+# 7. Can you build a list of all of the articles edited by "Benjamin
+# Mako Hill"? What is the article with the longest title that user
+# Benjamin Mako Hill has edited?
+# Step 1: Searching around on Google, I found this documentation which
+# seemed like the right way to answer this question:
+# https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/API:Usercontribs
+import requests
+edited_pages = []
+# parameter version which makes a little more sense
+parameters = {'action' : 'query',
+ 'list' : 'usercontribs',
+ 'ucuser' : 'Benjamin Mako Hill',
+ 'uclimit' : 500,
+ 'ucprop' : 'title',
+ 'format' : 'json',
+ 'continue' : ''}
+while True:
+ wp_call = requests.get('https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php', params=parameters)
+ response = wp_call.json()
+ contribs = response['query']['usercontribs']
+ for contrib in contribs:
+ if contrib['title'] not in edited_pages:
+ edited_pages.append(contrib['title'])
+ # keep looping if we need to continue
+ if 'continue' in response:
+ parameters.update(response['continue'])
+ else:
+ break
+# print out the list of pages
+counter = 0
+for page in edited_pages:
+ counter = counter + 1
+ print(page)
+print("TOTAL PAGES: %s" % counter)