put some removed config into the old/archive
[awesome-config] / old / removed.lua
1 -- Delightful widgets
2 require('delightful.widgets.battery')
3 require('delightful.widgets.cpu')
4 require('delightful.widgets.datetime')
5 require('delightful.widgets.memory')
6 require('delightful.widgets.network')
7 require('delightful.widgets.pulseaudio')
9 -- Which widgets to install?
10 -- This is the order the widgets appear in the wibox.
11 install_delightful = {
12     delightful.widgets.battery,
13     delightful.widgets.network,
14     delightful.widgets.cpu,
15     delightful.widgets.memory,
16 --    delightful.widgets.pulseaudio,
17     delightful.widgets.datetime
18 }
20 -- Widget configuration
21 delightful_config = {
22     [delightful.widgets.network] = {
23         excluded_devices = { '^lo.*$' },
24     },
25     [delightful.widgets.cpu] = {
26         command = 'gnome-system-monitor',
27     },
28     [delightful.widgets.memory] = {
29         command = 'gnome-system-monitor',
30     },
31     [delightful.widgets.battery] = {
32         battery = "BAT0",
33     }
34 --    [delightful.widgets.pulseaudio] = {
35 --        mixer_command = 'gnome-volume-control',
36 --    }
37 }
39 -- Prepare the container that is used when constructing the wibox
40 local delightful_container = { widgets = {}, icons = {} }
41 if install_delightful then
42     for _, widget in pairs(awful.util.table.reverse(install_delightful)) do
43         local config = delightful_config and delightful_config[widget]
44         local widgets, icons = widget:load(config)
45         if widgets then
46             if not icons then
47                 icons = {}
48             end
49             table.insert(delightful_container.widgets, awful.util.table.reverse(widgets))
50             table.insert(delightful_container.icons,   awful.util.table.reverse(icons))
51         end
52     end
53 end

Benjamin Mako Hill || Want to submit a patch?