-wikiq: a WikiMedia XML data dump to .tsv parser
-author: Erik Garrison <erik@hypervolu.me>
+wikiq: a simple and fast stream-based MediaWiki XML dump parser
+authors: Erik Garrison <erik@hypervolu.me>
+ Benjamin Mako Hill <mako@atdot.cc>
-wikiq is written in C using expat. It is designed to enable researchers to
-rapidly extract revision histories (minus text and comments) from impossibly
-large XML datasets.
+wikiq is written in C++ using expat. It is designed to enable
+researchers to rapidly extract revision histories (minus text and
+comments) from large XML datasets.
-To use, first make sure you have libexpat and libpcrecpp installed, then:
+To use, first make sure you have libexpat and libpcrecpp installed (e.g.
+via packages libexpat1 and libpcre3-dev on Ubuntu), then:
% make
% ./wikiq -h # prints usage
-In addition to parsing WikiMedia XML data dumps into a tab-separated tabular
-format, wikiq extracts article diffs and can execute arbitrary Perl-compatible
-regular expressions against the additions and deletions which differentiate any
-revision from the previous. Any number of regular expressions may be supplied
-on the command line, and may be tagged using the '-n' option.
-MD5 checksums are used at runtime for precise detection of reversions.
+In addition to parsing WikiMedia XML data dumps into a tab-separated
+tabular format, wikiq can match Perl-compatible regular expressions
+against revision content, can extract article diffs, and can match
+regexes against the additions and deletions between revisions. Any
+number of regular expressions may be supplied on the command line, and
+may be tagged using the '-n' and -N options.
+MD5 checksums of revisions are used at runtime.
wikiq generates these fields for each revision:
title, articleid, revid, timestamp, anon, editor, editorid, minor,
-text_length, text_entropy, text_md5, reversion, additions_size, deletions_size
-.... and additional fields for each regex executed against add/delete diffs
+text_length, text_md5, reversion, additions_size, deletions_size
+.... and additional fields for each regex executed against content or
+added/deleted diffs
Boolean fields are TRUE/FALSE except in the case of reversion, which is blank
unless the article is a revert to a previous revision, in which case, it
contains the revision ID of the revision which was reverted to.
-author: Erik Garrison <erik@hypervolu.me>