tikzexternaldisable}{}
82 \useinnertheme{metropolis}
83 \useoutertheme{metropolis}
84 \usecolortheme{metropolis}
85 \usefonttheme{metropolis}
86 \AtEndPreamble{%
87   \@ifpackageloaded{pgfplots}{%
88     \RequirePackage{pgfplotsthemetol}
89   }{}
90 }
91 \newcommand{\metroset}[1]{\pgfkeys{/metropolis/.cd,#1}}
92 \def\metropolis@plaintitleformat#1{#1}
93 \newcommand{\plain}[2][]{%
94   \PackageWarning{beamerthememetropolis}{%
95     The syntax `\plain' may be deprecated in a future version of Metropolis.
96     Please use a frame with [standout] instead.
97   }
98   \begin{frame}[standout]{#1}
99     \metropolis@plaintitleformat{#2}
100   \end{frame}
101 }
102 \newcommand{\mreducelistspacing}{\vspace{-\topsep}}
103 \metropolis@setdefaults
104 \ProcessPgfOptions{/metropolis}
105 \endinput
106 %%
107 %% End of file `beamerthememetropolis.sty'.

Benjamin Mako Hill || Want to submit a patch?