--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+To use these example scripts, you will need authentication details
+from Twitter.
+First, go create and retrieve authenication information Twitter.
+Details on how to create this are all on this page:
+Edit the file twitter_authentication.py in this directory to record
+this information. There are four pieces of information you need and
+you will replace every "CHANGE ME" with the value that Twitter has
+given you:
--- /dev/null
+The MIT License
+Copyright (c) 2007 Leah Culver
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+Metadata-Version: 1.0
+Name: oauth
+Version: 1.0.1
+Summary: Library for OAuth version 1.0a.
+Home-page: http://code.google.com/p/oauth
+Author: Leah Culver
+Author-email: leah.culver@gmail.com
+License: MIT License
+Description: UNKNOWN
+Platform: UNKNOWN
--- /dev/null
+MIT License
+Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Joshua Roesslein
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
--- /dev/null
+Tweepy: Twitter for Python!
+[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/tweepy/tweepy.png?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/tweepy/tweepy)
+[![Downloads](https://pypip.in/d/tweepy/badge.png)](https://crate.io/packages/tweepy) [![Downloads](https://pypip.in/v/tweepy/badge.png)](https://crate.io/packages/tweepy)
+[![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/tweepy/tweepy/badge.png?branch=master)](https://coveralls.io/r/tweepy/tweepy?branch=master)
+The easiest way to install the latest version
+is by using pip/easy_install to pull it from PyPI:
+ pip install tweepy
+You may also use Git to clone the repository from
+Github and install it manually:
+ git clone https://github.com/tweepy/tweepy.git
+ python setup.py install
+**Note** only Python 2.6 and 2.7 are supported at
+the moment. The Python 3 family is not yet supported.
+ - [Website (Work in-progress)](http://tweepy.github.com/)
+ - [Twitter Developers](http://dev.twitter.com/)
+ - [Python Package Documentation](http://packages.python.org/tweepy/html/index.html)
+ - [Google Group/Mailing list](http://groups.google.com/group/tweepy)
+ - IRC Chat (Freenode.net #tweepy)
--- /dev/null
+The MIT License
+Copyright (c) 2007 Leah Culver
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+Example consumer. This is not recommended for production.
+Instead, you'll want to create your own subclass of OAuthClient
+or find one that works with your web framework.
+import httplib
+import time
+import oauth.oauth as oauth
+# settings for the local test consumer
+SERVER = 'localhost'
+PORT = 8080
+# fake urls for the test server (matches ones in server.py)
+REQUEST_TOKEN_URL = 'https://photos.example.net/request_token'
+ACCESS_TOKEN_URL = 'https://photos.example.net/access_token'
+AUTHORIZATION_URL = 'https://photos.example.net/authorize'
+CALLBACK_URL = 'http://printer.example.com/request_token_ready'
+RESOURCE_URL = 'http://photos.example.net/photos'
+# key and secret granted by the service provider for this consumer application - same as the MockOAuthDataStore
+# example client using httplib with headers
+class SimpleOAuthClient(oauth.OAuthClient):
+ def __init__(self, server, port=httplib.HTTP_PORT, request_token_url='', access_token_url='', authorization_url=''):
+ self.server = server
+ self.port = port
+ self.request_token_url = request_token_url
+ self.access_token_url = access_token_url
+ self.authorization_url = authorization_url
+ self.connection = httplib.HTTPConnection("%s:%d" % (self.server, self.port))
+ def fetch_request_token(self, oauth_request):
+ # via headers
+ # -> OAuthToken
+ self.connection.request(oauth_request.http_method, self.request_token_url, headers=oauth_request.to_header())
+ response = self.connection.getresponse()
+ return oauth.OAuthToken.from_string(response.read())
+ def fetch_access_token(self, oauth_request):
+ # via headers
+ # -> OAuthToken
+ self.connection.request(oauth_request.http_method, self.access_token_url, headers=oauth_request.to_header())
+ response = self.connection.getresponse()
+ return oauth.OAuthToken.from_string(response.read())
+ def authorize_token(self, oauth_request):
+ # via url
+ # -> typically just some okay response
+ self.connection.request(oauth_request.http_method, oauth_request.to_url())
+ response = self.connection.getresponse()
+ return response.read()
+ def access_resource(self, oauth_request):
+ # via post body
+ # -> some protected resources
+ headers = {'Content-Type' :'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}
+ self.connection.request('POST', RESOURCE_URL, body=oauth_request.to_postdata(), headers=headers)
+ response = self.connection.getresponse()
+ return response.read()
+def run_example():
+ # setup
+ print '** OAuth Python Library Example **'
+ consumer = oauth.OAuthConsumer(CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET)
+ signature_method_plaintext = oauth.OAuthSignatureMethod_PLAINTEXT()
+ signature_method_hmac_sha1 = oauth.OAuthSignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1()
+ pause()
+ # get request token
+ print '* Obtain a request token ...'
+ pause()
+ oauth_request = oauth.OAuthRequest.from_consumer_and_token(consumer, callback=CALLBACK_URL, http_url=client.request_token_url)
+ oauth_request.sign_request(signature_method_plaintext, consumer, None)
+ print 'REQUEST (via headers)'
+ print 'parameters: %s' % str(oauth_request.parameters)
+ pause()
+ token = client.fetch_request_token(oauth_request)
+ print 'GOT'
+ print 'key: %s' % str(token.key)
+ print 'secret: %s' % str(token.secret)
+ print 'callback confirmed? %s' % str(token.callback_confirmed)
+ pause()
+ print '* Authorize the request token ...'
+ pause()
+ oauth_request = oauth.OAuthRequest.from_token_and_callback(token=token, http_url=client.authorization_url)
+ print 'REQUEST (via url query string)'
+ print 'parameters: %s' % str(oauth_request.parameters)
+ pause()
+ # this will actually occur only on some callback
+ response = client.authorize_token(oauth_request)
+ print 'GOT'
+ print response
+ # sad way to get the verifier
+ import urlparse, cgi
+ query = urlparse.urlparse(response)[4]
+ params = cgi.parse_qs(query, keep_blank_values=False)
+ verifier = params['oauth_verifier'][0]
+ print 'verifier: %s' % verifier
+ pause()
+ # get access token
+ print '* Obtain an access token ...'
+ pause()
+ oauth_request = oauth.OAuthRequest.from_consumer_and_token(consumer, token=token, verifier=verifier, http_url=client.access_token_url)
+ oauth_request.sign_request(signature_method_plaintext, consumer, token)
+ print 'REQUEST (via headers)'
+ print 'parameters: %s' % str(oauth_request.parameters)
+ pause()
+ token = client.fetch_access_token(oauth_request)
+ print 'GOT'
+ print 'key: %s' % str(token.key)
+ print 'secret: %s' % str(token.secret)
+ pause()
+ # access some protected resources
+ print '* Access protected resources ...'
+ pause()
+ parameters = {'file': 'vacation.jpg', 'size': 'original'} # resource specific params
+ oauth_request = oauth.OAuthRequest.from_consumer_and_token(consumer, token=token, http_method='POST', http_url=RESOURCE_URL, parameters=parameters)
+ oauth_request.sign_request(signature_method_hmac_sha1, consumer, token)
+ print 'REQUEST (via post body)'
+ print 'parameters: %s' % str(oauth_request.parameters)
+ pause()
+ params = client.access_resource(oauth_request)
+ print 'GOT'
+ print 'non-oauth parameters: %s' % params
+ pause()
+def pause():
+ print ''
+ time.sleep(1)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ run_example()
+ print 'Done.'
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+The MIT License
+Copyright (c) 2007 Leah Culver
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+from BaseHTTPServer import BaseHTTPRequestHandler, HTTPServer
+import urllib
+import oauth.oauth as oauth
+# fake urls for the test server
+REQUEST_TOKEN_URL = 'https://photos.example.net/request_token'
+ACCESS_TOKEN_URL = 'https://photos.example.net/access_token'
+AUTHORIZATION_URL = 'https://photos.example.net/authorize'
+CALLBACK_URL = 'http://printer.example.com/request_token_ready'
+RESOURCE_URL = 'http://photos.example.net/photos'
+REALM = 'http://photos.example.net/'
+VERIFIER = 'verifier'
+# example store for one of each thing
+class MockOAuthDataStore(oauth.OAuthDataStore):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.consumer = oauth.OAuthConsumer('key', 'secret')
+ self.request_token = oauth.OAuthToken('requestkey', 'requestsecret')
+ self.access_token = oauth.OAuthToken('accesskey', 'accesssecret')
+ self.nonce = 'nonce'
+ self.verifier = VERIFIER
+ def lookup_consumer(self, key):
+ if key == self.consumer.key:
+ return self.consumer
+ return None
+ def lookup_token(self, token_type, token):
+ token_attrib = getattr(self, '%s_token' % token_type)
+ if token == token_attrib.key:
+ ## HACK
+ token_attrib.set_callback(CALLBACK_URL)
+ return token_attrib
+ return None
+ def lookup_nonce(self, oauth_consumer, oauth_token, nonce):
+ if oauth_token and oauth_consumer.key == self.consumer.key and (oauth_token.key == self.request_token.key or oauth_token.key == self.access_token.key) and nonce == self.nonce:
+ return self.nonce
+ return None
+ def fetch_request_token(self, oauth_consumer, oauth_callback):
+ if oauth_consumer.key == self.consumer.key:
+ if oauth_callback:
+ # want to check here if callback is sensible
+ # for mock store, we assume it is
+ self.request_token.set_callback(oauth_callback)
+ return self.request_token
+ return None
+ def fetch_access_token(self, oauth_consumer, oauth_token, oauth_verifier):
+ if oauth_consumer.key == self.consumer.key and oauth_token.key == self.request_token.key and oauth_verifier == self.verifier:
+ # want to check here if token is authorized
+ # for mock store, we assume it is
+ return self.access_token
+ return None
+ def authorize_request_token(self, oauth_token, user):
+ if oauth_token.key == self.request_token.key:
+ # authorize the request token in the store
+ # for mock store, do nothing
+ return self.request_token
+ return None
+class RequestHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ self.oauth_server = oauth.OAuthServer(MockOAuthDataStore())
+ self.oauth_server.add_signature_method(oauth.OAuthSignatureMethod_PLAINTEXT())
+ self.oauth_server.add_signature_method(oauth.OAuthSignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1())
+ BaseHTTPRequestHandler.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
+ # example way to send an oauth error
+ def send_oauth_error(self, err=None):
+ # send a 401 error
+ self.send_error(401, str(err.message))
+ # return the authenticate header
+ header = oauth.build_authenticate_header(realm=REALM)
+ for k, v in header.iteritems():
+ self.send_header(k, v)
+ def do_GET(self):
+ # debug info
+ #print self.command, self.path, self.headers
+ # get the post data (if any)
+ postdata = None
+ if self.command == 'POST':
+ try:
+ length = int(self.headers.getheader('content-length'))
+ postdata = self.rfile.read(length)
+ except:
+ pass
+ # construct the oauth request from the request parameters
+ oauth_request = oauth.OAuthRequest.from_request(self.command, self.path, headers=self.headers, query_string=postdata)
+ # request token
+ if self.path.startswith(REQUEST_TOKEN_URL):
+ try:
+ # create a request token
+ token = self.oauth_server.fetch_request_token(oauth_request)
+ # send okay response
+ self.send_response(200, 'OK')
+ self.end_headers()
+ # return the token
+ self.wfile.write(token.to_string())
+ except oauth.OAuthError, err:
+ self.send_oauth_error(err)
+ return
+ # user authorization
+ if self.path.startswith(AUTHORIZATION_URL):
+ try:
+ # get the request token
+ token = self.oauth_server.fetch_request_token(oauth_request)
+ # authorize the token (kind of does nothing for now)
+ token = self.oauth_server.authorize_token(token, None)
+ token.set_verifier(VERIFIER)
+ # send okay response
+ self.send_response(200, 'OK')
+ self.end_headers()
+ # return the callback url (to show server has it)
+ self.wfile.write(token.get_callback_url())
+ except oauth.OAuthError, err:
+ self.send_oauth_error(err)
+ return
+ # access token
+ if self.path.startswith(ACCESS_TOKEN_URL):
+ try:
+ # create an access token
+ token = self.oauth_server.fetch_access_token(oauth_request)
+ # send okay response
+ self.send_response(200, 'OK')
+ self.end_headers()
+ # return the token
+ self.wfile.write(token.to_string())
+ except oauth.OAuthError, err:
+ self.send_oauth_error(err)
+ return
+ # protected resources
+ if self.path.startswith(RESOURCE_URL):
+ try:
+ # verify the request has been oauth authorized
+ consumer, token, params = self.oauth_server.verify_request(oauth_request)
+ # send okay response
+ self.send_response(200, 'OK')
+ self.end_headers()
+ # return the extra parameters - just for something to return
+ self.wfile.write(str(params))
+ except oauth.OAuthError, err:
+ self.send_oauth_error(err)
+ return
+ def do_POST(self):
+ return self.do_GET()
+def main():
+ try:
+ server = HTTPServer(('', 8080), RequestHandler)
+ print 'Test server running...'
+ server.serve_forever()
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ server.socket.close()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+The MIT License
+Copyright (c) 2007 Leah Culver
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+import cgi
+import urllib
+import time
+import random
+import urlparse
+import hmac
+import binascii
+VERSION = '1.0' # Hi Blaine!
+class OAuthError(RuntimeError):
+ """Generic exception class."""
+ def __init__(self, message='OAuth error occured.'):
+ self.message = message
+def build_authenticate_header(realm=''):
+ """Optional WWW-Authenticate header (401 error)"""
+ return {'WWW-Authenticate': 'OAuth realm="%s"' % realm}
+def escape(s):
+ """Escape a URL including any /."""
+ return urllib.quote(s, safe='~')
+def _utf8_str(s):
+ """Convert unicode to utf-8."""
+ if isinstance(s, unicode):
+ return s.encode("utf-8")
+ else:
+ return str(s)
+def generate_timestamp():
+ """Get seconds since epoch (UTC)."""
+ return int(time.time())
+def generate_nonce(length=8):
+ """Generate pseudorandom number."""
+ return ''.join([str(random.randint(0, 9)) for i in range(length)])
+def generate_verifier(length=8):
+ """Generate pseudorandom number."""
+ return ''.join([str(random.randint(0, 9)) for i in range(length)])
+class OAuthConsumer(object):
+ """Consumer of OAuth authentication.
+ OAuthConsumer is a data type that represents the identity of the Consumer
+ via its shared secret with the Service Provider.
+ """
+ key = None
+ secret = None
+ def __init__(self, key, secret):
+ self.key = key
+ self.secret = secret
+class OAuthToken(object):
+ """OAuthToken is a data type that represents an End User via either an access
+ or request token.
+ key -- the token
+ secret -- the token secret
+ """
+ key = None
+ secret = None
+ callback = None
+ callback_confirmed = None
+ verifier = None
+ def __init__(self, key, secret):
+ self.key = key
+ self.secret = secret
+ def set_callback(self, callback):
+ self.callback = callback
+ self.callback_confirmed = 'true'
+ def set_verifier(self, verifier=None):
+ if verifier is not None:
+ self.verifier = verifier
+ else:
+ self.verifier = generate_verifier()
+ def get_callback_url(self):
+ if self.callback and self.verifier:
+ # Append the oauth_verifier.
+ parts = urlparse.urlparse(self.callback)
+ scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment = parts[:6]
+ if query:
+ query = '%s&oauth_verifier=%s' % (query, self.verifier)
+ else:
+ query = 'oauth_verifier=%s' % self.verifier
+ return urlparse.urlunparse((scheme, netloc, path, params,
+ query, fragment))
+ return self.callback
+ def to_string(self):
+ data = {
+ 'oauth_token': self.key,
+ 'oauth_token_secret': self.secret,
+ }
+ if self.callback_confirmed is not None:
+ data['oauth_callback_confirmed'] = self.callback_confirmed
+ return urllib.urlencode(data)
+ def from_string(s):
+ """ Returns a token from something like:
+ oauth_token_secret=xxx&oauth_token=xxx
+ """
+ params = cgi.parse_qs(s, keep_blank_values=False)
+ key = params['oauth_token'][0]
+ secret = params['oauth_token_secret'][0]
+ token = OAuthToken(key, secret)
+ try:
+ token.callback_confirmed = params['oauth_callback_confirmed'][0]
+ except KeyError:
+ pass # 1.0, no callback confirmed.
+ return token
+ from_string = staticmethod(from_string)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.to_string()
+class OAuthRequest(object):
+ """OAuthRequest represents the request and can be serialized.
+ OAuth parameters:
+ - oauth_consumer_key
+ - oauth_token
+ - oauth_signature_method
+ - oauth_signature
+ - oauth_timestamp
+ - oauth_nonce
+ - oauth_version
+ - oauth_verifier
+ ... any additional parameters, as defined by the Service Provider.
+ """
+ parameters = None # OAuth parameters.
+ http_method = HTTP_METHOD
+ http_url = None
+ version = VERSION
+ def __init__(self, http_method=HTTP_METHOD, http_url=None, parameters=None):
+ self.http_method = http_method
+ self.http_url = http_url
+ self.parameters = parameters or {}
+ def set_parameter(self, parameter, value):
+ self.parameters[parameter] = value
+ def get_parameter(self, parameter):
+ try:
+ return self.parameters[parameter]
+ except:
+ raise OAuthError('Parameter not found: %s' % parameter)
+ def _get_timestamp_nonce(self):
+ return self.get_parameter('oauth_timestamp'), self.get_parameter(
+ 'oauth_nonce')
+ def get_nonoauth_parameters(self):
+ """Get any non-OAuth parameters."""
+ parameters = {}
+ for k, v in self.parameters.iteritems():
+ # Ignore oauth parameters.
+ if k.find('oauth_') < 0:
+ parameters[k] = v
+ return parameters
+ def to_header(self, realm=''):
+ """Serialize as a header for an HTTPAuth request."""
+ auth_header = 'OAuth realm="%s"' % realm
+ # Add the oauth parameters.
+ if self.parameters:
+ for k, v in self.parameters.iteritems():
+ if k[:6] == 'oauth_':
+ auth_header += ', %s="%s"' % (k, escape(str(v)))
+ return {'Authorization': auth_header}
+ def to_postdata(self):
+ """Serialize as post data for a POST request."""
+ return '&'.join(['%s=%s' % (escape(str(k)), escape(str(v))) \
+ for k, v in self.parameters.iteritems()])
+ def to_url(self):
+ """Serialize as a URL for a GET request."""
+ return '%s?%s' % (self.get_normalized_http_url(), self.to_postdata())
+ def get_normalized_parameters(self):
+ """Return a string that contains the parameters that must be signed."""
+ params = self.parameters
+ try:
+ # Exclude the signature if it exists.
+ del params['oauth_signature']
+ except:
+ pass
+ # Escape key values before sorting.
+ key_values = [(escape(_utf8_str(k)), escape(_utf8_str(v))) \
+ for k,v in params.items()]
+ # Sort lexicographically, first after key, then after value.
+ key_values.sort()
+ # Combine key value pairs into a string.
+ return '&'.join(['%s=%s' % (k, v) for k, v in key_values])
+ def get_normalized_http_method(self):
+ """Uppercases the http method."""
+ return self.http_method.upper()
+ def get_normalized_http_url(self):
+ """Parses the URL and rebuilds it to be scheme://host/path."""
+ parts = urlparse.urlparse(self.http_url)
+ scheme, netloc, path = parts[:3]
+ # Exclude default port numbers.
+ if scheme == 'http' and netloc[-3:] == ':80':
+ netloc = netloc[:-3]
+ elif scheme == 'https' and netloc[-4:] == ':443':
+ netloc = netloc[:-4]
+ return '%s://%s%s' % (scheme, netloc, path)
+ def sign_request(self, signature_method, consumer, token):
+ """Set the signature parameter to the result of build_signature."""
+ # Set the signature method.
+ self.set_parameter('oauth_signature_method',
+ signature_method.get_name())
+ # Set the signature.
+ self.set_parameter('oauth_signature',
+ self.build_signature(signature_method, consumer, token))
+ def build_signature(self, signature_method, consumer, token):
+ """Calls the build signature method within the signature method."""
+ return signature_method.build_signature(self, consumer, token)
+ def from_request(http_method, http_url, headers=None, parameters=None,
+ query_string=None):
+ """Combines multiple parameter sources."""
+ if parameters is None:
+ parameters = {}
+ # Headers
+ if headers and 'Authorization' in headers:
+ auth_header = headers['Authorization']
+ # Check that the authorization header is OAuth.
+ if auth_header[:6] == 'OAuth ':
+ auth_header = auth_header[6:]
+ try:
+ # Get the parameters from the header.
+ header_params = OAuthRequest._split_header(auth_header)
+ parameters.update(header_params)
+ except:
+ raise OAuthError('Unable to parse OAuth parameters from '
+ 'Authorization header.')
+ # GET or POST query string.
+ if query_string:
+ query_params = OAuthRequest._split_url_string(query_string)
+ parameters.update(query_params)
+ # URL parameters.
+ param_str = urlparse.urlparse(http_url)[4] # query
+ url_params = OAuthRequest._split_url_string(param_str)
+ parameters.update(url_params)
+ if parameters:
+ return OAuthRequest(http_method, http_url, parameters)
+ return None
+ from_request = staticmethod(from_request)
+ def from_consumer_and_token(oauth_consumer, token=None,
+ callback=None, verifier=None, http_method=HTTP_METHOD,
+ http_url=None, parameters=None):
+ if not parameters:
+ parameters = {}
+ defaults = {
+ 'oauth_consumer_key': oauth_consumer.key,
+ 'oauth_timestamp': generate_timestamp(),
+ 'oauth_nonce': generate_nonce(),
+ 'oauth_version': OAuthRequest.version,
+ }
+ defaults.update(parameters)
+ parameters = defaults
+ if token:
+ parameters['oauth_token'] = token.key
+ if token.callback:
+ parameters['oauth_callback'] = token.callback
+ # 1.0a support for verifier.
+ if verifier:
+ parameters['oauth_verifier'] = verifier
+ elif callback:
+ # 1.0a support for callback in the request token request.
+ parameters['oauth_callback'] = callback
+ return OAuthRequest(http_method, http_url, parameters)
+ from_consumer_and_token = staticmethod(from_consumer_and_token)
+ def from_token_and_callback(token, callback=None, http_method=HTTP_METHOD,
+ http_url=None, parameters=None):
+ if not parameters:
+ parameters = {}
+ parameters['oauth_token'] = token.key
+ if callback:
+ parameters['oauth_callback'] = callback
+ return OAuthRequest(http_method, http_url, parameters)
+ from_token_and_callback = staticmethod(from_token_and_callback)
+ def _split_header(header):
+ """Turn Authorization: header into parameters."""
+ params = {}
+ parts = header.split(',')
+ for param in parts:
+ # Ignore realm parameter.
+ if param.find('realm') > -1:
+ continue
+ # Remove whitespace.
+ param = param.strip()
+ # Split key-value.
+ param_parts = param.split('=', 1)
+ # Remove quotes and unescape the value.
+ params[param_parts[0]] = urllib.unquote(param_parts[1].strip('\"'))
+ return params
+ _split_header = staticmethod(_split_header)
+ def _split_url_string(param_str):
+ """Turn URL string into parameters."""
+ parameters = cgi.parse_qs(param_str, keep_blank_values=False)
+ for k, v in parameters.iteritems():
+ parameters[k] = urllib.unquote(v[0])
+ return parameters
+ _split_url_string = staticmethod(_split_url_string)
+class OAuthServer(object):
+ """A worker to check the validity of a request against a data store."""
+ timestamp_threshold = 300 # In seconds, five minutes.
+ version = VERSION
+ signature_methods = None
+ data_store = None
+ def __init__(self, data_store=None, signature_methods=None):
+ self.data_store = data_store
+ self.signature_methods = signature_methods or {}
+ def set_data_store(self, data_store):
+ self.data_store = data_store
+ def get_data_store(self):
+ return self.data_store
+ def add_signature_method(self, signature_method):
+ self.signature_methods[signature_method.get_name()] = signature_method
+ return self.signature_methods
+ def fetch_request_token(self, oauth_request):
+ """Processes a request_token request and returns the
+ request token on success.
+ """
+ try:
+ # Get the request token for authorization.
+ token = self._get_token(oauth_request, 'request')
+ except OAuthError:
+ # No token required for the initial token request.
+ version = self._get_version(oauth_request)
+ consumer = self._get_consumer(oauth_request)
+ try:
+ callback = self.get_callback(oauth_request)
+ except OAuthError:
+ callback = None # 1.0, no callback specified.
+ self._check_signature(oauth_request, consumer, None)
+ # Fetch a new token.
+ token = self.data_store.fetch_request_token(consumer, callback)
+ return token
+ def fetch_access_token(self, oauth_request):
+ """Processes an access_token request and returns the
+ access token on success.
+ """
+ version = self._get_version(oauth_request)
+ consumer = self._get_consumer(oauth_request)
+ try:
+ verifier = self._get_verifier(oauth_request)
+ except OAuthError:
+ verifier = None
+ # Get the request token.
+ token = self._get_token(oauth_request, 'request')
+ self._check_signature(oauth_request, consumer, token)
+ new_token = self.data_store.fetch_access_token(consumer, token, verifier)
+ return new_token
+ def verify_request(self, oauth_request):
+ """Verifies an api call and checks all the parameters."""
+ # -> consumer and token
+ version = self._get_version(oauth_request)
+ consumer = self._get_consumer(oauth_request)
+ # Get the access token.
+ token = self._get_token(oauth_request, 'access')
+ self._check_signature(oauth_request, consumer, token)
+ parameters = oauth_request.get_nonoauth_parameters()
+ return consumer, token, parameters
+ def authorize_token(self, token, user):
+ """Authorize a request token."""
+ return self.data_store.authorize_request_token(token, user)
+ def get_callback(self, oauth_request):
+ """Get the callback URL."""
+ return oauth_request.get_parameter('oauth_callback')
+ def build_authenticate_header(self, realm=''):
+ """Optional support for the authenticate header."""
+ return {'WWW-Authenticate': 'OAuth realm="%s"' % realm}
+ def _get_version(self, oauth_request):
+ """Verify the correct version request for this server."""
+ try:
+ version = oauth_request.get_parameter('oauth_version')
+ except:
+ version = VERSION
+ if version and version != self.version:
+ raise OAuthError('OAuth version %s not supported.' % str(version))
+ return version
+ def _get_signature_method(self, oauth_request):
+ """Figure out the signature with some defaults."""
+ try:
+ signature_method = oauth_request.get_parameter(
+ 'oauth_signature_method')
+ except:
+ signature_method = SIGNATURE_METHOD
+ try:
+ # Get the signature method object.
+ signature_method = self.signature_methods[signature_method]
+ except:
+ signature_method_names = ', '.join(self.signature_methods.keys())
+ raise OAuthError('Signature method %s not supported try one of the '
+ 'following: %s' % (signature_method, signature_method_names))
+ return signature_method
+ def _get_consumer(self, oauth_request):
+ consumer_key = oauth_request.get_parameter('oauth_consumer_key')
+ consumer = self.data_store.lookup_consumer(consumer_key)
+ if not consumer:
+ raise OAuthError('Invalid consumer.')
+ return consumer
+ def _get_token(self, oauth_request, token_type='access'):
+ """Try to find the token for the provided request token key."""
+ token_field = oauth_request.get_parameter('oauth_token')
+ token = self.data_store.lookup_token(token_type, token_field)
+ if not token:
+ raise OAuthError('Invalid %s token: %s' % (token_type, token_field))
+ return token
+ def _get_verifier(self, oauth_request):
+ return oauth_request.get_parameter('oauth_verifier')
+ def _check_signature(self, oauth_request, consumer, token):
+ timestamp, nonce = oauth_request._get_timestamp_nonce()
+ self._check_timestamp(timestamp)
+ self._check_nonce(consumer, token, nonce)
+ signature_method = self._get_signature_method(oauth_request)
+ try:
+ signature = oauth_request.get_parameter('oauth_signature')
+ except:
+ raise OAuthError('Missing signature.')
+ # Validate the signature.
+ valid_sig = signature_method.check_signature(oauth_request, consumer,
+ token, signature)
+ if not valid_sig:
+ key, base = signature_method.build_signature_base_string(
+ oauth_request, consumer, token)
+ raise OAuthError('Invalid signature. Expected signature base '
+ 'string: %s' % base)
+ built = signature_method.build_signature(oauth_request, consumer, token)
+ def _check_timestamp(self, timestamp):
+ """Verify that timestamp is recentish."""
+ timestamp = int(timestamp)
+ now = int(time.time())
+ lapsed = now - timestamp
+ if lapsed > self.timestamp_threshold:
+ raise OAuthError('Expired timestamp: given %d and now %s has a '
+ 'greater difference than threshold %d' %
+ (timestamp, now, self.timestamp_threshold))
+ def _check_nonce(self, consumer, token, nonce):
+ """Verify that the nonce is uniqueish."""
+ nonce = self.data_store.lookup_nonce(consumer, token, nonce)
+ if nonce:
+ raise OAuthError('Nonce already used: %s' % str(nonce))
+class OAuthClient(object):
+ """OAuthClient is a worker to attempt to execute a request."""
+ consumer = None
+ token = None
+ def __init__(self, oauth_consumer, oauth_token):
+ self.consumer = oauth_consumer
+ self.token = oauth_token
+ def get_consumer(self):
+ return self.consumer
+ def get_token(self):
+ return self.token
+ def fetch_request_token(self, oauth_request):
+ """-> OAuthToken."""
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def fetch_access_token(self, oauth_request):
+ """-> OAuthToken."""
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def access_resource(self, oauth_request):
+ """-> Some protected resource."""
+ raise NotImplementedError
+class OAuthDataStore(object):
+ """A database abstraction used to lookup consumers and tokens."""
+ def lookup_consumer(self, key):
+ """-> OAuthConsumer."""
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def lookup_token(self, oauth_consumer, token_type, token_token):
+ """-> OAuthToken."""
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def lookup_nonce(self, oauth_consumer, oauth_token, nonce):
+ """-> OAuthToken."""
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def fetch_request_token(self, oauth_consumer, oauth_callback):
+ """-> OAuthToken."""
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def fetch_access_token(self, oauth_consumer, oauth_token, oauth_verifier):
+ """-> OAuthToken."""
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def authorize_request_token(self, oauth_token, user):
+ """-> OAuthToken."""
+ raise NotImplementedError
+class OAuthSignatureMethod(object):
+ """A strategy class that implements a signature method."""
+ def get_name(self):
+ """-> str."""
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def build_signature_base_string(self, oauth_request, oauth_consumer, oauth_token):
+ """-> str key, str raw."""
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def build_signature(self, oauth_request, oauth_consumer, oauth_token):
+ """-> str."""
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def check_signature(self, oauth_request, consumer, token, signature):
+ built = self.build_signature(oauth_request, consumer, token)
+ return built == signature
+class OAuthSignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1(OAuthSignatureMethod):
+ def get_name(self):
+ return 'HMAC-SHA1'
+ def build_signature_base_string(self, oauth_request, consumer, token):
+ sig = (
+ escape(oauth_request.get_normalized_http_method()),
+ escape(oauth_request.get_normalized_http_url()),
+ escape(oauth_request.get_normalized_parameters()),
+ )
+ key = '%s&' % escape(consumer.secret)
+ if token:
+ key += escape(token.secret)
+ raw = '&'.join(sig)
+ return key, raw
+ def build_signature(self, oauth_request, consumer, token):
+ """Builds the base signature string."""
+ key, raw = self.build_signature_base_string(oauth_request, consumer,
+ token)
+ # HMAC object.
+ try:
+ import hashlib # 2.5
+ hashed = hmac.new(key, raw, hashlib.sha1)
+ except:
+ import sha # Deprecated
+ hashed = hmac.new(key, raw, sha)
+ # Calculate the digest base 64.
+ return binascii.b2a_base64(hashed.digest())[:-1]
+class OAuthSignatureMethod_PLAINTEXT(OAuthSignatureMethod):
+ def get_name(self):
+ return 'PLAINTEXT'
+ def build_signature_base_string(self, oauth_request, consumer, token):
+ """Concatenates the consumer key and secret."""
+ sig = '%s&' % escape(consumer.secret)
+ if token:
+ sig = sig + escape(token.secret)
+ return sig, sig
+ def build_signature(self, oauth_request, consumer, token):
+ key, raw = self.build_signature_base_string(oauth_request, consumer,
+ token)
+ return key
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+# Tweepy
+# Copyright 2009-2010 Joshua Roesslein
+# See LICENSE for details.
+Tweepy Twitter API library
+__version__ = '2.3'
+__author__ = 'Joshua Roesslein'
+__license__ = 'MIT'
+from tweepy.models import Status, User, DirectMessage, Friendship, SavedSearch, SearchResults, ModelFactory, Category
+from tweepy.error import TweepError
+from tweepy.api import API
+from tweepy.cache import Cache, MemoryCache, FileCache
+from tweepy.auth import OAuthHandler
+from tweepy.streaming import Stream, StreamListener
+from tweepy.cursor import Cursor
+# Global, unauthenticated instance of API
+api = API()
+def debug(enable=True, level=1):
+ import httplib
+ httplib.HTTPConnection.debuglevel = level
--- /dev/null
+# Tweepy
+# Copyright 2009-2010 Joshua Roesslein
+# See LICENSE for details.
+import os
+import mimetypes
+from tweepy.binder import bind_api
+from tweepy.error import TweepError
+from tweepy.parsers import ModelParser
+from tweepy.utils import list_to_csv
+class API(object):
+ """Twitter API"""
+ def __init__(self, auth_handler=None,
+ host='api.twitter.com', search_host='search.twitter.com',
+ cache=None, secure=True, api_root='/1.1', search_root='',
+ retry_count=0, retry_delay=0, retry_errors=None, timeout=60,
+ parser=None, compression=False):
+ self.auth = auth_handler
+ self.host = host
+ self.search_host = search_host
+ self.api_root = api_root
+ self.search_root = search_root
+ self.cache = cache
+ self.secure = secure
+ self.compression = compression
+ self.retry_count = retry_count
+ self.retry_delay = retry_delay
+ self.retry_errors = retry_errors
+ self.timeout = timeout
+ self.parser = parser or ModelParser()
+ """ statuses/home_timeline """
+ home_timeline = bind_api(
+ path = '/statuses/home_timeline.json',
+ payload_type = 'status', payload_list = True,
+ allowed_param = ['since_id', 'max_id', 'count'],
+ require_auth = True
+ )
+ """ statuses/user_timeline """
+ user_timeline = bind_api(
+ path = '/statuses/user_timeline.json',
+ payload_type = 'status', payload_list = True,
+ allowed_param = ['id', 'user_id', 'screen_name', 'since_id',
+ 'max_id', 'count', 'include_rts']
+ )
+ """ statuses/mentions """
+ mentions_timeline = bind_api(
+ path = '/statuses/mentions_timeline.json',
+ payload_type = 'status', payload_list = True,
+ allowed_param = ['since_id', 'max_id', 'count'],
+ require_auth = True
+ )
+ """/related_results/show/:id.format"""
+ related_results = bind_api(
+ path = '/related_results/show/{id}.json',
+ payload_type = 'relation', payload_list = True,
+ allowed_param = ['id'],
+ require_auth = False
+ )
+ """ statuses/retweets_of_me """
+ retweets_of_me = bind_api(
+ path = '/statuses/retweets_of_me.json',
+ payload_type = 'status', payload_list = True,
+ allowed_param = ['since_id', 'max_id', 'count'],
+ require_auth = True
+ )
+ """ statuses/show """
+ get_status = bind_api(
+ path = '/statuses/show.json',
+ payload_type = 'status',
+ allowed_param = ['id']
+ )
+ """ statuses/update """
+ update_status = bind_api(
+ path = '/statuses/update.json',
+ method = 'POST',
+ payload_type = 'status',
+ allowed_param = ['status', 'in_reply_to_status_id', 'lat', 'long', 'source', 'place_id'],
+ require_auth = True
+ )
+ """ statuses/update_with_media """
+ def update_with_media(self, filename, *args, **kwargs):
+ headers, post_data = API._pack_image(filename, 3072, form_field='media[]')
+ kwargs.update({'headers': headers, 'post_data': post_data})
+ return bind_api(
+ path='/statuses/update_with_media.json',
+ method = 'POST',
+ payload_type='status',
+ allowed_param = [
+ 'status', 'possibly_sensitive', 'in_reply_to_status_id', 'lat', 'long',
+ 'place_id', 'display_coordinates'
+ ],
+ require_auth=True
+ )(self, *args, **kwargs)
+ """ statuses/destroy """
+ destroy_status = bind_api(
+ path = '/statuses/destroy/{id}.json',
+ method = 'POST',
+ payload_type = 'status',
+ allowed_param = ['id'],
+ require_auth = True
+ )
+ """ statuses/retweet """
+ retweet = bind_api(
+ path = '/statuses/retweet/{id}.json',
+ method = 'POST',
+ payload_type = 'status',
+ allowed_param = ['id'],
+ require_auth = True
+ )
+ """ statuses/retweets """
+ retweets = bind_api(
+ path = '/statuses/retweets/{id}.json',
+ payload_type = 'status', payload_list = True,
+ allowed_param = ['id', 'count'],
+ require_auth = True
+ )
+ retweeters = bind_api(
+ path = '/statuses/retweeters/ids.json',
+ payload_type = 'ids',
+ allowed_param = ['id', 'cursor', 'stringify_ids']
+ )
+ """ users/show """
+ get_user = bind_api(
+ path = '/users/show.json',
+ payload_type = 'user',
+ allowed_param = ['id', 'user_id', 'screen_name']
+ )
+ ''' statuses/oembed '''
+ get_oembed = bind_api(
+ path = '/statuses/oembed.json',
+ payload_type = 'json',
+ allowed_param = ['id', 'url', 'maxwidth', 'hide_media', 'omit_script', 'align', 'related', 'lang']
+ )
+ """ Perform bulk look up of users from user ID or screenname """
+ def lookup_users(self, user_ids=None, screen_names=None):
+ return self._lookup_users(list_to_csv(user_ids), list_to_csv(screen_names))
+ _lookup_users = bind_api(
+ path = '/users/lookup.json',
+ payload_type = 'user', payload_list = True,
+ allowed_param = ['user_id', 'screen_name'],
+ )
+ """ Get the authenticated user """
+ def me(self):
+ return self.get_user(screen_name=self.auth.get_username())
+ """ users/search """
+ search_users = bind_api(
+ path = '/users/search.json',
+ payload_type = 'user', payload_list = True,
+ require_auth = True,
+ allowed_param = ['q', 'count', 'page']
+ )
+ """ users/suggestions/:slug """
+ suggested_users = bind_api(
+ path = '/users/suggestions/{slug}.json',
+ payload_type = 'user', payload_list = True,
+ require_auth = True,
+ allowed_param = ['slug', 'lang']
+ )
+ """ users/suggestions """
+ suggested_categories = bind_api(
+ path = '/users/suggestions.json',
+ payload_type = 'category', payload_list = True,
+ allowed_param = ['lang'],
+ require_auth = True
+ )
+ """ users/suggestions/:slug/members """
+ suggested_users_tweets = bind_api(
+ path = '/users/suggestions/{slug}/members.json',
+ payload_type = 'status', payload_list = True,
+ allowed_param = ['slug'],
+ require_auth = True
+ )
+ """ direct_messages """
+ direct_messages = bind_api(
+ path = '/direct_messages.json',
+ payload_type = 'direct_message', payload_list = True,
+ allowed_param = ['since_id', 'max_id', 'count'],
+ require_auth = True
+ )
+ """ direct_messages/show """
+ get_direct_message = bind_api(
+ path = '/direct_messages/show/{id}.json',
+ payload_type = 'direct_message',
+ allowed_param = ['id'],
+ require_auth = True
+ )
+ """ direct_messages/sent """
+ sent_direct_messages = bind_api(
+ path = '/direct_messages/sent.json',
+ payload_type = 'direct_message', payload_list = True,
+ allowed_param = ['since_id', 'max_id', 'count', 'page'],
+ require_auth = True
+ )
+ """ direct_messages/new """
+ send_direct_message = bind_api(
+ path = '/direct_messages/new.json',
+ method = 'POST',
+ payload_type = 'direct_message',
+ allowed_param = ['user', 'screen_name', 'user_id', 'text'],
+ require_auth = True
+ )
+ """ direct_messages/destroy """
+ destroy_direct_message = bind_api(
+ path = '/direct_messages/destroy.json',
+ method = 'DELETE',
+ payload_type = 'direct_message',
+ allowed_param = ['id'],
+ require_auth = True
+ )
+ """ friendships/create """
+ create_friendship = bind_api(
+ path = '/friendships/create.json',
+ method = 'POST',
+ payload_type = 'user',
+ allowed_param = ['id', 'user_id', 'screen_name', 'follow'],
+ require_auth = True
+ )
+ """ friendships/destroy """
+ destroy_friendship = bind_api(
+ path = '/friendships/destroy.json',
+ method = 'DELETE',
+ payload_type = 'user',
+ allowed_param = ['id', 'user_id', 'screen_name'],
+ require_auth = True
+ )
+ """ friendships/show """
+ show_friendship = bind_api(
+ path = '/friendships/show.json',
+ payload_type = 'friendship',
+ allowed_param = ['source_id', 'source_screen_name',
+ 'target_id', 'target_screen_name']
+ )
+ """ Perform bulk look up of friendships from user ID or screenname """
+ def lookup_friendships(self, user_ids=None, screen_names=None):
+ return self._lookup_friendships(list_to_csv(user_ids), list_to_csv(screen_names))
+ _lookup_friendships = bind_api(
+ path = '/friendships/lookup.json',
+ payload_type = 'relationship', payload_list = True,
+ allowed_param = ['user_id', 'screen_name'],
+ require_auth = True
+ )
+ """ friends/ids """
+ friends_ids = bind_api(
+ path = '/friends/ids.json',
+ payload_type = 'ids',
+ allowed_param = ['id', 'user_id', 'screen_name', 'cursor']
+ )
+ """ friends/list """
+ friends = bind_api(
+ path = '/friends/list.json',
+ payload_type = 'user', payload_list = True,
+ allowed_param = ['id', 'user_id', 'screen_name', 'cursor']
+ )
+ """ friendships/incoming """
+ friendships_incoming = bind_api(
+ path = '/friendships/incoming.json',
+ payload_type = 'ids',
+ allowed_param = ['cursor']
+ )
+ """ friendships/outgoing"""
+ friendships_outgoing = bind_api(
+ path = '/friendships/outgoing.json',
+ payload_type = 'ids',
+ allowed_param = ['cursor']
+ )
+ """ followers/ids """
+ followers_ids = bind_api(
+ path = '/followers/ids.json',
+ payload_type = 'ids',
+ allowed_param = ['id', 'user_id', 'screen_name', 'cursor']
+ )
+ """ followers/list """
+ followers = bind_api(
+ path = '/followers/list.json',
+ payload_type = 'user', payload_list = True,
+ allowed_param = ['id', 'user_id', 'screen_name', 'cursor', 'count',
+ 'skip_status', 'include_user_entities']
+ )
+ """ account/verify_credentials """
+ def verify_credentials(self, **kargs):
+ try:
+ return bind_api(
+ path = '/account/verify_credentials.json',
+ payload_type = 'user',
+ require_auth = True,
+ allowed_param = ['include_entities', 'skip_status'],
+ )(self, **kargs)
+ except TweepError as e:
+ if e.response and e.response.status == 401:
+ return False
+ raise
+ """ account/rate_limit_status """
+ rate_limit_status = bind_api(
+ path = '/application/rate_limit_status.json',
+ payload_type = 'json',
+ allowed_param = ['resources'],
+ use_cache = False
+ )
+ """ account/update_delivery_device """
+ set_delivery_device = bind_api(
+ path = '/account/update_delivery_device.json',
+ method = 'POST',
+ allowed_param = ['device'],
+ payload_type = 'user',
+ require_auth = True
+ )
+ """ account/update_profile_colors """
+ update_profile_colors = bind_api(
+ path = '/account/update_profile_colors.json',
+ method = 'POST',
+ payload_type = 'user',
+ allowed_param = ['profile_background_color', 'profile_text_color',
+ 'profile_link_color', 'profile_sidebar_fill_color',
+ 'profile_sidebar_border_color'],
+ require_auth = True
+ )
+ """ account/update_profile_image """
+ def update_profile_image(self, filename):
+ headers, post_data = API._pack_image(filename, 700)
+ return bind_api(
+ path = '/account/update_profile_image.json',
+ method = 'POST',
+ payload_type = 'user',
+ require_auth = True
+ )(self, post_data=post_data, headers=headers)
+ """ account/update_profile_background_image """
+ def update_profile_background_image(self, filename, *args, **kargs):
+ headers, post_data = API._pack_image(filename, 800)
+ bind_api(
+ path = '/account/update_profile_background_image.json',
+ method = 'POST',
+ payload_type = 'user',
+ allowed_param = ['tile'],
+ require_auth = True
+ )(self, post_data=post_data, headers=headers)
+ """ account/update_profile_banner """
+ def update_profile_banner(self, filename, *args, **kargs):
+ headers, post_data = API._pack_image(filename, 700, form_field="banner")
+ bind_api(
+ path = '/account/update_profile_banner.json',
+ method = 'POST',
+ allowed_param = ['width', 'height', 'offset_left', 'offset_right'],
+ require_auth = True
+ )(self, post_data=post_data, headers=headers)
+ """ account/update_profile """
+ update_profile = bind_api(
+ path = '/account/update_profile.json',
+ method = 'POST',
+ payload_type = 'user',
+ allowed_param = ['name', 'url', 'location', 'description'],
+ require_auth = True
+ )
+ """ favorites """
+ favorites = bind_api(
+ path = '/favorites/list.json',
+ payload_type = 'status', payload_list = True,
+ allowed_param = ['screen_name', 'user_id', 'max_id', 'count', 'since_id', 'max_id']
+ )
+ """ favorites/create """
+ create_favorite = bind_api(
+ path = '/favorites/create.json',
+ method = 'POST',
+ payload_type = 'status',
+ allowed_param = ['id'],
+ require_auth = True
+ )
+ """ favorites/destroy """
+ destroy_favorite = bind_api(
+ path = '/favorites/destroy.json',
+ method = 'POST',
+ payload_type = 'status',
+ allowed_param = ['id'],
+ require_auth = True
+ )
+ """ blocks/create """
+ create_block = bind_api(
+ path = '/blocks/create.json',
+ method = 'POST',
+ payload_type = 'user',
+ allowed_param = ['id', 'user_id', 'screen_name'],
+ require_auth = True
+ )
+ """ blocks/destroy """
+ destroy_block = bind_api(
+ path = '/blocks/destroy.json',
+ method = 'DELETE',
+ payload_type = 'user',
+ allowed_param = ['id', 'user_id', 'screen_name'],
+ require_auth = True
+ )
+ """ blocks/blocking """
+ blocks = bind_api(
+ path = '/blocks/list.json',
+ payload_type = 'user', payload_list = True,
+ allowed_param = ['cursor'],
+ require_auth = True
+ )
+ """ blocks/blocking/ids """
+ blocks_ids = bind_api(
+ path = '/blocks/ids.json',
+ payload_type = 'json',
+ require_auth = True
+ )
+ """ report_spam """
+ report_spam = bind_api(
+ path = '/users/report_spam.json',
+ method = 'POST',
+ payload_type = 'user',
+ allowed_param = ['user_id', 'screen_name'],
+ require_auth = True
+ )
+ """ saved_searches """
+ saved_searches = bind_api(
+ path = '/saved_searches/list.json',
+ payload_type = 'saved_search', payload_list = True,
+ require_auth = True
+ )
+ """ saved_searches/show """
+ get_saved_search = bind_api(
+ path = '/saved_searches/show/{id}.json',
+ payload_type = 'saved_search',
+ allowed_param = ['id'],
+ require_auth = True
+ )
+ """ saved_searches/create """
+ create_saved_search = bind_api(
+ path = '/saved_searches/create.json',
+ method = 'POST',
+ payload_type = 'saved_search',
+ allowed_param = ['query'],
+ require_auth = True
+ )
+ """ saved_searches/destroy """
+ destroy_saved_search = bind_api(
+ path = '/saved_searches/destroy/{id}.json',
+ method = 'POST',
+ payload_type = 'saved_search',
+ allowed_param = ['id'],
+ require_auth = True
+ )
+ create_list = bind_api(
+ path = '/lists/create.json',
+ method = 'POST',
+ payload_type = 'list',
+ allowed_param = ['name', 'mode', 'description'],
+ require_auth = True
+ )
+ destroy_list = bind_api(
+ path = '/lists/destroy.json',
+ method = 'POST',
+ payload_type = 'list',
+ allowed_param = ['owner_screen_name', 'owner_id', 'list_id', 'slug'],
+ require_auth = True
+ )
+ update_list = bind_api(
+ path = '/lists/update.json',
+ method = 'POST',
+ payload_type = 'list',
+ allowed_param = ['list_id', 'slug', 'name', 'mode', 'description', 'owner_screen_name', 'owner_id'],
+ require_auth = True
+ )
+ lists_all = bind_api(
+ path = '/lists/list.json',
+ payload_type = 'list', payload_list = True,
+ allowed_param = ['screen_name', 'user_id'],
+ require_auth = True
+ )
+ lists_memberships = bind_api(
+ path = '/lists/memberships.json',
+ payload_type = 'list', payload_list = True,
+ allowed_param = ['screen_name', 'user_id', 'filter_to_owned_lists', 'cursor'],
+ require_auth = True
+ )
+ lists_subscriptions = bind_api(
+ path = '/lists/subscriptions.json',
+ payload_type = 'list', payload_list = True,
+ allowed_param = ['screen_name', 'user_id', 'cursor'],
+ require_auth = True
+ )
+ list_timeline = bind_api(
+ path = '/lists/statuses.json',
+ payload_type = 'status', payload_list = True,
+ allowed_param = ['owner_screen_name', 'slug', 'owner_id', 'list_id', 'since_id', 'max_id', 'count', 'include_rts']
+ )
+ get_list = bind_api(
+ path = '/lists/show.json',
+ payload_type = 'list',
+ allowed_param = ['owner_screen_name', 'owner_id', 'slug', 'list_id']
+ )
+ add_list_member = bind_api(
+ path = '/lists/members/create.json',
+ method = 'POST',
+ payload_type = 'list',
+ allowed_param = ['screen_name', 'user_id', 'owner_screen_name', 'owner_id', 'slug', 'list_id'],
+ require_auth = True
+ )
+ remove_list_member = bind_api(
+ path = '/lists/members/destroy.json',
+ method = 'POST',
+ payload_type = 'list',
+ allowed_param = ['screen_name', 'user_id', 'owner_screen_name', 'owner_id', 'slug', 'list_id'],
+ require_auth = True
+ )
+ list_members = bind_api(
+ path = '/lists/members.json',
+ payload_type = 'user', payload_list = True,
+ allowed_param = ['owner_screen_name', 'slug', 'list_id', 'owner_id', 'cursor']
+ )
+ show_list_member = bind_api(
+ path = '/lists/members/show.json',
+ payload_type = 'user',
+ allowed_param = ['list_id', 'slug', 'user_id', 'screen_name', 'owner_screen_name', 'owner_id']
+ )
+ subscribe_list = bind_api(
+ path = '/lists/subscribers/create.json',
+ method = 'POST',
+ payload_type = 'list',
+ allowed_param = ['owner_screen_name', 'slug', 'owner_id', 'list_id'],
+ require_auth = True
+ )
+ unsubscribe_list = bind_api(
+ path = '/lists/subscribers/destroy.json',
+ method = 'POST',
+ payload_type = 'list',
+ allowed_param = ['owner_screen_name', 'slug', 'owner_id', 'list_id'],
+ require_auth = True
+ )
+ list_subscribers = bind_api(
+ path = '/lists/subscribers.json',
+ payload_type = 'user', payload_list = True,
+ allowed_param = ['owner_screen_name', 'slug', 'owner_id', 'list_id', 'cursor']
+ )
+ show_list_subscriber = bind_api(
+ path = '/lists/subscribers/show.json',
+ payload_type = 'user',
+ allowed_param = ['owner_screen_name', 'slug', 'screen_name', 'owner_id', 'list_id', 'user_id']
+ )
+ """ trends/available """
+ trends_available = bind_api(
+ path = '/trends/available.json',
+ payload_type = 'json'
+ )
+ trends_place = bind_api(
+ path = '/trends/place.json',
+ payload_type = 'json',
+ allowed_param = ['id', 'exclude']
+ )
+ trends_closest = bind_api(
+ path = '/trends/closest.json',
+ payload_type = 'json',
+ allowed_param = ['lat', 'long']
+ )
+ """ search """
+ search = bind_api(
+ path = '/search/tweets.json',
+ payload_type = 'search_results',
+ allowed_param = ['q', 'lang', 'locale', 'since_id', 'geocode', 'max_id', 'since', 'until', 'result_type', 'count', 'include_entities', 'from', 'to', 'source']
+ )
+ """ trends/daily """
+ trends_daily = bind_api(
+ path = '/trends/daily.json',
+ payload_type = 'json',
+ allowed_param = ['date', 'exclude']
+ )
+ """ trends/weekly """
+ trends_weekly = bind_api(
+ path = '/trends/weekly.json',
+ payload_type = 'json',
+ allowed_param = ['date', 'exclude']
+ )
+ """ geo/reverse_geocode """
+ reverse_geocode = bind_api(
+ path = '/geo/reverse_geocode.json',
+ payload_type = 'place', payload_list = True,
+ allowed_param = ['lat', 'long', 'accuracy', 'granularity', 'max_results']
+ )
+ """ geo/id """
+ geo_id = bind_api(
+ path = '/geo/id/{id}.json',
+ payload_type = 'place',
+ allowed_param = ['id']
+ )
+ """ geo/search """
+ geo_search = bind_api(
+ path = '/geo/search.json',
+ payload_type = 'place', payload_list = True,
+ allowed_param = ['lat', 'long', 'query', 'ip', 'granularity', 'accuracy', 'max_results', 'contained_within']
+ )
+ """ geo/similar_places """
+ geo_similar_places = bind_api(
+ path = '/geo/similar_places.json',
+ payload_type = 'place', payload_list = True,
+ allowed_param = ['lat', 'long', 'name', 'contained_within']
+ )
+ """ help/languages.json """
+ supported_languages = bind_api(
+ path = '/help/languages.json',
+ payload_type = 'json',
+ require_auth = True
+ )
+ """ help/configuration """
+ configuration = bind_api(
+ path = '/help/configuration.json',
+ payload_type = 'json',
+ require_auth = True
+ )
+ """ Internal use only """
+ @staticmethod
+ def _pack_image(filename, max_size, form_field="image"):
+ """Pack image from file into multipart-formdata post body"""
+ # image must be less than 700kb in size
+ try:
+ if os.path.getsize(filename) > (max_size * 1024):
+ raise TweepError('File is too big, must be less than 700kb.')
+ except os.error:
+ raise TweepError('Unable to access file')
+ # image must be gif, jpeg, or png
+ file_type = mimetypes.guess_type(filename)
+ if file_type is None:
+ raise TweepError('Could not determine file type')
+ file_type = file_type[0]
+ if file_type not in ['image/gif', 'image/jpeg', 'image/png']:
+ raise TweepError('Invalid file type for image: %s' % file_type)
+ # build the mulitpart-formdata body
+ fp = open(filename, 'rb')
+ BOUNDARY = 'Tw3ePy'
+ body = []
+ body.append('--' + BOUNDARY)
+ body.append('Content-Disposition: form-data; name="%s"; filename="%s"' % (form_field, filename))
+ body.append('Content-Type: %s' % file_type)
+ body.append('')
+ body.append(fp.read())
+ body.append('--' + BOUNDARY + '--')
+ body.append('')
+ fp.close()
+ body = '\r\n'.join(body)
+ # build headers
+ headers = {
+ 'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data; boundary=Tw3ePy',
+ 'Content-Length': str(len(body))
+ }
+ return headers, body
--- /dev/null
+# Tweepy
+# Copyright 2009-2010 Joshua Roesslein
+# See LICENSE for details.
+from urllib2 import Request, urlopen
+import base64
+from tweepy import oauth
+from tweepy.error import TweepError
+from tweepy.api import API
+class AuthHandler(object):
+ def apply_auth(self, url, method, headers, parameters):
+ """Apply authentication headers to request"""
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def get_username(self):
+ """Return the username of the authenticated user"""
+ raise NotImplementedError
+class OAuthHandler(AuthHandler):
+ """OAuth authentication handler"""
+ OAUTH_HOST = 'api.twitter.com'
+ OAUTH_ROOT = '/oauth/'
+ def __init__(self, consumer_key, consumer_secret, callback=None, secure=True):
+ if type(consumer_key) == unicode:
+ consumer_key = bytes(consumer_key)
+ if type(consumer_secret) == unicode:
+ consumer_secret = bytes(consumer_secret)
+ self._consumer = oauth.OAuthConsumer(consumer_key, consumer_secret)
+ self._sigmethod = oauth.OAuthSignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1()
+ self.request_token = None
+ self.access_token = None
+ self.callback = callback
+ self.username = None
+ self.secure = secure
+ def _get_oauth_url(self, endpoint, secure=True):
+ if self.secure or secure:
+ prefix = 'https://'
+ else:
+ prefix = 'http://'
+ return prefix + self.OAUTH_HOST + self.OAUTH_ROOT + endpoint
+ def apply_auth(self, url, method, headers, parameters):
+ request = oauth.OAuthRequest.from_consumer_and_token(
+ self._consumer, http_url=url, http_method=method,
+ token=self.access_token, parameters=parameters
+ )
+ request.sign_request(self._sigmethod, self._consumer, self.access_token)
+ headers.update(request.to_header())
+ def _get_request_token(self):
+ try:
+ url = self._get_oauth_url('request_token')
+ request = oauth.OAuthRequest.from_consumer_and_token(
+ self._consumer, http_url=url, callback=self.callback
+ )
+ request.sign_request(self._sigmethod, self._consumer, None)
+ resp = urlopen(Request(url, headers=request.to_header()))
+ return oauth.OAuthToken.from_string(resp.read())
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise TweepError(e)
+ def set_request_token(self, key, secret):
+ self.request_token = oauth.OAuthToken(key, secret)
+ def set_access_token(self, key, secret):
+ self.access_token = oauth.OAuthToken(key, secret)
+ def get_authorization_url(self, signin_with_twitter=False):
+ """Get the authorization URL to redirect the user"""
+ try:
+ # get the request token
+ self.request_token = self._get_request_token()
+ # build auth request and return as url
+ if signin_with_twitter:
+ url = self._get_oauth_url('authenticate')
+ else:
+ url = self._get_oauth_url('authorize')
+ request = oauth.OAuthRequest.from_token_and_callback(
+ token=self.request_token, http_url=url
+ )
+ return request.to_url()
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise TweepError(e)
+ def get_access_token(self, verifier=None):
+ """
+ After user has authorized the request token, get access token
+ with user supplied verifier.
+ """
+ try:
+ url = self._get_oauth_url('access_token')
+ # build request
+ request = oauth.OAuthRequest.from_consumer_and_token(
+ self._consumer,
+ token=self.request_token, http_url=url,
+ verifier=str(verifier)
+ )
+ request.sign_request(self._sigmethod, self._consumer, self.request_token)
+ # send request
+ resp = urlopen(Request(url, headers=request.to_header()))
+ self.access_token = oauth.OAuthToken.from_string(resp.read())
+ return self.access_token
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise TweepError(e)
+ def get_xauth_access_token(self, username, password):
+ """
+ Get an access token from an username and password combination.
+ In order to get this working you need to create an app at
+ http://twitter.com/apps, after that send a mail to api@twitter.com
+ and request activation of xAuth for it.
+ """
+ try:
+ url = self._get_oauth_url('access_token', secure=True) # must use HTTPS
+ request = oauth.OAuthRequest.from_consumer_and_token(
+ oauth_consumer=self._consumer,
+ http_method='POST', http_url=url,
+ parameters = {
+ 'x_auth_mode': 'client_auth',
+ 'x_auth_username': username,
+ 'x_auth_password': password
+ }
+ )
+ request.sign_request(self._sigmethod, self._consumer, None)
+ resp = urlopen(Request(url, data=request.to_postdata()))
+ self.access_token = oauth.OAuthToken.from_string(resp.read())
+ return self.access_token
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise TweepError(e)
+ def get_username(self):
+ if self.username is None:
+ api = API(self)
+ user = api.verify_credentials()
+ if user:
+ self.username = user.screen_name
+ else:
+ raise TweepError("Unable to get username, invalid oauth token!")
+ return self.username
--- /dev/null
+# Tweepy
+# Copyright 2009-2010 Joshua Roesslein
+# See LICENSE for details.
+import httplib
+import urllib
+import time
+import re
+from StringIO import StringIO
+import gzip
+from tweepy.error import TweepError
+from tweepy.utils import convert_to_utf8_str
+from tweepy.models import Model
+re_path_template = re.compile('{\w+}')
+def bind_api(**config):
+ class APIMethod(object):
+ path = config['path']
+ payload_type = config.get('payload_type', None)
+ payload_list = config.get('payload_list', False)
+ allowed_param = config.get('allowed_param', [])
+ method = config.get('method', 'GET')
+ require_auth = config.get('require_auth', False)
+ search_api = config.get('search_api', False)
+ use_cache = config.get('use_cache', True)
+ def __init__(self, api, args, kargs):
+ # If authentication is required and no credentials
+ # are provided, throw an error.
+ if self.require_auth and not api.auth:
+ raise TweepError('Authentication required!')
+ self.api = api
+ self.post_data = kargs.pop('post_data', None)
+ self.retry_count = kargs.pop('retry_count', api.retry_count)
+ self.retry_delay = kargs.pop('retry_delay', api.retry_delay)
+ self.retry_errors = kargs.pop('retry_errors', api.retry_errors)
+ self.headers = kargs.pop('headers', {})
+ self.build_parameters(args, kargs)
+ # Pick correct URL root to use
+ if self.search_api:
+ self.api_root = api.search_root
+ else:
+ self.api_root = api.api_root
+ # Perform any path variable substitution
+ self.build_path()
+ if api.secure:
+ self.scheme = 'https://'
+ else:
+ self.scheme = 'http://'
+ if self.search_api:
+ self.host = api.search_host
+ else:
+ self.host = api.host
+ # Manually set Host header to fix an issue in python 2.5
+ # or older where Host is set including the 443 port.
+ # This causes Twitter to issue 301 redirect.
+ # See Issue https://github.com/tweepy/tweepy/issues/12
+ self.headers['Host'] = self.host
+ def build_parameters(self, args, kargs):
+ self.parameters = {}
+ for idx, arg in enumerate(args):
+ if arg is None:
+ continue
+ try:
+ self.parameters[self.allowed_param[idx]] = convert_to_utf8_str(arg)
+ except IndexError:
+ raise TweepError('Too many parameters supplied!')
+ for k, arg in kargs.items():
+ if arg is None:
+ continue
+ if k in self.parameters:
+ raise TweepError('Multiple values for parameter %s supplied!' % k)
+ self.parameters[k] = convert_to_utf8_str(arg)
+ def build_path(self):
+ for variable in re_path_template.findall(self.path):
+ name = variable.strip('{}')
+ if name == 'user' and 'user' not in self.parameters and self.api.auth:
+ # No 'user' parameter provided, fetch it from Auth instead.
+ value = self.api.auth.get_username()
+ else:
+ try:
+ value = urllib.quote(self.parameters[name])
+ except KeyError:
+ raise TweepError('No parameter value found for path variable: %s' % name)
+ del self.parameters[name]
+ self.path = self.path.replace(variable, value)
+ def execute(self):
+ self.api.cached_result = False
+ # Build the request URL
+ url = self.api_root + self.path
+ if len(self.parameters):
+ url = '%s?%s' % (url, urllib.urlencode(self.parameters))
+ # Query the cache if one is available
+ # and this request uses a GET method.
+ if self.use_cache and self.api.cache and self.method == 'GET':
+ cache_result = self.api.cache.get(url)
+ # if cache result found and not expired, return it
+ if cache_result:
+ # must restore api reference
+ if isinstance(cache_result, list):
+ for result in cache_result:
+ if isinstance(result, Model):
+ result._api = self.api
+ else:
+ if isinstance(cache_result, Model):
+ cache_result._api = self.api
+ self.api.cached_result = True
+ return cache_result
+ # Continue attempting request until successful
+ # or maximum number of retries is reached.
+ retries_performed = 0
+ while retries_performed < self.retry_count + 1:
+ # Open connection
+ if self.api.secure:
+ conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection(self.host, timeout=self.api.timeout)
+ else:
+ conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(self.host, timeout=self.api.timeout)
+ # Apply authentication
+ if self.api.auth:
+ self.api.auth.apply_auth(
+ self.scheme + self.host + url,
+ self.method, self.headers, self.parameters
+ )
+ # Request compression if configured
+ if self.api.compression:
+ self.headers['Accept-encoding'] = 'gzip'
+ # Execute request
+ try:
+ conn.request(self.method, url, headers=self.headers, body=self.post_data)
+ resp = conn.getresponse()
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise TweepError('Failed to send request: %s' % e)
+ # Exit request loop if non-retry error code
+ if self.retry_errors:
+ if resp.status not in self.retry_errors: break
+ else:
+ if resp.status == 200: break
+ # Sleep before retrying request again
+ time.sleep(self.retry_delay)
+ retries_performed += 1
+ # If an error was returned, throw an exception
+ self.api.last_response = resp
+ if resp.status and not 200 <= resp.status < 300:
+ try:
+ error_msg = self.api.parser.parse_error(resp.read())
+ except Exception:
+ error_msg = "Twitter error response: status code = %s" % resp.status
+ raise TweepError(error_msg, resp)
+ # Parse the response payload
+ body = resp.read()
+ if resp.getheader('Content-Encoding', '') == 'gzip':
+ try:
+ zipper = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=StringIO(body))
+ body = zipper.read()
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise TweepError('Failed to decompress data: %s' % e)
+ result = self.api.parser.parse(self, body)
+ conn.close()
+ # Store result into cache if one is available.
+ if self.use_cache and self.api.cache and self.method == 'GET' and result:
+ self.api.cache.store(url, result)
+ return result
+ def _call(api, *args, **kargs):
+ method = APIMethod(api, args, kargs)
+ return method.execute()
+ # Set pagination mode
+ if 'cursor' in APIMethod.allowed_param:
+ _call.pagination_mode = 'cursor'
+ elif 'max_id' in APIMethod.allowed_param and \
+ 'since_id' in APIMethod.allowed_param:
+ _call.pagination_mode = 'id'
+ elif 'page' in APIMethod.allowed_param:
+ _call.pagination_mode = 'page'
+ return _call
--- /dev/null
+# Tweepy
+# Copyright 2009-2010 Joshua Roesslein
+# See LICENSE for details.
+import time
+import datetime
+import threading
+import os
+ import cPickle as pickle
+except ImportError:
+ import pickle
+ import hashlib
+except ImportError:
+ # python 2.4
+ import md5 as hashlib
+ import fcntl
+except ImportError:
+ # Probably on a windows system
+ # TODO: use win32file
+ pass
+class Cache(object):
+ """Cache interface"""
+ def __init__(self, timeout=60):
+ """Initialize the cache
+ timeout: number of seconds to keep a cached entry
+ """
+ self.timeout = timeout
+ def store(self, key, value):
+ """Add new record to cache
+ key: entry key
+ value: data of entry
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def get(self, key, timeout=None):
+ """Get cached entry if exists and not expired
+ key: which entry to get
+ timeout: override timeout with this value [optional]
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def count(self):
+ """Get count of entries currently stored in cache"""
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def cleanup(self):
+ """Delete any expired entries in cache."""
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def flush(self):
+ """Delete all cached entries"""
+ raise NotImplementedError
+class MemoryCache(Cache):
+ """In-memory cache"""
+ def __init__(self, timeout=60):
+ Cache.__init__(self, timeout)
+ self._entries = {}
+ self.lock = threading.Lock()
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ # pickle
+ return {'entries': self._entries, 'timeout': self.timeout}
+ def __setstate__(self, state):
+ # unpickle
+ self.lock = threading.Lock()
+ self._entries = state['entries']
+ self.timeout = state['timeout']
+ def _is_expired(self, entry, timeout):
+ return timeout > 0 and (time.time() - entry[0]) >= timeout
+ def store(self, key, value):
+ self.lock.acquire()
+ self._entries[key] = (time.time(), value)
+ self.lock.release()
+ def get(self, key, timeout=None):
+ self.lock.acquire()
+ try:
+ # check to see if we have this key
+ entry = self._entries.get(key)
+ if not entry:
+ # no hit, return nothing
+ return None
+ # use provided timeout in arguments if provided
+ # otherwise use the one provided during init.
+ if timeout is None:
+ timeout = self.timeout
+ # make sure entry is not expired
+ if self._is_expired(entry, timeout):
+ # entry expired, delete and return nothing
+ del self._entries[key]
+ return None
+ # entry found and not expired, return it
+ return entry[1]
+ finally:
+ self.lock.release()
+ def count(self):
+ return len(self._entries)
+ def cleanup(self):
+ self.lock.acquire()
+ try:
+ for k, v in self._entries.items():
+ if self._is_expired(v, self.timeout):
+ del self._entries[k]
+ finally:
+ self.lock.release()
+ def flush(self):
+ self.lock.acquire()
+ self._entries.clear()
+ self.lock.release()
+class FileCache(Cache):
+ """File-based cache"""
+ # locks used to make cache thread-safe
+ cache_locks = {}
+ def __init__(self, cache_dir, timeout=60):
+ Cache.__init__(self, timeout)
+ if os.path.exists(cache_dir) is False:
+ os.mkdir(cache_dir)
+ self.cache_dir = cache_dir
+ if cache_dir in FileCache.cache_locks:
+ self.lock = FileCache.cache_locks[cache_dir]
+ else:
+ self.lock = threading.Lock()
+ FileCache.cache_locks[cache_dir] = self.lock
+ if os.name == 'posix':
+ self._lock_file = self._lock_file_posix
+ self._unlock_file = self._unlock_file_posix
+ elif os.name == 'nt':
+ self._lock_file = self._lock_file_win32
+ self._unlock_file = self._unlock_file_win32
+ else:
+ print('Warning! FileCache locking not supported on this system!')
+ self._lock_file = self._lock_file_dummy
+ self._unlock_file = self._unlock_file_dummy
+ def _get_path(self, key):
+ md5 = hashlib.md5()
+ md5.update(key)
+ return os.path.join(self.cache_dir, md5.hexdigest())
+ def _lock_file_dummy(self, path, exclusive=True):
+ return None
+ def _unlock_file_dummy(self, lock):
+ return
+ def _lock_file_posix(self, path, exclusive=True):
+ lock_path = path + '.lock'
+ if exclusive is True:
+ f_lock = open(lock_path, 'w')
+ fcntl.lockf(f_lock, fcntl.LOCK_EX)
+ else:
+ f_lock = open(lock_path, 'r')
+ fcntl.lockf(f_lock, fcntl.LOCK_SH)
+ if os.path.exists(lock_path) is False:
+ f_lock.close()
+ return None
+ return f_lock
+ def _unlock_file_posix(self, lock):
+ lock.close()
+ def _lock_file_win32(self, path, exclusive=True):
+ # TODO: implement
+ return None
+ def _unlock_file_win32(self, lock):
+ # TODO: implement
+ return
+ def _delete_file(self, path):
+ os.remove(path)
+ if os.path.exists(path + '.lock'):
+ os.remove(path + '.lock')
+ def store(self, key, value):
+ path = self._get_path(key)
+ self.lock.acquire()
+ try:
+ # acquire lock and open file
+ f_lock = self._lock_file(path)
+ datafile = open(path, 'wb')
+ # write data
+ pickle.dump((time.time(), value), datafile)
+ # close and unlock file
+ datafile.close()
+ self._unlock_file(f_lock)
+ finally:
+ self.lock.release()
+ def get(self, key, timeout=None):
+ return self._get(self._get_path(key), timeout)
+ def _get(self, path, timeout):
+ if os.path.exists(path) is False:
+ # no record
+ return None
+ self.lock.acquire()
+ try:
+ # acquire lock and open
+ f_lock = self._lock_file(path, False)
+ datafile = open(path, 'rb')
+ # read pickled object
+ created_time, value = pickle.load(datafile)
+ datafile.close()
+ # check if value is expired
+ if timeout is None:
+ timeout = self.timeout
+ if timeout > 0 and (time.time() - created_time) >= timeout:
+ # expired! delete from cache
+ value = None
+ self._delete_file(path)
+ # unlock and return result
+ self._unlock_file(f_lock)
+ return value
+ finally:
+ self.lock.release()
+ def count(self):
+ c = 0
+ for entry in os.listdir(self.cache_dir):
+ if entry.endswith('.lock'):
+ continue
+ c += 1
+ return c
+ def cleanup(self):
+ for entry in os.listdir(self.cache_dir):
+ if entry.endswith('.lock'):
+ continue
+ self._get(os.path.join(self.cache_dir, entry), None)
+ def flush(self):
+ for entry in os.listdir(self.cache_dir):
+ if entry.endswith('.lock'):
+ continue
+ self._delete_file(os.path.join(self.cache_dir, entry))
+class MemCacheCache(Cache):
+ """Cache interface"""
+ def __init__(self, client, timeout=60):
+ """Initialize the cache
+ client: The memcache client
+ timeout: number of seconds to keep a cached entry
+ """
+ self.client = client
+ self.timeout = timeout
+ def store(self, key, value):
+ """Add new record to cache
+ key: entry key
+ value: data of entry
+ """
+ self.client.set(key, value, time=self.timeout)
+ def get(self, key, timeout=None):
+ """Get cached entry if exists and not expired
+ key: which entry to get
+ timeout: override timeout with this value [optional]. DOES NOT WORK HERE
+ """
+ return self.client.get(key)
+ def count(self):
+ """Get count of entries currently stored in cache. RETURN 0"""
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def cleanup(self):
+ """Delete any expired entries in cache. NO-OP"""
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def flush(self):
+ """Delete all cached entries. NO-OP"""
+ raise NotImplementedError
+class RedisCache(Cache):
+ '''Cache running in a redis server'''
+ def __init__(self, client, timeout=60, keys_container = 'tweepy:keys', pre_identifier = 'tweepy:'):
+ Cache.__init__(self, timeout)
+ self.client = client
+ self.keys_container = keys_container
+ self.pre_identifier = pre_identifier
+ def _is_expired(self, entry, timeout):
+ # Returns true if the entry has expired
+ return timeout > 0 and (time.time() - entry[0]) >= timeout
+ def store(self, key, value):
+ '''Store the key, value pair in our redis server'''
+ # Prepend tweepy to our key, this makes it easier to identify tweepy keys in our redis server
+ key = self.pre_identifier + key
+ # Get a pipe (to execute several redis commands in one step)
+ pipe = self.client.pipeline()
+ # Set our values in a redis hash (similar to python dict)
+ pipe.set(key, pickle.dumps((time.time(), value)))
+ # Set the expiration
+ pipe.expire(key, self.timeout)
+ # Add the key to a set containing all the keys
+ pipe.sadd(self.keys_container, key)
+ # Execute the instructions in the redis server
+ pipe.execute()
+ def get(self, key, timeout=None):
+ '''Given a key, returns an element from the redis table'''
+ key = self.pre_identifier + key
+ # Check to see if we have this key
+ unpickled_entry = self.client.get(key)
+ if not unpickled_entry:
+ # No hit, return nothing
+ return None
+ entry = pickle.loads(unpickled_entry)
+ # Use provided timeout in arguments if provided
+ # otherwise use the one provided during init.
+ if timeout is None:
+ timeout = self.timeout
+ # Make sure entry is not expired
+ if self._is_expired(entry, timeout):
+ # entry expired, delete and return nothing
+ self.delete_entry(key)
+ return None
+ # entry found and not expired, return it
+ return entry[1]
+ def count(self):
+ '''Note: This is not very efficient, since it retreives all the keys from the redis
+ server to know how many keys we have'''
+ return len(self.client.smembers(self.keys_container))
+ def delete_entry(self, key):
+ '''Delete an object from the redis table'''
+ pipe = self.client.pipeline()
+ pipe.srem(self.keys_container, key)
+ pipe.delete(key)
+ pipe.execute()
+ def cleanup(self):
+ '''Cleanup all the expired keys'''
+ keys = self.client.smembers(self.keys_container)
+ for key in keys:
+ entry = self.client.get(key)
+ if entry:
+ entry = pickle.loads(entry)
+ if self._is_expired(entry, self.timeout):
+ self.delete_entry(key)
+ def flush(self):
+ '''Delete all entries from the cache'''
+ keys = self.client.smembers(self.keys_container)
+ for key in keys:
+ self.delete_entry(key)
+class MongodbCache(Cache):
+ """A simple pickle-based MongoDB cache sytem."""
+ def __init__(self, db, timeout=3600, collection='tweepy_cache'):
+ """Should receive a "database" cursor from pymongo."""
+ Cache.__init__(self, timeout)
+ self.timeout = timeout
+ self.col = db[collection]
+ self.col.create_index('created', expireAfterSeconds=timeout)
+ def store(self, key, value):
+ from bson.binary import Binary
+ now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
+ blob = Binary(pickle.dumps(value))
+ self.col.insert({'created': now, '_id': key, 'value': blob})
+ def get(self, key, timeout=None):
+ if timeout:
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ obj = self.col.find_one({'_id': key})
+ if obj:
+ return pickle.loads(obj['value'])
+ def count(self):
+ return self.col.find({}).count()
+ def delete_entry(self, key):
+ return self.col.remove({'_id': key})
+ def cleanup(self):
+ """MongoDB will automatically clear expired keys."""
+ pass
+ def flush(self):
+ self.col.drop()
+ self.col.create_index('created', expireAfterSeconds=self.timeout)
--- /dev/null
+# Tweepy
+# Copyright 2009-2010 Joshua Roesslein
+# See LICENSE for details.
+from tweepy.error import TweepError
+class Cursor(object):
+ """Pagination helper class"""
+ def __init__(self, method, *args, **kargs):
+ if hasattr(method, 'pagination_mode'):
+ if method.pagination_mode == 'cursor':
+ self.iterator = CursorIterator(method, args, kargs)
+ elif method.pagination_mode == 'id':
+ self.iterator = IdIterator(method, args, kargs)
+ elif method.pagination_mode == 'page':
+ self.iterator = PageIterator(method, args, kargs)
+ else:
+ raise TweepError('Invalid pagination mode.')
+ else:
+ raise TweepError('This method does not perform pagination')
+ def pages(self, limit=0):
+ """Return iterator for pages"""
+ if limit > 0:
+ self.iterator.limit = limit
+ return self.iterator
+ def items(self, limit=0):
+ """Return iterator for items in each page"""
+ i = ItemIterator(self.iterator)
+ i.limit = limit
+ return i
+class BaseIterator(object):
+ def __init__(self, method, args, kargs):
+ self.method = method
+ self.args = args
+ self.kargs = kargs
+ self.limit = 0
+ def next(self):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def prev(self):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def __iter__(self):
+ return self
+class CursorIterator(BaseIterator):
+ def __init__(self, method, args, kargs):
+ BaseIterator.__init__(self, method, args, kargs)
+ start_cursor = kargs.pop('cursor', None)
+ self.next_cursor = start_cursor or -1
+ self.prev_cursor = start_cursor or 0
+ self.count = 0
+ def next(self):
+ if self.next_cursor == 0 or (self.limit and self.count == self.limit):
+ raise StopIteration
+ data, cursors = self.method(
+ cursor=self.next_cursor, *self.args, **self.kargs
+ )
+ self.prev_cursor, self.next_cursor = cursors
+ if len(data) == 0:
+ raise StopIteration
+ self.count += 1
+ return data
+ def prev(self):
+ if self.prev_cursor == 0:
+ raise TweepError('Can not page back more, at first page')
+ data, self.next_cursor, self.prev_cursor = self.method(
+ cursor=self.prev_cursor, *self.args, **self.kargs
+ )
+ self.count -= 1
+ return data
+class IdIterator(BaseIterator):
+ def __init__(self, method, args, kargs):
+ BaseIterator.__init__(self, method, args, kargs)
+ self.max_id = kargs.get('max_id')
+ self.since_id = kargs.get('since_id')
+ self.count = 0
+ def next(self):
+ """Fetch a set of items with IDs less than current set."""
+ if self.limit and self.limit == self.count:
+ raise StopIteration
+ # max_id is inclusive so decrement by one
+ # to avoid requesting duplicate items.
+ max_id = self.since_id - 1 if self.max_id else None
+ data = self.method(max_id = max_id, *self.args, **self.kargs)
+ if len(data) == 0:
+ raise StopIteration
+ self.max_id = data.max_id
+ self.since_id = data.since_id
+ self.count += 1
+ return data
+ def prev(self):
+ """Fetch a set of items with IDs greater than current set."""
+ if self.limit and self.limit == self.count:
+ raise StopIteration
+ since_id = self.max_id
+ data = self.method(since_id = since_id, *self.args, **self.kargs)
+ if len(data) == 0:
+ raise StopIteration
+ self.max_id = data.max_id
+ self.since_id = data.since_id
+ self.count += 1
+ return data
+class PageIterator(BaseIterator):
+ def __init__(self, method, args, kargs):
+ BaseIterator.__init__(self, method, args, kargs)
+ self.current_page = 0
+ def next(self):
+ self.current_page += 1
+ items = self.method(page=self.current_page, *self.args, **self.kargs)
+ if len(items) == 0 or (self.limit > 0 and self.current_page > self.limit):
+ raise StopIteration
+ return items
+ def prev(self):
+ if (self.current_page == 1):
+ raise TweepError('Can not page back more, at first page')
+ self.current_page -= 1
+ return self.method(page=self.current_page, *self.args, **self.kargs)
+class ItemIterator(BaseIterator):
+ def __init__(self, page_iterator):
+ self.page_iterator = page_iterator
+ self.limit = 0
+ self.current_page = None
+ self.page_index = -1
+ self.count = 0
+ def next(self):
+ if self.limit > 0 and self.count == self.limit:
+ raise StopIteration
+ if self.current_page is None or self.page_index == len(self.current_page) - 1:
+ # Reached end of current page, get the next page...
+ self.current_page = self.page_iterator.next()
+ self.page_index = -1
+ self.page_index += 1
+ self.count += 1
+ return self.current_page[self.page_index]
+ def prev(self):
+ if self.current_page is None:
+ raise TweepError('Can not go back more, at first page')
+ if self.page_index == 0:
+ # At the beginning of the current page, move to next...
+ self.current_page = self.page_iterator.prev()
+ self.page_index = len(self.current_page)
+ if self.page_index == 0:
+ raise TweepError('No more items')
+ self.page_index -= 1
+ self.count -= 1
+ return self.current_page[self.page_index]
--- /dev/null
+# Tweepy
+# Copyright 2009-2010 Joshua Roesslein
+# See LICENSE for details.
+class TweepError(Exception):
+ """Tweepy exception"""
+ def __init__(self, reason, response=None):
+ self.reason = unicode(reason)
+ self.response = response
+ Exception.__init__(self, reason)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.reason
--- /dev/null
+# Tweepy
+# Copyright 2009-2010 Joshua Roesslein
+# See LICENSE for details.
+from tweepy.error import TweepError
+from tweepy.utils import parse_datetime, parse_html_value, parse_a_href
+class ResultSet(list):
+ """A list like object that holds results from a Twitter API query."""
+ def __init__(self, max_id=None, since_id=None):
+ super(ResultSet, self).__init__()
+ self._max_id = max_id
+ self._since_id = since_id
+ @property
+ def max_id(self):
+ if self._max_id:
+ return self._max_id
+ ids = self.ids()
+ return max(ids) if ids else None
+ @property
+ def since_id(self):
+ if self._since_id:
+ return self._since_id
+ ids = self.ids()
+ return min(ids) if ids else None
+ def ids(self):
+ return [item.id for item in self if hasattr(item, 'id')]
+class Model(object):
+ def __init__(self, api=None):
+ self._api = api
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ # pickle
+ pickle = dict(self.__dict__)
+ try:
+ del pickle['_api'] # do not pickle the API reference
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ return pickle
+ @classmethod
+ def parse(cls, api, json):
+ """Parse a JSON object into a model instance."""
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ @classmethod
+ def parse_list(cls, api, json_list):
+ """Parse a list of JSON objects into a result set of model instances."""
+ results = ResultSet()
+ for obj in json_list:
+ if obj:
+ results.append(cls.parse(api, obj))
+ return results
+ def __repr__(self):
+ state = ['%s=%s' % (k, repr(v)) for (k,v) in vars(self).items()]
+ return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(state))
+class Status(Model):
+ @classmethod
+ def parse(cls, api, json):
+ status = cls(api)
+ for k, v in json.items():
+ if k == 'user':
+ user_model = getattr(api.parser.model_factory, 'user') if api else User
+ user = user_model.parse(api, v)
+ setattr(status, 'author', user)
+ setattr(status, 'user', user) # DEPRECIATED
+ elif k == 'created_at':
+ setattr(status, k, parse_datetime(v))
+ elif k == 'source':
+ if '<' in v:
+ setattr(status, k, parse_html_value(v))
+ setattr(status, 'source_url', parse_a_href(v))
+ else:
+ setattr(status, k, v)
+ setattr(status, 'source_url', None)
+ elif k == 'retweeted_status':
+ setattr(status, k, Status.parse(api, v))
+ elif k == 'place':
+ if v is not None:
+ setattr(status, k, Place.parse(api, v))
+ else:
+ setattr(status, k, None)
+ else:
+ setattr(status, k, v)
+ return status
+ def destroy(self):
+ return self._api.destroy_status(self.id)
+ def retweet(self):
+ return self._api.retweet(self.id)
+ def retweets(self):
+ return self._api.retweets(self.id)
+ def favorite(self):
+ return self._api.create_favorite(self.id)
+class User(Model):
+ @classmethod
+ def parse(cls, api, json):
+ user = cls(api)
+ for k, v in json.items():
+ if k == 'created_at':
+ setattr(user, k, parse_datetime(v))
+ elif k == 'status':
+ setattr(user, k, Status.parse(api, v))
+ elif k == 'following':
+ # twitter sets this to null if it is false
+ if v is True:
+ setattr(user, k, True)
+ else:
+ setattr(user, k, False)
+ else:
+ setattr(user, k, v)
+ return user
+ @classmethod
+ def parse_list(cls, api, json_list):
+ if isinstance(json_list, list):
+ item_list = json_list
+ else:
+ item_list = json_list['users']
+ results = ResultSet()
+ for obj in item_list:
+ results.append(cls.parse(api, obj))
+ return results
+ def timeline(self, **kargs):
+ return self._api.user_timeline(user_id=self.id, **kargs)
+ def friends(self, **kargs):
+ return self._api.friends(user_id=self.id, **kargs)
+ def followers(self, **kargs):
+ return self._api.followers(user_id=self.id, **kargs)
+ def follow(self):
+ self._api.create_friendship(user_id=self.id)
+ self.following = True
+ def unfollow(self):
+ self._api.destroy_friendship(user_id=self.id)
+ self.following = False
+ def lists_memberships(self, *args, **kargs):
+ return self._api.lists_memberships(user=self.screen_name, *args, **kargs)
+ def lists_subscriptions(self, *args, **kargs):
+ return self._api.lists_subscriptions(user=self.screen_name, *args, **kargs)
+ def lists(self, *args, **kargs):
+ return self._api.lists_all(user=self.screen_name, *args, **kargs)
+ def followers_ids(self, *args, **kargs):
+ return self._api.followers_ids(user_id=self.id, *args, **kargs)
+class DirectMessage(Model):
+ @classmethod
+ def parse(cls, api, json):
+ dm = cls(api)
+ for k, v in json.items():
+ if k == 'sender' or k == 'recipient':
+ setattr(dm, k, User.parse(api, v))
+ elif k == 'created_at':
+ setattr(dm, k, parse_datetime(v))
+ else:
+ setattr(dm, k, v)
+ return dm
+ def destroy(self):
+ return self._api.destroy_direct_message(self.id)
+class Friendship(Model):
+ @classmethod
+ def parse(cls, api, json):
+ relationship = json['relationship']
+ # parse source
+ source = cls(api)
+ for k, v in relationship['source'].items():
+ setattr(source, k, v)
+ # parse target
+ target = cls(api)
+ for k, v in relationship['target'].items():
+ setattr(target, k, v)
+ return source, target
+class Category(Model):
+ @classmethod
+ def parse(cls, api, json):
+ category = cls(api)
+ for k, v in json.items():
+ setattr(category, k, v)
+ return category
+class SavedSearch(Model):
+ @classmethod
+ def parse(cls, api, json):
+ ss = cls(api)
+ for k, v in json.items():
+ if k == 'created_at':
+ setattr(ss, k, parse_datetime(v))
+ else:
+ setattr(ss, k, v)
+ return ss
+ def destroy(self):
+ return self._api.destroy_saved_search(self.id)
+class SearchResults(ResultSet):
+ @classmethod
+ def parse(cls, api, json):
+ metadata = json['search_metadata']
+ results = SearchResults(metadata.get('max_id'), metadata.get('since_id'))
+ results.refresh_url = metadata.get('refresh_url')
+ results.completed_in = metadata.get('completed_in')
+ results.query = metadata.get('query')
+ results.count = metadata.get('count')
+ results.next_results = metadata.get('next_results')
+ for status in json['statuses']:
+ results.append(Status.parse(api, status))
+ return results
+class List(Model):
+ @classmethod
+ def parse(cls, api, json):
+ lst = List(api)
+ for k,v in json.items():
+ if k == 'user':
+ setattr(lst, k, User.parse(api, v))
+ elif k == 'created_at':
+ setattr(lst, k, parse_datetime(v))
+ else:
+ setattr(lst, k, v)
+ return lst
+ @classmethod
+ def parse_list(cls, api, json_list, result_set=None):
+ results = ResultSet()
+ if isinstance(json_list, dict):
+ json_list = json_list['lists']
+ for obj in json_list:
+ results.append(cls.parse(api, obj))
+ return results
+ def update(self, **kargs):
+ return self._api.update_list(self.slug, **kargs)
+ def destroy(self):
+ return self._api.destroy_list(self.slug)
+ def timeline(self, **kargs):
+ return self._api.list_timeline(self.user.screen_name, self.slug, **kargs)
+ def add_member(self, id):
+ return self._api.add_list_member(self.slug, id)
+ def remove_member(self, id):
+ return self._api.remove_list_member(self.slug, id)
+ def members(self, **kargs):
+ return self._api.list_members(self.user.screen_name, self.slug, **kargs)
+ def is_member(self, id):
+ return self._api.is_list_member(self.user.screen_name, self.slug, id)
+ def subscribe(self):
+ return self._api.subscribe_list(self.user.screen_name, self.slug)
+ def unsubscribe(self):
+ return self._api.unsubscribe_list(self.user.screen_name, self.slug)
+ def subscribers(self, **kargs):
+ return self._api.list_subscribers(self.user.screen_name, self.slug, **kargs)
+ def is_subscribed(self, id):
+ return self._api.is_subscribed_list(self.user.screen_name, self.slug, id)
+class Relation(Model):
+ @classmethod
+ def parse(cls, api, json):
+ result = cls(api)
+ for k,v in json.items():
+ if k == 'value' and json['kind'] in ['Tweet', 'LookedupStatus']:
+ setattr(result, k, Status.parse(api, v))
+ elif k == 'results':
+ setattr(result, k, Relation.parse_list(api, v))
+ else:
+ setattr(result, k, v)
+ return result
+class Relationship(Model):
+ @classmethod
+ def parse(cls, api, json):
+ result = cls(api)
+ for k,v in json.items():
+ if k == 'connections':
+ setattr(result, 'is_following', 'following' in v)
+ setattr(result, 'is_followed_by', 'followed_by' in v)
+ else:
+ setattr(result, k, v)
+ return result
+class JSONModel(Model):
+ @classmethod
+ def parse(cls, api, json):
+ return json
+class IDModel(Model):
+ @classmethod
+ def parse(cls, api, json):
+ if isinstance(json, list):
+ return json
+ else:
+ return json['ids']
+class BoundingBox(Model):
+ @classmethod
+ def parse(cls, api, json):
+ result = cls(api)
+ if json is not None:
+ for k, v in json.items():
+ setattr(result, k, v)
+ return result
+ def origin(self):
+ """
+ Return longitude, latitude of southwest (bottom, left) corner of
+ bounding box, as a tuple.
+ This assumes that bounding box is always a rectangle, which
+ appears to be the case at present.
+ """
+ return tuple(self.coordinates[0][0])
+ def corner(self):
+ """
+ Return longitude, latitude of northeast (top, right) corner of
+ bounding box, as a tuple.
+ This assumes that bounding box is always a rectangle, which
+ appears to be the case at present.
+ """
+ return tuple(self.coordinates[0][2])
+class Place(Model):
+ @classmethod
+ def parse(cls, api, json):
+ place = cls(api)
+ for k, v in json.items():
+ if k == 'bounding_box':
+ # bounding_box value may be null (None.)
+ # Example: "United States" (id=96683cc9126741d1)
+ if v is not None:
+ t = BoundingBox.parse(api, v)
+ else:
+ t = v
+ setattr(place, k, t)
+ elif k == 'contained_within':
+ # contained_within is a list of Places.
+ setattr(place, k, Place.parse_list(api, v))
+ else:
+ setattr(place, k, v)
+ return place
+ @classmethod
+ def parse_list(cls, api, json_list):
+ if isinstance(json_list, list):
+ item_list = json_list
+ else:
+ item_list = json_list['result']['places']
+ results = ResultSet()
+ for obj in item_list:
+ results.append(cls.parse(api, obj))
+ return results
+class ModelFactory(object):
+ """
+ Used by parsers for creating instances
+ of models. You may subclass this factory
+ to add your own extended models.
+ """
+ status = Status
+ user = User
+ direct_message = DirectMessage
+ friendship = Friendship
+ saved_search = SavedSearch
+ search_results = SearchResults
+ category = Category
+ list = List
+ relation = Relation
+ relationship = Relationship
+ json = JSONModel
+ ids = IDModel
+ place = Place
+ bounding_box = BoundingBox
--- /dev/null
+The MIT License
+Copyright (c) 2007 Leah Culver
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+import cgi
+import urllib
+import time
+import random
+import urlparse
+import hmac
+import binascii
+VERSION = '1.0' # Hi Blaine!
+class OAuthError(RuntimeError):
+ """Generic exception class."""
+ def __init__(self, message='OAuth error occured.'):
+ self.message = message
+def build_authenticate_header(realm=''):
+ """Optional WWW-Authenticate header (401 error)"""
+ return {'WWW-Authenticate': 'OAuth realm="%s"' % realm}
+def escape(s):
+ """Escape a URL including any /."""
+ return urllib.quote(s, safe='~')
+def _utf8_str(s):
+ """Convert unicode to utf-8."""
+ if isinstance(s, unicode):
+ return s.encode("utf-8")
+ else:
+ return str(s)
+def generate_timestamp():
+ """Get seconds since epoch (UTC)."""
+ return int(time.time())
+def generate_nonce(length=8):
+ """Generate pseudorandom number."""
+ return ''.join([str(random.randint(0, 9)) for i in range(length)])
+def generate_verifier(length=8):
+ """Generate pseudorandom number."""
+ return ''.join([str(random.randint(0, 9)) for i in range(length)])
+class OAuthConsumer(object):
+ """Consumer of OAuth authentication.
+ OAuthConsumer is a data type that represents the identity of the Consumer
+ via its shared secret with the Service Provider.
+ """
+ key = None
+ secret = None
+ def __init__(self, key, secret):
+ self.key = key
+ self.secret = secret
+class OAuthToken(object):
+ """OAuthToken is a data type that represents an End User via either an access
+ or request token.
+ key -- the token
+ secret -- the token secret
+ """
+ key = None
+ secret = None
+ callback = None
+ callback_confirmed = None
+ verifier = None
+ def __init__(self, key, secret):
+ self.key = key
+ self.secret = secret
+ def set_callback(self, callback):
+ self.callback = callback
+ self.callback_confirmed = 'true'
+ def set_verifier(self, verifier=None):
+ if verifier is not None:
+ self.verifier = verifier
+ else:
+ self.verifier = generate_verifier()
+ def get_callback_url(self):
+ if self.callback and self.verifier:
+ # Append the oauth_verifier.
+ parts = urlparse.urlparse(self.callback)
+ scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment = parts[:6]
+ if query:
+ query = '%s&oauth_verifier=%s' % (query, self.verifier)
+ else:
+ query = 'oauth_verifier=%s' % self.verifier
+ return urlparse.urlunparse((scheme, netloc, path, params,
+ query, fragment))
+ return self.callback
+ def to_string(self):
+ data = {
+ 'oauth_token': self.key,
+ 'oauth_token_secret': self.secret,
+ }
+ if self.callback_confirmed is not None:
+ data['oauth_callback_confirmed'] = self.callback_confirmed
+ return urllib.urlencode(data)
+ def from_string(s):
+ """ Returns a token from something like:
+ oauth_token_secret=xxx&oauth_token=xxx
+ """
+ params = cgi.parse_qs(s, keep_blank_values=False)
+ key = params['oauth_token'][0]
+ secret = params['oauth_token_secret'][0]
+ token = OAuthToken(key, secret)
+ try:
+ token.callback_confirmed = params['oauth_callback_confirmed'][0]
+ except KeyError:
+ pass # 1.0, no callback confirmed.
+ return token
+ from_string = staticmethod(from_string)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.to_string()
+class OAuthRequest(object):
+ """OAuthRequest represents the request and can be serialized.
+ OAuth parameters:
+ - oauth_consumer_key
+ - oauth_token
+ - oauth_signature_method
+ - oauth_signature
+ - oauth_timestamp
+ - oauth_nonce
+ - oauth_version
+ - oauth_verifier
+ ... any additional parameters, as defined by the Service Provider.
+ """
+ parameters = None # OAuth parameters.
+ http_method = HTTP_METHOD
+ http_url = None
+ version = VERSION
+ def __init__(self, http_method=HTTP_METHOD, http_url=None, parameters=None):
+ self.http_method = http_method
+ self.http_url = http_url
+ self.parameters = parameters or {}
+ def set_parameter(self, parameter, value):
+ self.parameters[parameter] = value
+ def get_parameter(self, parameter):
+ try:
+ return self.parameters[parameter]
+ except:
+ raise OAuthError('Parameter not found: %s' % parameter)
+ def _get_timestamp_nonce(self):
+ return self.get_parameter('oauth_timestamp'), self.get_parameter(
+ 'oauth_nonce')
+ def get_nonoauth_parameters(self):
+ """Get any non-OAuth parameters."""
+ parameters = {}
+ for k, v in self.parameters.iteritems():
+ # Ignore oauth parameters.
+ if k.find('oauth_') < 0:
+ parameters[k] = v
+ return parameters
+ def to_header(self, realm=''):
+ """Serialize as a header for an HTTPAuth request."""
+ auth_header = 'OAuth realm="%s"' % realm
+ # Add the oauth parameters.
+ if self.parameters:
+ for k, v in self.parameters.iteritems():
+ if k[:6] == 'oauth_':
+ auth_header += ', %s="%s"' % (k, escape(str(v)))
+ return {'Authorization': auth_header}
+ def to_postdata(self):
+ """Serialize as post data for a POST request."""
+ return '&'.join(['%s=%s' % (escape(str(k)), escape(str(v))) \
+ for k, v in self.parameters.iteritems()])
+ def to_url(self):
+ """Serialize as a URL for a GET request."""
+ return '%s?%s' % (self.get_normalized_http_url(), self.to_postdata())
+ def get_normalized_parameters(self):
+ """Return a string that contains the parameters that must be signed."""
+ params = self.parameters
+ try:
+ # Exclude the signature if it exists.
+ del params['oauth_signature']
+ except:
+ pass
+ # Escape key values before sorting.
+ key_values = [(escape(_utf8_str(k)), escape(_utf8_str(v))) \
+ for k,v in params.items()]
+ # Sort lexicographically, first after key, then after value.
+ key_values.sort()
+ # Combine key value pairs into a string.
+ return '&'.join(['%s=%s' % (k, v) for k, v in key_values])
+ def get_normalized_http_method(self):
+ """Uppercases the http method."""
+ return self.http_method.upper()
+ def get_normalized_http_url(self):
+ """Parses the URL and rebuilds it to be scheme://host/path."""
+ parts = urlparse.urlparse(self.http_url)
+ scheme, netloc, path = parts[:3]
+ # Exclude default port numbers.
+ if scheme == 'http' and netloc[-3:] == ':80':
+ netloc = netloc[:-3]
+ elif scheme == 'https' and netloc[-4:] == ':443':
+ netloc = netloc[:-4]
+ return '%s://%s%s' % (scheme, netloc, path)
+ def sign_request(self, signature_method, consumer, token):
+ """Set the signature parameter to the result of build_signature."""
+ # Set the signature method.
+ self.set_parameter('oauth_signature_method',
+ signature_method.get_name())
+ # Set the signature.
+ self.set_parameter('oauth_signature',
+ self.build_signature(signature_method, consumer, token))
+ def build_signature(self, signature_method, consumer, token):
+ """Calls the build signature method within the signature method."""
+ return signature_method.build_signature(self, consumer, token)
+ def from_request(http_method, http_url, headers=None, parameters=None,
+ query_string=None):
+ """Combines multiple parameter sources."""
+ if parameters is None:
+ parameters = {}
+ # Headers
+ if headers and 'Authorization' in headers:
+ auth_header = headers['Authorization']
+ # Check that the authorization header is OAuth.
+ if auth_header[:6] == 'OAuth ':
+ auth_header = auth_header[6:]
+ try:
+ # Get the parameters from the header.
+ header_params = OAuthRequest._split_header(auth_header)
+ parameters.update(header_params)
+ except:
+ raise OAuthError('Unable to parse OAuth parameters from '
+ 'Authorization header.')
+ # GET or POST query string.
+ if query_string:
+ query_params = OAuthRequest._split_url_string(query_string)
+ parameters.update(query_params)
+ # URL parameters.
+ param_str = urlparse.urlparse(http_url)[4] # query
+ url_params = OAuthRequest._split_url_string(param_str)
+ parameters.update(url_params)
+ if parameters:
+ return OAuthRequest(http_method, http_url, parameters)
+ return None
+ from_request = staticmethod(from_request)
+ def from_consumer_and_token(oauth_consumer, token=None,
+ callback=None, verifier=None, http_method=HTTP_METHOD,
+ http_url=None, parameters=None):
+ if not parameters:
+ parameters = {}
+ defaults = {
+ 'oauth_consumer_key': oauth_consumer.key,
+ 'oauth_timestamp': generate_timestamp(),
+ 'oauth_nonce': generate_nonce(),
+ 'oauth_version': OAuthRequest.version,
+ }
+ defaults.update(parameters)
+ parameters = defaults
+ if token:
+ parameters['oauth_token'] = token.key
+ if token.callback:
+ parameters['oauth_callback'] = token.callback
+ # 1.0a support for verifier.
+ if verifier:
+ parameters['oauth_verifier'] = verifier
+ elif callback:
+ # 1.0a support for callback in the request token request.
+ parameters['oauth_callback'] = callback
+ return OAuthRequest(http_method, http_url, parameters)
+ from_consumer_and_token = staticmethod(from_consumer_and_token)
+ def from_token_and_callback(token, callback=None, http_method=HTTP_METHOD,
+ http_url=None, parameters=None):
+ if not parameters:
+ parameters = {}
+ parameters['oauth_token'] = token.key
+ if callback:
+ parameters['oauth_callback'] = callback
+ return OAuthRequest(http_method, http_url, parameters)
+ from_token_and_callback = staticmethod(from_token_and_callback)
+ def _split_header(header):
+ """Turn Authorization: header into parameters."""
+ params = {}
+ parts = header.split(',')
+ for param in parts:
+ # Ignore realm parameter.
+ if param.find('realm') > -1:
+ continue
+ # Remove whitespace.
+ param = param.strip()
+ # Split key-value.
+ param_parts = param.split('=', 1)
+ # Remove quotes and unescape the value.
+ params[param_parts[0]] = urllib.unquote(param_parts[1].strip('\"'))
+ return params
+ _split_header = staticmethod(_split_header)
+ def _split_url_string(param_str):
+ """Turn URL string into parameters."""
+ parameters = cgi.parse_qs(param_str, keep_blank_values=False)
+ for k, v in parameters.iteritems():
+ parameters[k] = urllib.unquote(v[0])
+ return parameters
+ _split_url_string = staticmethod(_split_url_string)
+class OAuthServer(object):
+ """A worker to check the validity of a request against a data store."""
+ timestamp_threshold = 300 # In seconds, five minutes.
+ version = VERSION
+ signature_methods = None
+ data_store = None
+ def __init__(self, data_store=None, signature_methods=None):
+ self.data_store = data_store
+ self.signature_methods = signature_methods or {}
+ def set_data_store(self, data_store):
+ self.data_store = data_store
+ def get_data_store(self):
+ return self.data_store
+ def add_signature_method(self, signature_method):
+ self.signature_methods[signature_method.get_name()] = signature_method
+ return self.signature_methods
+ def fetch_request_token(self, oauth_request):
+ """Processes a request_token request and returns the
+ request token on success.
+ """
+ try:
+ # Get the request token for authorization.
+ token = self._get_token(oauth_request, 'request')
+ except OAuthError:
+ # No token required for the initial token request.
+ version = self._get_version(oauth_request)
+ consumer = self._get_consumer(oauth_request)
+ try:
+ callback = self.get_callback(oauth_request)
+ except OAuthError:
+ callback = None # 1.0, no callback specified.
+ self._check_signature(oauth_request, consumer, None)
+ # Fetch a new token.
+ token = self.data_store.fetch_request_token(consumer, callback)
+ return token
+ def fetch_access_token(self, oauth_request):
+ """Processes an access_token request and returns the
+ access token on success.
+ """
+ version = self._get_version(oauth_request)
+ consumer = self._get_consumer(oauth_request)
+ try:
+ verifier = self._get_verifier(oauth_request)
+ except OAuthError:
+ verifier = None
+ # Get the request token.
+ token = self._get_token(oauth_request, 'request')
+ self._check_signature(oauth_request, consumer, token)
+ new_token = self.data_store.fetch_access_token(consumer, token, verifier)
+ return new_token
+ def verify_request(self, oauth_request):
+ """Verifies an api call and checks all the parameters."""
+ # -> consumer and token
+ version = self._get_version(oauth_request)
+ consumer = self._get_consumer(oauth_request)
+ # Get the access token.
+ token = self._get_token(oauth_request, 'access')
+ self._check_signature(oauth_request, consumer, token)
+ parameters = oauth_request.get_nonoauth_parameters()
+ return consumer, token, parameters
+ def authorize_token(self, token, user):
+ """Authorize a request token."""
+ return self.data_store.authorize_request_token(token, user)
+ def get_callback(self, oauth_request):
+ """Get the callback URL."""
+ return oauth_request.get_parameter('oauth_callback')
+ def build_authenticate_header(self, realm=''):
+ """Optional support for the authenticate header."""
+ return {'WWW-Authenticate': 'OAuth realm="%s"' % realm}
+ def _get_version(self, oauth_request):
+ """Verify the correct version request for this server."""
+ try:
+ version = oauth_request.get_parameter('oauth_version')
+ except:
+ version = VERSION
+ if version and version != self.version:
+ raise OAuthError('OAuth version %s not supported.' % str(version))
+ return version
+ def _get_signature_method(self, oauth_request):
+ """Figure out the signature with some defaults."""
+ try:
+ signature_method = oauth_request.get_parameter(
+ 'oauth_signature_method')
+ except:
+ signature_method = SIGNATURE_METHOD
+ try:
+ # Get the signature method object.
+ signature_method = self.signature_methods[signature_method]
+ except:
+ signature_method_names = ', '.join(self.signature_methods.keys())
+ raise OAuthError('Signature method %s not supported try one of the '
+ 'following: %s' % (signature_method, signature_method_names))
+ return signature_method
+ def _get_consumer(self, oauth_request):
+ consumer_key = oauth_request.get_parameter('oauth_consumer_key')
+ consumer = self.data_store.lookup_consumer(consumer_key)
+ if not consumer:
+ raise OAuthError('Invalid consumer.')
+ return consumer
+ def _get_token(self, oauth_request, token_type='access'):
+ """Try to find the token for the provided request token key."""
+ token_field = oauth_request.get_parameter('oauth_token')
+ token = self.data_store.lookup_token(token_type, token_field)
+ if not token:
+ raise OAuthError('Invalid %s token: %s' % (token_type, token_field))
+ return token
+ def _get_verifier(self, oauth_request):
+ return oauth_request.get_parameter('oauth_verifier')
+ def _check_signature(self, oauth_request, consumer, token):
+ timestamp, nonce = oauth_request._get_timestamp_nonce()
+ self._check_timestamp(timestamp)
+ self._check_nonce(consumer, token, nonce)
+ signature_method = self._get_signature_method(oauth_request)
+ try:
+ signature = oauth_request.get_parameter('oauth_signature')
+ except:
+ raise OAuthError('Missing signature.')
+ # Validate the signature.
+ valid_sig = signature_method.check_signature(oauth_request, consumer,
+ token, signature)
+ if not valid_sig:
+ key, base = signature_method.build_signature_base_string(
+ oauth_request, consumer, token)
+ raise OAuthError('Invalid signature. Expected signature base '
+ 'string: %s' % base)
+ built = signature_method.build_signature(oauth_request, consumer, token)
+ def _check_timestamp(self, timestamp):
+ """Verify that timestamp is recentish."""
+ timestamp = int(timestamp)
+ now = int(time.time())
+ lapsed = abs(now - timestamp)
+ if lapsed > self.timestamp_threshold:
+ raise OAuthError('Expired timestamp: given %d and now %s has a '
+ 'greater difference than threshold %d' %
+ (timestamp, now, self.timestamp_threshold))
+ def _check_nonce(self, consumer, token, nonce):
+ """Verify that the nonce is uniqueish."""
+ nonce = self.data_store.lookup_nonce(consumer, token, nonce)
+ if nonce:
+ raise OAuthError('Nonce already used: %s' % str(nonce))
+class OAuthClient(object):
+ """OAuthClient is a worker to attempt to execute a request."""
+ consumer = None
+ token = None
+ def __init__(self, oauth_consumer, oauth_token):
+ self.consumer = oauth_consumer
+ self.token = oauth_token
+ def get_consumer(self):
+ return self.consumer
+ def get_token(self):
+ return self.token
+ def fetch_request_token(self, oauth_request):
+ """-> OAuthToken."""
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def fetch_access_token(self, oauth_request):
+ """-> OAuthToken."""
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def access_resource(self, oauth_request):
+ """-> Some protected resource."""
+ raise NotImplementedError
+class OAuthDataStore(object):
+ """A database abstraction used to lookup consumers and tokens."""
+ def lookup_consumer(self, key):
+ """-> OAuthConsumer."""
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def lookup_token(self, oauth_consumer, token_type, token_token):
+ """-> OAuthToken."""
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def lookup_nonce(self, oauth_consumer, oauth_token, nonce):
+ """-> OAuthToken."""
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def fetch_request_token(self, oauth_consumer, oauth_callback):
+ """-> OAuthToken."""
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def fetch_access_token(self, oauth_consumer, oauth_token, oauth_verifier):
+ """-> OAuthToken."""
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def authorize_request_token(self, oauth_token, user):
+ """-> OAuthToken."""
+ raise NotImplementedError
+class OAuthSignatureMethod(object):
+ """A strategy class that implements a signature method."""
+ def get_name(self):
+ """-> str."""
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def build_signature_base_string(self, oauth_request, oauth_consumer, oauth_token):
+ """-> str key, str raw."""
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def build_signature(self, oauth_request, oauth_consumer, oauth_token):
+ """-> str."""
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def check_signature(self, oauth_request, consumer, token, signature):
+ built = self.build_signature(oauth_request, consumer, token)
+ return built == signature
+class OAuthSignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1(OAuthSignatureMethod):
+ def get_name(self):
+ return 'HMAC-SHA1'
+ def build_signature_base_string(self, oauth_request, consumer, token):
+ sig = (
+ escape(oauth_request.get_normalized_http_method()),
+ escape(oauth_request.get_normalized_http_url()),
+ escape(oauth_request.get_normalized_parameters()),
+ )
+ key = '%s&' % escape(consumer.secret)
+ if token:
+ key += escape(token.secret)
+ raw = '&'.join(sig)
+ return key, raw
+ def build_signature(self, oauth_request, consumer, token):
+ """Builds the base signature string."""
+ key, raw = self.build_signature_base_string(oauth_request, consumer,
+ token)
+ # HMAC object.
+ try:
+ import hashlib # 2.5
+ hashed = hmac.new(key, raw, hashlib.sha1)
+ except:
+ import sha # Deprecated
+ hashed = hmac.new(key, raw, sha)
+ # Calculate the digest base 64.
+ return binascii.b2a_base64(hashed.digest())[:-1]
+class OAuthSignatureMethod_PLAINTEXT(OAuthSignatureMethod):
+ def get_name(self):
+ return 'PLAINTEXT'
+ def build_signature_base_string(self, oauth_request, consumer, token):
+ """Concatenates the consumer key and secret."""
+ sig = '%s&' % escape(consumer.secret)
+ if token:
+ sig = sig + escape(token.secret)
+ return sig, sig
+ def build_signature(self, oauth_request, consumer, token):
+ key, raw = self.build_signature_base_string(oauth_request, consumer,
+ token)
+ return key
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+# Tweepy
+# Copyright 2009-2010 Joshua Roesslein
+# See LICENSE for details.
+from tweepy.models import ModelFactory
+from tweepy.utils import import_simplejson
+from tweepy.error import TweepError
+class Parser(object):
+ def parse(self, method, payload):
+ """
+ Parse the response payload and return the result.
+ Returns a tuple that contains the result data and the cursors
+ (or None if not present).
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def parse_error(self, payload):
+ """
+ Parse the error message from payload.
+ If unable to parse the message, throw an exception
+ and default error message will be used.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+class RawParser(Parser):
+ def __init__(self):
+ pass
+ def parse(self, method, payload):
+ return payload
+ def parse_error(self, payload):
+ return payload
+class JSONParser(Parser):
+ payload_format = 'json'
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.json_lib = import_simplejson()
+ def parse(self, method, payload):
+ try:
+ json = self.json_lib.loads(payload)
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise TweepError('Failed to parse JSON payload: %s' % e)
+ needsCursors = method.parameters.has_key('cursor')
+ if needsCursors and isinstance(json, dict) and 'previous_cursor' in json and 'next_cursor' in json:
+ cursors = json['previous_cursor'], json['next_cursor']
+ return json, cursors
+ else:
+ return json
+ def parse_error(self, payload):
+ error = self.json_lib.loads(payload)
+ if error.has_key('error'):
+ return error['error']
+ else:
+ return error['errors']
+class ModelParser(JSONParser):
+ def __init__(self, model_factory=None):
+ JSONParser.__init__(self)
+ self.model_factory = model_factory or ModelFactory
+ def parse(self, method, payload):
+ try:
+ if method.payload_type is None: return
+ model = getattr(self.model_factory, method.payload_type)
+ except AttributeError:
+ raise TweepError('No model for this payload type: %s' % method.payload_type)
+ json = JSONParser.parse(self, method, payload)
+ if isinstance(json, tuple):
+ json, cursors = json
+ else:
+ cursors = None
+ if method.payload_list:
+ result = model.parse_list(method.api, json)
+ else:
+ result = model.parse(method.api, json)
+ if cursors:
+ return result, cursors
+ else:
+ return result
--- /dev/null
+# Tweepy
+# Copyright 2009-2010 Joshua Roesslein
+# See LICENSE for details.
+import logging
+import httplib
+from socket import timeout
+from threading import Thread
+from time import sleep
+import ssl
+from tweepy.models import Status
+from tweepy.api import API
+from tweepy.error import TweepError
+from tweepy.utils import import_simplejson, urlencode_noplus
+json = import_simplejson()
+class StreamListener(object):
+ def __init__(self, api=None):
+ self.api = api or API()
+ def on_connect(self):
+ """Called once connected to streaming server.
+ This will be invoked once a successful response
+ is received from the server. Allows the listener
+ to perform some work prior to entering the read loop.
+ """
+ pass
+ def on_data(self, raw_data):
+ """Called when raw data is received from connection.
+ Override this method if you wish to manually handle
+ the stream data. Return False to stop stream and close connection.
+ """
+ data = json.loads(raw_data)
+ if 'in_reply_to_status_id' in data:
+ status = Status.parse(self.api, data)
+ if self.on_status(status) is False:
+ return False
+ elif 'delete' in data:
+ delete = data['delete']['status']
+ if self.on_delete(delete['id'], delete['user_id']) is False:
+ return False
+ elif 'event' in data:
+ status = Status.parse(self.api, data)
+ if self.on_event(status) is False:
+ return False
+ elif 'direct_message' in data:
+ status = Status.parse(self.api, data)
+ if self.on_direct_message(status) is False:
+ return False
+ elif 'limit' in data:
+ if self.on_limit(data['limit']['track']) is False:
+ return False
+ elif 'disconnect' in data:
+ if self.on_disconnect(data['disconnect']) is False:
+ return False
+ else:
+ logging.error("Unknown message type: " + str(raw_data))
+ def on_status(self, status):
+ """Called when a new status arrives"""
+ return
+ def on_exception(self, exception):
+ """Called when an unhandled exception occurs."""
+ return
+ def on_delete(self, status_id, user_id):
+ """Called when a delete notice arrives for a status"""
+ return
+ def on_event(self, status):
+ """Called when a new event arrives"""
+ return
+ def on_direct_message(self, status):
+ """Called when a new direct message arrives"""
+ return
+ def on_limit(self, track):
+ """Called when a limitation notice arrvies"""
+ return
+ def on_error(self, status_code):
+ """Called when a non-200 status code is returned"""
+ return False
+ def on_timeout(self):
+ """Called when stream connection times out"""
+ return
+ def on_disconnect(self, notice):
+ """Called when twitter sends a disconnect notice
+ Disconnect codes are listed here:
+ https://dev.twitter.com/docs/streaming-apis/messages#Disconnect_messages_disconnect
+ """
+ return
+class Stream(object):
+ host = 'stream.twitter.com'
+ def __init__(self, auth, listener, **options):
+ self.auth = auth
+ self.listener = listener
+ self.running = False
+ self.timeout = options.get("timeout", 300.0)
+ self.retry_count = options.get("retry_count")
+ # values according to https://dev.twitter.com/docs/streaming-apis/connecting#Reconnecting
+ self.retry_time_start = options.get("retry_time", 5.0)
+ self.retry_420_start = options.get("retry_420", 60.0)
+ self.retry_time_cap = options.get("retry_time_cap", 320.0)
+ self.snooze_time_step = options.get("snooze_time", 0.25)
+ self.snooze_time_cap = options.get("snooze_time_cap", 16)
+ self.buffer_size = options.get("buffer_size", 1500)
+ if options.get("secure", True):
+ self.scheme = "https"
+ else:
+ self.scheme = "http"
+ self.api = API()
+ self.headers = options.get("headers") or {}
+ self.parameters = None
+ self.body = None
+ self.retry_time = self.retry_time_start
+ self.snooze_time = self.snooze_time_step
+ def _run(self):
+ # Authenticate
+ url = "%s://%s%s" % (self.scheme, self.host, self.url)
+ # Connect and process the stream
+ error_counter = 0
+ conn = None
+ exception = None
+ while self.running:
+ if self.retry_count is not None and error_counter > self.retry_count:
+ # quit if error count greater than retry count
+ break
+ try:
+ if self.scheme == "http":
+ conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(self.host, timeout=self.timeout)
+ else:
+ conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection(self.host, timeout=self.timeout)
+ self.auth.apply_auth(url, 'POST', self.headers, self.parameters)
+ conn.connect()
+ conn.request('POST', self.url, self.body, headers=self.headers)
+ resp = conn.getresponse()
+ if resp.status != 200:
+ if self.listener.on_error(resp.status) is False:
+ break
+ error_counter += 1
+ if resp.status == 420:
+ self.retry_time = max(self.retry_420_start, self.retry_time)
+ sleep(self.retry_time)
+ self.retry_time = min(self.retry_time * 2, self.retry_time_cap)
+ else:
+ error_counter = 0
+ self.retry_time = self.retry_time_start
+ self.snooze_time = self.snooze_time_step
+ self.listener.on_connect()
+ self._read_loop(resp)
+ except (timeout, ssl.SSLError) as exc:
+ # If it's not time out treat it like any other exception
+ if isinstance(exc, ssl.SSLError) and not (exc.args and 'timed out' in str(exc.args[0])):
+ exception = exc
+ break
+ if self.listener.on_timeout() == False:
+ break
+ if self.running is False:
+ break
+ conn.close()
+ sleep(self.snooze_time)
+ self.snooze_time = min(self.snooze_time + self.snooze_time_step,
+ self.snooze_time_cap)
+ except Exception as exception:
+ # any other exception is fatal, so kill loop
+ break
+ # cleanup
+ self.running = False
+ if conn:
+ conn.close()
+ if exception:
+ # call a handler first so that the exception can be logged.
+ self.listener.on_exception(exception)
+ raise
+ def _data(self, data):
+ if self.listener.on_data(data) is False:
+ self.running = False
+ def _read_loop(self, resp):
+ while self.running and not resp.isclosed():
+ # Note: keep-alive newlines might be inserted before each length value.
+ # read until we get a digit...
+ c = '\n'
+ while c == '\n' and self.running and not resp.isclosed():
+ c = resp.read(1)
+ delimited_string = c
+ # read rest of delimiter length..
+ d = ''
+ while d != '\n' and self.running and not resp.isclosed():
+ d = resp.read(1)
+ delimited_string += d
+ # read the next twitter status object
+ if delimited_string.strip().isdigit():
+ next_status_obj = resp.read( int(delimited_string) )
+ self._data(next_status_obj)
+ if resp.isclosed():
+ self.on_closed(resp)
+ def _start(self, async):
+ self.running = True
+ if async:
+ Thread(target=self._run).start()
+ else:
+ self._run()
+ def on_closed(self, resp):
+ """ Called when the response has been closed by Twitter """
+ pass
+ def userstream(self, stall_warnings=False, _with=None, replies=None,
+ track=None, locations=None, async=False, encoding='utf8'):
+ self.parameters = {'delimited': 'length'}
+ if self.running:
+ raise TweepError('Stream object already connected!')
+ self.url = '/%s/user.json?delimited=length' % STREAM_VERSION
+ self.host='userstream.twitter.com'
+ if stall_warnings:
+ self.parameters['stall_warnings'] = stall_warnings
+ if _with:
+ self.parameters['with'] = _with
+ if replies:
+ self.parameters['replies'] = replies
+ if locations and len(locations) > 0:
+ assert len(locations) % 4 == 0
+ self.parameters['locations'] = ','.join(['%.2f' % l for l in locations])
+ if track:
+ encoded_track = [s.encode(encoding) for s in track]
+ self.parameters['track'] = ','.join(encoded_track)
+ self.body = urlencode_noplus(self.parameters)
+ self._start(async)
+ def firehose(self, count=None, async=False):
+ self.parameters = {'delimited': 'length'}
+ if self.running:
+ raise TweepError('Stream object already connected!')
+ self.url = '/%s/statuses/firehose.json?delimited=length' % STREAM_VERSION
+ if count:
+ self.url += '&count=%s' % count
+ self._start(async)
+ def retweet(self, async=False):
+ self.parameters = {'delimited': 'length'}
+ if self.running:
+ raise TweepError('Stream object already connected!')
+ self.url = '/%s/statuses/retweet.json?delimited=length' % STREAM_VERSION
+ self._start(async)
+ def sample(self, count=None, async=False):
+ self.parameters = {'delimited': 'length'}
+ if self.running:
+ raise TweepError('Stream object already connected!')
+ self.url = '/%s/statuses/sample.json?delimited=length' % STREAM_VERSION
+ if count:
+ self.url += '&count=%s' % count
+ self._start(async)
+ def filter(self, follow=None, track=None, async=False, locations=None,
+ count=None, stall_warnings=False, languages=None, encoding='utf8'):
+ self.parameters = {}
+ self.headers['Content-type'] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
+ if self.running:
+ raise TweepError('Stream object already connected!')
+ self.url = '/%s/statuses/filter.json?delimited=length' % STREAM_VERSION
+ if follow:
+ encoded_follow = [s.encode(encoding) for s in follow]
+ self.parameters['follow'] = ','.join(encoded_follow)
+ if track:
+ encoded_track = [s.encode(encoding) for s in track]
+ self.parameters['track'] = ','.join(encoded_track)
+ if locations and len(locations) > 0:
+ assert len(locations) % 4 == 0
+ self.parameters['locations'] = ','.join(['%.4f' % l for l in locations])
+ if count:
+ self.parameters['count'] = count
+ if stall_warnings:
+ self.parameters['stall_warnings'] = stall_warnings
+ if languages:
+ self.parameters['language'] = ','.join(map(str, languages))
+ self.body = urlencode_noplus(self.parameters)
+ self.parameters['delimited'] = 'length'
+ self._start(async)
+ def disconnect(self):
+ if self.running is False:
+ return
+ self.running = False
--- /dev/null
+# Tweepy
+# Copyright 2010 Joshua Roesslein
+# See LICENSE for details.
+from datetime import datetime
+import time
+import re
+import locale
+from urllib import quote
+from email.utils import parsedate
+def parse_datetime(string):
+ return datetime(*(parsedate(string)[:6]))
+def parse_html_value(html):
+ return html[html.find('>')+1:html.rfind('<')]
+def parse_a_href(atag):
+ start = atag.find('"') + 1
+ end = atag.find('"', start)
+ return atag[start:end]
+def convert_to_utf8_str(arg):
+ # written by Michael Norton (http://docondev.blogspot.com/)
+ if isinstance(arg, unicode):
+ arg = arg.encode('utf-8')
+ elif not isinstance(arg, str):
+ arg = str(arg)
+ return arg
+def import_simplejson():
+ try:
+ import simplejson as json
+ except ImportError:
+ try:
+ import json # Python 2.6+
+ except ImportError:
+ try:
+ from django.utils import simplejson as json # Google App Engine
+ except ImportError:
+ raise ImportError("Can't load a json library")
+ return json
+def list_to_csv(item_list):
+ if item_list:
+ return ','.join([str(i) for i in item_list])
+def urlencode_noplus(query):
+ return '&'.join(['%s=%s' % (quote(str(k), ''), quote(str(v), '')) \
+ for k, v in query.iteritems()])
--- /dev/null
+import tweepy
+from twitter_authentication import API_KEY, API_SECRET, ACCESS_TOKEN, ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET
+auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(API_KEY, API_SECRET)
+auth.set_access_token(ACCESS_TOKEN, ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET)
+api = tweepy.API(auth)
+class StreamListener(tweepy.StreamListener):
+ def on_status(self, tweet):
+ print tweet.user.screen_name + "\t" + tweet.text
+ def on_error(self, status_code):
+ print 'Error: ' + repr(status_code)
+ return False
+l = StreamListener()
+streamer = tweepy.Stream(auth=auth, listener=l)
--- /dev/null
+import tweepy
+from twitter_authentication import API_KEY, API_SECRET, ACCESS_TOKEN, ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET
+auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(API_KEY, API_SECRET)
+auth.set_access_token(ACCESS_TOKEN, ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET)
+api = tweepy.API(auth)
+class StreamListener(tweepy.StreamListener):
+ def on_status(self, tweet):
+ print tweet.user.screen_name + "\t" + tweet.text
+ def on_error(self, status_code):
+ print 'Error: ' + repr(status_code)
+ return False
+l = StreamListener()
+streamer = tweepy.Stream(auth=auth, listener=l)
+keywords = ['python', 'perl']
+streamer.filter(track = keywords)
--- /dev/null
+import tweepy
+from twitter_authentication import API_KEY, API_SECRET, ACCESS_TOKEN, ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET
+auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(API_KEY, API_SECRET)
+auth.set_access_token(ACCESS_TOKEN, ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET)
+api = tweepy.API(auth)
+public_tweets = api.home_timeline(count=100)
+for tweet in public_tweets:
+ print tweet.text
--- /dev/null
+import tweepy
+from twitter_authentication import API_KEY, API_SECRET, ACCESS_TOKEN, ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET
+auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(API_KEY, API_SECRET)
+auth.set_access_token(ACCESS_TOKEN, ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET)
+api = tweepy.API(auth)
+user = api.get_user('makoshark')
+print user.screen_name + " has " + str(user.followers_count) + " followers."
+print "They include these 100 people:"
+for friend in user.friends(count=100):
+ print friend.screen_name
--- /dev/null
+import tweepy
+from twitter_authentication import API_KEY, API_SECRET, ACCESS_TOKEN, ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET
+auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(API_KEY, API_SECRET)
+auth.set_access_token(ACCESS_TOKEN, ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET)
+api = tweepy.API(auth)
+public_tweets = api.search("data science", count=20)
+for tweet in public_tweets:
+ print tweet.user.screen_name + "\t" + str(tweet.created_at) + "\t" + tweet.text
--- /dev/null
+import tweepy
+from twitter_authentication import API_KEY, API_SECRET, ACCESS_TOKEN, ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET
+auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(API_KEY, API_SECRET)
+auth.set_access_token(ACCESS_TOKEN, ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET)
+api = tweepy.API(auth)
+# code to write the file
+import codecs
+output_file = codecs.open("MY_DATA.tsv", "w", "utf-8")
+public_tweets = api.search("data science", count=10)
+for tweet in public_tweets:
+ print >>output_file, tweet.user.screen_name + "\t" + str(tweet.created_at) + "\t" + tweet.text
--- /dev/null