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149 \title{Presentation Title}
150 % \subtitle{Presentation Subtitle}
151 \author[Benj. Mako Hill]{\textbf{Benjamin Mako Hill}\\ mako@mit.edu}
153 \institute[MIT/Harvard]{\textbf{Massachusetts Institute of Technology}\\
154 Sloan School of Management\\
157 \textbf{Harvard University}\\
158 Berkman Center for Internet and Society}
160 \date{December 2, 1980}
164 % remove some of the space in the itemize to make it quite compact
165 \let\olditemize\itemize
166 \renewcommand\itemize{\olditemize\itemsep-1pt}
168 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
169 \section{Introduction}
170 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
172 %% SLIDE: Title Slide
173 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
177 \node at (current page.center) [xshift=-3.5cm, yshift=0.5cm, opacity=0.4]
178 {\includegraphics[height=\paperheight]{figures/wikimedia_projects.png}};
181 \node at (current page.south east)
182 [anchor=south east,text width=1.8\paperwidth,align=right,color=black]
185 \fontsize{2.5em}{2.5em}
186 \selectfont {\bf \color{makopurple4} The State of Wikimedia\\
187 Research: 2012-2013} \par}
192 \fontsize{2.0em}{2.1em}
193 \selectfont {\bf \color{black} Benjamin Mako Hill\\
194 Wikimania 2013, Hong Kong\\
195 August 6, 2013} \par}
201 \tikz[overlay,shift=(current page.south west)]{\node [xshift=5.6em,yshift=0.5em]{\colorbox{makopurple1}{\color{white} \tt \smaller \smaller \smaller revision:\ \VCRevision\ (\VCDateTEX)}};}
203 \note{I've been doing this for many years. I started in 2008 and
204 skipped one year, I think.
206 This began as an excuse for me to make sure I was up to date on
211 %% SLIDE: Anecdote from Wikimania 2008
212 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
213 \renewcommand{\quotetxt}{``This talk will try to [provide] a quick
214 tour – a literature review in the scholarly parlance – of the last
215 year's academic landscape around Wikimedia and its projects geared
216 at non-academic editors and readers. It will try to categorize,
217 distill, and describe, from a birds eye view, the academic landscape
218 as it is shaping up around
220 \hfill – \e{From my Wikimania 2008 Submission}}
226 \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{figures/google_scholar_result.png}
229 \tikz{\draw (current page.center) [xshift=-2.1cm, yshift=0.9cm, color=red]
230 ellipse (1.5cm and 0.5cm);}
232 \note<1>{Back in Wikimania 2008, I set out to run a session at
233 Wikimania that would provide a comprehensive literature review of
234 articles in Wikipedia published in the last year.
240 Then, about two weeks before Wikimania, I did the scholar search
241 so I could build the literature.}
243 \note<2->{I tried to import the whole list into Zotero and managed
244 to get banned for abusing the Google Scholar because they thought
245 that no human being could realistically consume the amount of
246 material published on Wikipedia that year.
248 So anyway, I had a 45 minute talk so it worked out to 3.45 seconds
251 And believe it or, this year is even bigger.
253 And my talk is even shorter.}
257 %% SLIDE: Citations Per Year
258 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
261 \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{figures/citations_by_year.pdf}
265 {\smaller \emph{Number of citation, per year, with the term
266 “wikipedia” in the title.\\
267 (Source: Google scholar results. Accessed: 2013-08-06)}}
269 \note{Academics have written \e{a lot} of papers about
270 Wikipedia. There are more than 500 papers published about
271 Wikipedia each year and although we've reached a peak, it's not
274 We're on track this year to meet or surpass that.}
278 % %% SLIDE: breakdown by time?
279 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
282 % \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{figures/wikipeda_citations_bytime.png}
286 %% SLIDE: My Scope Conditions
287 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
290 \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{figures/multiple_issues.png}
293 In selecting papers for this session, the goal is always to choose
294 examples of work that:
298 \item Represent \e{important themes} from Wikipedia in the last year.
299 \item Research that is likely to be of \e{interest} to Wikimedians.
300 \item Research by people who are \e{not at Wikimania}.
303 Within these goals, the selections are \e{incomplete}, and \e{wrong}.
305 \note{This is my disclaimer slide...}
308 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
309 \section{Paper Summaries}
310 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
312 \subsection{Wikipedia in Context}
313 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
315 %% SLIDE: Reagle and Loveland Citation
316 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
317 \begin{frame}{Wikipedia in Historical Context}
319 \larger \larger Loveland, Jeff, and Joseph Reagle. “Wikipedia and
320 Encyclopedic Production.” \emph{New Media \& Society}
321 (2013). DOI:10.1177/1461444812470428.
323 \note{Jeff Loveland is a historian of encyclopedias. Joseph Reagle
324 is a media studies scholar who wrote the first book length
325 academic treatment of Wikipedia.
327 Loveland heard about Reagle's book through an article in the
328 Signpost but felt it was weak on history. So, they got together
329 and put together a great piece of work that places Wikipedia into
333 %% SLIDE: Reagle and Loveland Overview
334 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
335 \begin{frame}{Wikipedia in Historical Context}
337 \larger \larger \larger Loveland and Reagle cite three modes
338 of encyclopedia production:
341 \larger \larger \larger
342 \item Compulsive collection
343 \item Stigmertic accumluative
344 \item Corporate production
347 In each case, they see a connection between Wikipedia and methods of
350 \note<1>{The authors identify three historical methods through which
351 encyclopedias were written and they suggest that, in different
352 ways, each plays a role in Wikipedia:
355 \item \e{Compulsive collection} were people who were individually
356 driven to collect information. Think Pliny the Elder. And then
357 think Wikipediaholics and WikiBreak enforcing software.
358 \item \e{Stigmergic accumulation} references the `stigmergy' is a
359 word form Zoology that describes how wasps build nests and
360 references accumulation. In the past, this meant piracy and
361 building off of others. In Wikipedia, it means revision,
362 incorporation of other sources, and more.
363 \item \e{Corporate productin} means working together with many
364 other people. Diderot took advantage of at least 140 different
365 authors. Think the OED collecting information from
366 others. Wikipedia of course uses a similar model.
369 In each case, they think that Wikipedia's model is not a total
370 break from the past in the way many people talk abou it.}
372 \note<2>{Now my own bias as a reseacher is to look to more
373 quantitative or easy to apply work.
375 \e{Takeaway:} But I think is a great example how much of the more humanities
376 focused work on Wikipedia can do a wonderful job of providing us
377 context and a better way to think about and talk about what we're
382 \subsection{Wikipedia as Data Source}
383 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
386 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
387 \begin{frame}{Wikipedia as Data Source}
391 Sérasset, Giles. “Dbnary: Wiktionary as a LMF Based Multilingual RDF
392 Network.” In \emph{Proceedings of the Eight International Conference on
393 Language Resources and Evaluation}, 2012.
396 \visible<2>{\url{http://dbnary.forge.imag.fr/}}
399 \note<1>{There's a whole genre of paper that is about Wikipedia only
400 in that is uses WP as its dataset. This might even be a
401 \e{majority} of all papers published on Wikipedia.
403 This paper up here, on a project called ``Dbnary'', is attempt to
404 build a \e{lexical network} out of Wiktionary data. Essentially,
405 they are using Wiktionary as a network of words and their
406 relationships -- including definitions, translations, synonyms,
407 antonyms, etc. -- in different languages, often connected through
410 Lexical networks are are essential to a whole family of
411 computerized natural language processing and a variety of
414 What I like about what Sérraseset did was that he created not only
415 use it as a dataset but really did a bunch of work to make
416 Wiktionary more useful to other resources.}
418 \note<2>{The researcher has created an open source tool – available
421 And anybody can use this tool, along with the dumps as published
422 by WMF, to produce their own, on their computers, is about 5
425 The paper also contains a list of challenges that Wiktionary
426 contributors might be able to use to extract data more effectively
429 \e{Takeaway:} I think that this paper suggests, like a lot of
430 simliar work, how Wikipedia's effect is broader than just what
431 comes through viewership on the web. And that there are important
432 ways we might be able to work with researchers like this to become
437 \subsection{Wikipedia and Quality}
438 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
440 %% SLIDE: Wikipedia and Quality Citation
441 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
442 \begin{frame}{Wikipedia and Quality}
446 Volsky, Peter G., Cristina M. Baldassari, Sirisha Mushti, and Craig
447 S. Derkay. ``Quality of Internet Information in Pediatric
448 Otolaryngology: A Comparison of Three Most Referenced Websites.''
449 \emph{International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology} 76,
450 no. 9 (September 2012): 1312–1316. DOI:10.1016/j.ijporl.2012.05.026.
452 \note{There is little industry of articles designed to evaluate
453 Wikipedia's quality. There are literally dozens of these each
454 year. And one that thing that frustrates me is that its very rare
455 that the people doing these coordinate with Wikipedia or that
456 Wikipedians systematically reach out to the people doing these to
459 This is an example of one from pediatric otolayrnology. That is,
460 the study of dieases of the ear, nose, and throat -- in children.}
465 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
466 \begin{frame}{Wikipedia and Quality: Evaluation of Otolaryngology Articles}
469 \column{0.53\textwidth}
472 \includegraphics[width=0.6\textwidth]{figures/oto-content_accuracy.png}
474 Accuracy as scored for content against a rubric\\
475 developed from otolaryngology textbooks.
479 \includegraphics[width=0.6\textwidth]{figures/oto-errors_omissions.png}
481 Mean numbers of errors and omissions.
483 \column{0.47\textwidth}
486 \includegraphics[width=0.6\textwidth]{figures/oto_reading_level.png}
488 Composite score for user interface.
492 \includegraphics[width=0.6\textwidth]{figures/oto-user_interface.png}
494 Flesch–Kinkaid Reading Level.
501 {\larger WK=Wikipedia; ML=MedLinePlus; EM=eMedicine.}
505 \note{Like many of these studies, this study cmpares Wikipedia to
506 other sites. In this case, eMedicne, and Medicine Plus. They used
507 a series of textbooks and experts to evaluate the the content
508 errors and they used some standard systems to evaluate usability
511 They find that Wikipedia has the most errors, the least accuracy,
512 aa medium reading level. But similar in most cases to MedLinePlus.
514 And Wikipedia had a rather good user interface compared to the
517 I'm not sure what that says about the others user interface.
519 \e{Takeaway:} We need to be better about getting these datsets and
520 helping integrate these into improving the encyclopedia.}
523 \subsection{Perception of Quality}
524 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
526 %% SLIDE: Perception of Quality
527 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
528 \begin{frame}{Perception of Quality}
530 \larger \larger Towne, W. Ben, Aniket Kittur, Peter Kinnaird, and
531 James Herbsleb. “Your Process Is Showing: Controversy Management and
532 Perceived Quality in Wikipedia.” In \emph{Proceedings of the 2013
533 Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work}, 1059–1068. CSCW
534 ’13. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2013. DI:10.1145/2441776.2441896.
536 \note{A group at Carnegie Mellon put together a really nice piece
537 that tried to surface Wikipedia's talk pages. Now, as many of you
538 will know intuitive, a majority of Wikipededia's work happens on
539 talk pages are invisible to many users. What would happen if we
540 made this more visible?}
543 \begin{frame}{Perception of Quality: Towne et al.}
546 ``Laws, like sausages, cease to inspire respect in proportion
547 as we know how they are made.''\\
548 \hfill -- John G. Saxe,
552 \item<2-> Discussion $\Rightarrow$ Lower Ratings
553 \item<3-> Unresolved conflict $\Rightarrow$ Even lower ratings
554 \item<4-> Discussion $\Rightarrow$ Higher reported preception of
555 Wikipedia and article!
558 \note{The goal was to test this theory in Wikipedia.
560 An experiment, on Mechanical Turk, to show people Wikipedia
561 articles and also to show them the talk pages. Then then asked
562 people to rate the articles, and their perception of the article
566 \item When discussion is shown, quality rating were significantly lower.
567 \item When discussion involving conflict was displayed, article
568 quality ratings were even lower.
569 \item If the editors involved in the conflict resolved it
570 through a positive collaboration approach, the negative
571 effects of conflict disappeared.
572 \item Participants reported that reading the discussion raised
573 their perceptions of both the article’s quality and Wikipedia
574 in general. (i.e., they were not aware of the rating-lowering
575 effect of the discussion, and generally.)
578 \e{Takeaway:} There's a deep and interesting tradeoff that cuts to
579 the core of Wikimedia's two missions to empower folks by getting
580 involved in the process to display material. This kind of work
581 explores big important questions at the heart of the foundations
586 \subsection{Tool Building for Wikipedians}
587 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
589 %% SLIDE: Tool Building for Wikipedians
590 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
591 \begin{frame}{Tool Building for Wikipedians}
593 \larger \larger Solorio, Thamar, Ragib Hasan, and Mainul Mizan. ``A
594 Case Study of Sockpuppet Detection in Wikipedia.'' In
595 \emph{Proceedings of the Workshop on Language in Social Media},
596 59–68. Atlanta, Georgia, USA: Association for Computational
599 \note<1>{This is paper from a computational linguistics conference. And
600 they set out to create a method to identify sockpuppets in
603 There's a little academic industry designed to detect authorship
604 across texts and alias. But one problem that literature has is
605 that they almost no data of people \e{trying} to hide their
606 identity where the identity was later confirmed.
608 Wikipedia has no such problem. There were more than 2,700 cases of
609 suspected sock-puppeting in Wikipedia in 2012 alone.}
611 \note<2>{They use a database of confirmed (with checkuser) and rejected
612 cases of sockpuppeting to train a machine learning based approach
615 The system achieved an accuracy of 68.83\% in the tested cases.
617 This is not very good because simply always confirming the
618 suspected sockpuppet abuse would have achieved 53.24\% accuracy.
620 After adding features based on the user's edit frequency by time
621 of day and day of the week, it achieved 84.04\% confidence.
623 The authors have ideas of creating a system that could run in the
624 background and detect sockpuppets. But even if that never happens,
625 community members have done similar work in the past. And this
626 represents a set of tools and techniques from which the community
627 could directly benefit.
629 \e{Takeaway:} We need to get better about working with all the
630 people, like this, building tools for our communities.}
636 \subsection{Effects of Feedback}
637 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
639 %% SLIDE: Effects of Feedback Citation
640 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
641 \begin{frame}{Effects of Feedback}
643 \larger \larger Zhu, Haiyi, Amy Zhang, Jiping He, Robert Kraut, and Aniket
644 Kittur. ``Effects of Peer Feedback on Contribution: A Field
645 Experiment in Wikipedia.'' In \emph{Proceedings of the SIGCHI
646 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems}. Paris, France:
649 \note{There have been a whole bunch of studies which have looked at
650 the effects of feedback on contribution to Wikipedia. Reverts,
651 welcome messages, et. And they have shown a series of effects.
653 But one concern with this work is that it is not causal. People
654 who receive negative messages are often behaving differently than
657 This reflects a real experiment, done in Wikipedia, where
658 different types of feedback were randomly assigned.
660 In August-November 2011, they left feedback for 703 creators of
661 new articles in Wikipedia after at least two days and making sure
662 the article had a certain amount of content and had not been
663 tagged for speedy deletion.}
667 %% SLIDE: Effects of Feedback Figures
668 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
669 \begin{frame}{Effects of Feedback: Zhu et al.}
672 \includegraphics[height=0.85\textheight]{figures/shared_leadership-figures.pdf}
674 \note{They left four kinds of feedback: positive, negative,
675 directive, and social.
677 And they were interested in both the effect on editing in the new
678 article they mention and on general editing on Wikipedia.
680 Feedback had no effect at all on experienced contributors. At
681 all. This was surpising to the folks running the study but maybe
682 not to the folks in this room.
684 In newbies, they found that negative feedback and directive
685 feedback had a positive effect on editing in the focal article and
686 positive feedback had a effect on general editing (but not the
687 article in question). And they found no other effects.
689 \e{Takeaway:} We should learn from and improve our processes based
690 on studies like these. We should work with researchers to do more
691 experiments. There are important ethical implications. There was a
692 long section of the paper about talking to the research ctte and
698 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
700 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
702 %% SLIDE: Other Resources
703 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
704 \begin{frame}{More Resources}
707 \larger \larger \larger
708 \item \e{Wikimedia Research Newsletter} [[:meta:Research:Newsletter]]
709 \item \e{WikiSym} (Last week in Hong Kong!)
710 \item \e{WikiPapers Repository} [http://wikipapers.referata.com]
714 \note{Those are my six postcards.
716 There has been just tons and tons of work in this area. Trying to
717 talk about this in 20 minutes strikes me as increasingly crazy
718 every year I try to do it.
720 The most important source, now going for a couple years, is the
721 Wikimedia Research Newsletter which is published monthly in the
724 But there are other resources as well. And I encourage you to get