+++ /dev/null
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-from __future__ import division
-import web
-import sys, os, re
-from storm.locals import *
-from ruler import RulerImage
-# the url map for the application
-urls = ( '/', 'index',
- '/ruler_([0-9\.]+)px_([0-9\.]+)([A-Za-z]+).(svg|png|jpg)', 'ruler_img',
- '/show/(.*(svg|png|jpg))', 'ruler',
- '/gallery(.*)', 'gallery',
- '/delete/(\d+)', 'delete',
- '/undelete/(\d+)', 'undelete')
-database = create_database("sqlite:ruler_web.db")
-store = Store(database)
-class SavedRuler(object):
- __storm_table__ = "gallery"
- id = Int(primary=True)
- pixel_width = Float()
- unit_width = Float()
- model = Unicode()
- units = Unicode()
- show = Int()
- def __init__(self, **kw):
- self.pixel_width = kw['pixel_width']
- self.unit_width = kw['unit_width']
- self.units = kw['units']
- self.model = kw['model']
- def cm_width(self):
- if self.units == 'centimeters':
- return self.unit_width
- elif self.units == 'inches':
- return(self.unit_width * 2.54)
- def in_width(self):
- if self.units == 'inches':
- return self.unit_width
- elif self.units == 'centimeters':
- return(self.unit_width * 0.3937)
-class index:
- def GET(self):
- web.header("Content-Type","text/html; charset=utf-8")
- web.render('index.tmpl')
- def POST(self):
- input = web.input()
- pixel_width = input['pixel_width']
- unit_width = input['unit_width']
- units = input['units']
- ruler_url = 'ruler_%spx_%s%s.png' % (pixel_width, unit_width, units)
- web.redirect('/show/%s' % ruler_url)
-class ruler:
- def GET(self, ruler_url, ext):
- web.debug('test test')
- if web.input().has_key('fromgallery'):
- fromgallery = True
- else:
- fromgallery = False
- other_unit, other_unit_url = get_other_units(ruler_url)
- web.header("Content-Type","text/html; charset=utf-8")
- web.render('show_ruler.tmpl')
-class ruler_img:
- def GET(self, pixel_width=None, unit_width=None, units=None, ext=None):
- # TODO check to see if it's a format that we support
- # set ruler height to be 200 px always
- pixel_width = float(pixel_width)
- unit_width = float(unit_width)
- ruler_height = 200
- scale = pixel_width / unit_width
- ruler_length = int(unit_width)
- ruler = Ruler(scale, units, ruler_height, ruler_length)
- # print the header
- if ext == 'svg': ext = 'svg+xml'
- web.header("Content-Type", "image/%s" % ext)
- if ext == 'svg+xml':
- sys.stdout.write(ruler.output())
- else:
- pin, pout = os.popen2('convert -size %sx%s - %s:-' % \
- (pixel_width, ruler_height, ext))
- pin.write(ruler.output())
- pin.close()
- sys.stdout.write(pout.read())
-class gallery:
- def GET(self, ruler_url):
- if ruler_url:
- pixel_width, unit_width, units = process_ruler_url(ruler_url)[0:3]
- rulers = store.find(SavedRuler, SavedRuler.show == 1)
- rulers.order_by(SavedRuler.model)
- web.render('gallery.tmpl')
- def POST(self):
- input = web.input()
- new_ruler = SavedRuler(pixel_width=float(input['pixel_width']),
- unit_width=float(input['unit_width']),
- units=unicode(input['units']),
- model=unicode(input['model']))
- store.add(new_ruler)
- store.commit()
- web.redirect('gallery')
-class delete:
- def GET(self, id):
- ruler = store.get(SavedRuler, int(id))
- ruler.show = 0
- store.commit()
- web.redirect('/gallery')
-class undelete:
- def GET(self, id):
- ruler = store.get(SavedRuler, int(id))
- ruler.show = 1
- store.commit()
- web.redirect('/gallery')
-def get_other_units(url):
- pixel_width, unit_width, units = process_ruler_url(url)[0:3]
- ruler = SavedRuler(pixel_width=float(pixel_width),
- unit_width=float(unit_width),
- units=unicode(units),
- model=unicode(model))
-def process_ruler_url(url):
- url = re.sub(r'^/?(ruler.*)$', r'\1', url)
- return(re.match( r'ruler_([\d\.]+)px_([\d\.]+)(\w+).(png|svg|jpg)',
- url).groups())
-# render the site template here so that i can use it later
-web.render('site.tmpl', None, True, 'site')
-web.webapi.internalerror = web.debugerror
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- web.run(urls, globals(), web.reloader)
--- /dev/null
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+ style="font-size:63.18930054px;font-weight:bold;fill:#ffffff;fill-opacity:1;font-family:Bitstream Vera Sans Mono">YouRule</tspan></text>
+ <text
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--- /dev/null
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from __future__ import division
import SVGdraw
-class Ruler:
+class SVGRuler:
def __init__(self, scale=None, units=None,
ruler_height=None, ruler_length=None):
- self.svg.addElement(SVGdraw.text((self.point - font_height * 1.4),
+ self.svg.addElement(SVGdraw.text((self.point - font_height * 1.15),
(self.ruler_height * 0.6 - 5),
str(i + 1), font_height))
- def output(self):
+ def getxml(self):
import cStringIO
xml = cStringIO.StringIO()
xml.write("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>\n")
+<p><label for="units">Units:</label>
<select id="unitselector" name="units">
<option values="centimeters"#if $getVar('units', '') == 'centimeters'# selected="selected"'#end if#>centimeters</option>
<option value="inches"#if $getVar('units', '') == 'inches'# selected="selected"'#end if#>inches</option>
-<p><label for="pixel_width">Your screen width (in pixels):</label>
+<p><label for="pixel_width">Screen width (in pixels):</label>
<input type="text" name="pixel_width" value="$getVar('pixel_width', None)" /></p>
-<p><label for="unit_width">Your screen width (in <span class="unittext">units</span>):</label>
+<p><label for="unit_width"><em>Horizontal</em> screen width (in <span class="unittext">units</span>):</label>
<input type="text" name="unit_width" value="$getVar('unit_width', None)" /></p>
<h2>Gallery of Existing Rulers</h2>
+<table id="gallery">
<th>Pixel Width</th>
- <a href="/show/ruler_${ruler.pixel_width}px_${ruler.cm_width}centimeters.png?fromgallery=true">cm</a>
- <a href="/show/ruler_${ruler.pixel_width}px_${ruler.in_width}inches.png?fromgallery=true">in</a>
+ <a href="/show/ruler_${ruler.pixel_width}px_${ruler.cm_width}centimeters.png?fromgallery=true">cm</a>/<a href="/show/ruler_${ruler.pixel_width}px_${ruler.in_width}inches.png?fromgallery=true">in</a>
<td><form method="GET" action="delete/$ruler.id" style="display:inline;">
<input type="submit" value="delete" /></form></td>
<p>If your ruler is not on the list you should add it with the box
+#if $getVar('errormsg', False)
+<div class="errormsg">
+<strong>Error</strong><br />
+$getVar('errormsg', False)
+#end if
<form method="POST" action="/gallery">
#include 'templates/_form_elements.tmpl'
#block body
-<h1>Screen Ruler Generator</h1>
+<h2>Ruler Gallery </h2>
-<h2>Create a new screen ruler</h2>
+<p>To view a list of rulers others have created or to save your ruler so
+that others with your computer can find it, visit the <a
+href="/gallery">ruler gallery</a>.</p>
+<h2>Create Custom Ruler</h2>
+#if $getVar('errormsg', False)
+<div class="errormsg">
+<strong>Error</strong><br />
+$getVar('errormsg', False)
+#end if
<form method="POST" action="/">
#include 'templates/_form_elements.tmpl'
<input type="Submit" name="submit" value="Generate" />
-<p>To view a list of rulers others have created or to save your ruler so
-that others with your computer can find it, visit the <a
-href="/gallery">ruler gallery</a>.</p>
#end block body
-#extends site
-#block body
-<h2>Your Ruler</h2>
-<img src="/$ruler_url" alt="$ruler_url" />
+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/static/style.css" />
+<p id="menu">
+<a href="/show/$other_unit_url">show in $other_unit</a>
#if $fromgallery
-<p><a href="/gallery">Back to gallery</a>.</p>
+<a href="/gallery">back to gallery</a>
-<p><a href="/gallery/$ruler_url">Save your ruler to the gallery</a> for others to use in
-the future.</p>
+<a href="/gallery/$ruler_url">save for others</a>
#end if
+<div id="rulerimg">
+<img src="/$ruler_url" alt="$ruler_url" />
-#end block body
+ <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/static/style.css" />
<script src="/static/prototype.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
+<div id="wrapper">
+<div id="header">
+<h2>Onscreen Ruler Generator</h2>
+<div class="mainbox">
+ <div class="mainbox_top"><div></div></div>
+ <div class="mainbox_content">
#filter Filter
#end filter
+ </div>
+ <div class="mainbox_bottom"><div></div></div>
+<div id="footer">
+<p>copyright 2007 :: <a href="http://mako.cc/">benjamin mako hill</a><br />
+<a href="http://mako.cc/projects/yourule">source freely available</a> :: <a
+href="http://www.affero.org/oagpl.html">affero general public
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+from __future__ import division
+import web
+import sys, os, re
+from storm.locals import *
+from svgruler import SVGRuler
+# the url map for the application
+urls = ( '/', 'index',
+ '/ruler_([0-9\.]+)px_([0-9\.]+)([A-Za-z]+).(svg|png|jpg)', 'ruler_img',
+ '/show/(.*(svg|png|jpg))', 'show_ruler',
+ '/gallery(.*)', 'gallery',
+ '/delete/(\d+)', 'delete',
+ '/undelete/(\d+)', 'undelete')
+database = create_database("sqlite:yourule.db")
+store = Store(database)
+class Ruler(object):
+ __storm_table__ = "gallery"
+ id = Int(primary=True)
+ pixel_width = Float()
+ unit_width = Float()
+ model = Unicode()
+ units = Unicode()
+ show = Int()
+ cm_in_ratio = 0.3937
+ def __init__(self, **kw):
+ self.pixel_width = float(kw['pixel_width'])
+ self.unit_width = float(kw['unit_width'])
+ self.units = unicode(kw['units'])
+ if kw.has_key('model'):
+ self.model = unicode(kw['model'])
+ else:
+ self.model = u''
+ def cm_width(self):
+ if self.units == 'centimeters':
+ return self.unit_width
+ elif self.units == 'inches':
+ return(round(self.unit_width / self.cm_in_ratio, 2))
+ def in_width(self):
+ if self.units == 'inches':
+ return self.unit_width
+ elif self.units == 'centimeters':
+ return(round(self.unit_width * self.cm_in_ratio, 2))
+ def url(self):
+ return('ruler_%spx_%s%s.png' % (self.pixel_width,
+ self.unit_width, self.units))
+class index:
+ def GET(self):
+ web.header("Content-Type","text/html; charset=utf-8")
+ web.render('index.tmpl')
+ def POST(self):
+ input = web.input()
+ errormsg = validate_input(input)
+ if errormsg:
+ pixel_width = input['pixel_width']
+ unit_width = input['unit_width']
+ units = input['units']
+ web.render('index.tmpl')
+ else:
+ ruler = Ruler(pixel_width = input['pixel_width'],
+ unit_width = input['unit_width'],
+ units = input['units'])
+ web.redirect('/show/%s' % ruler.url())
+class show_ruler:
+ def GET(self, ruler_url, ext):
+ web.debug('test test')
+ if web.input().has_key('fromgallery'):
+ fromgallery = True
+ else:
+ fromgallery = False
+ other_unit, other_unit_url = get_other_unit(ruler_url)
+ web.header("Content-Type","text/html; charset=utf-8")
+ web.render('show_ruler.tmpl')
+class ruler_img:
+ def GET(self, pixel_width=None, unit_width=None, units=None, ext=None):
+ # TODO check to see if it's a format that we support
+ # set ruler height to be 200 px always
+ pixel_width = float(pixel_width)
+ unit_width = float(unit_width)
+ ruler_height = 200
+ scale = pixel_width / unit_width
+ ruler_length = int(unit_width)
+ ruler = SVGRuler(scale, units, ruler_height, ruler_length)
+ # print the header
+ if ext == 'svg': ext = 'svg+xml'
+ web.header("Content-Type", "image/%s" % ext)
+ if ext == 'svg+xml':
+ sys.stdout.write(ruler.getxml())
+ else:
+ pin, pout = os.popen2('convert -size %sx%s - %s:-' % \
+ (pixel_width, ruler_height, ext))
+ pin.write(ruler.getxml())
+ pin.close()
+ sys.stdout.write(pout.read())
+class gallery:
+ def GET(self, ruler_url):
+ if ruler_url:
+ pixel_width, unit_width, units = process_ruler_url(ruler_url)[0:3]
+ rulers = store.find(Ruler, Ruler.show == 1)
+ rulers.order_by(Ruler.model)
+ web.render('gallery.tmpl')
+ def POST(self, ruler_url):
+ input = web.input()
+ errormsg = valid_input(input)
+ if not input.model:
+ errormsg = 'Please fill out all fields.'
+ if errormsg:
+ pixel_width = input['pixel_width']
+ unit_width = input['unit_width']
+ units = input['units']
+ model = input['model']
+ else:
+ new_ruler = Ruler(pixel_width = input['pixel_width'],
+ unit_width = input['unit_width'],
+ units = input['units'],
+ model = input['model'])
+ store.add(new_ruler)
+ store.commit()
+ rulers = store.find(Ruler, Ruler.show == 1)
+ rulers.order_by(Ruler.model)
+ web.render('gallery.tmpl')
+class delete:
+ def GET(self, id):
+ ruler = store.get(Ruler, int(id))
+ ruler.show = 0
+ store.commit()
+ web.redirect('/gallery')
+class undelete:
+ def GET(self, id):
+ ruler = store.get(Ruler, int(id))
+ ruler.show = 1
+ store.commit()
+ web.redirect('/gallery')
+def get_other_unit(url):
+ pixel_width, unit_width, units = process_ruler_url(url)[0:3]
+ ruler = Ruler(pixel_width=pixel_width, unit_width=unit_width, units=units)
+ pixel_width, unit_width, units = process_ruler_url(url)[0:3]
+ if units == 'centimeters':
+ units = 'inches'
+ unit_width = ruler.in_width()
+ elif units == 'inches':
+ units = 'centimeters'
+ unit_width = ruler.cm_width()
+ new_ruler = Ruler(pixel_width=pixel_width, unit_width=unit_width,
+ units=units)
+ web.debug(units)
+ return(units, new_ruler.url())
+def process_ruler_url(url):
+ url = re.sub(r'^/?(ruler.*)$', r'\1', url)
+ return(re.match( r'ruler_([\d\.]+)px_([\d\.]+)(\w+).(png|svg|jpg)',
+ url).groups())
+def validate_input(input):
+ errormsg = False
+ if not input.pixel_width \
+ or not input.unit_width:
+ errormsg = 'Please fill out all fields.'
+ elif not re.match('^[\d\.]+$', input.pixel_width) \
+ or not re.match('^[\d\.]+$', input.unit_width):
+ errormsg = "Widths must be numbers."
+ elif input['pixel_width'] < 0 \
+ or input['unit_width'] < 0:
+ errormsg = 'Widths must be greater than postive.'
+ return(errormsg)
+# render the site template here so that i can use it later
+web.render('site.tmpl', None, True, 'site')
+web.webapi.internalerror = web.debugerror
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ web.run(urls, globals(), web.reloader)
+application = web.wsgifunc(web.webpyfunc(urls, globals()))