--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
++require 'rubygems'
++require 'RMagick'
++=begin rdoc
++A library for generating small unmarked graphs (sparklines).
++Can be used to write an image to a file or make a web service with Rails or other Ruby CGI apps.
++Idea and much of the outline for the source lifted directly from {Joe Gregorio's Python Sparklines web service script}[http://bitworking.org/projects/sparklines].
++Requires the RMagick image library.
++{Dan Nugent}[mailto:nugend@gmail.com] Original port from Python Sparklines library.
++{Geoffrey Grosenbach}[mailto:boss@topfunky.com] -- http://nubyonrails.topfunky.com
++-- Conversion to module and further maintenance.
++==General Usage and Defaults
++To use in a script:
++ require 'rubygems'
++ require 'sparklines'
++ Sparklines.plot([1,25,33,46,89,90,85,77,42],
++ :type => 'discrete',
++ :height => 20)
++An image blob will be returned which you can print, write to STDOUT, etc.
++For use with Ruby on Rails, see the sparklines plugin:
++ http://nubyonrails.com/pages/sparklines
++In your view, call it like this:
++ <%= sparkline_tag [1,2,3,4,5,6] %>
++Or specify details:
++ <%= sparkline_tag [1,2,3,4,5,6],
++ :type => 'discrete',
++ :height => 10,
++ :upper => 80,
++ :above_color => 'green',
++ :below_color => 'blue' %>
++Graph types:
++ area
++ discrete
++ pie
++ smooth
++ bar
++ whisker
++General Defaults:
++ :type => 'smooth'
++ :height => 14px
++ :upper => 50
++ :above_color => 'red'
++ :below_color => 'grey'
++ :background_color => 'white'
++ :line_color => 'lightgrey'
++Licensed under the MIT license.
++class Sparklines
++ VERSION = '0.4.1'
++ @@label_margin = 5.0
++ @@pointsize = 10.0
++ class << self
++ # Does the actual plotting of the graph.
++ # Calls the appropriate subclass based on the :type argument.
++ # Defaults to 'smooth'
++ def plot(data=[], options={})
++ defaults = {
++ :type => 'smooth',
++ :height => 14,
++ :upper => 50,
++ :diameter => 20,
++ :step => 2,
++ :line_color => 'lightgrey',
++ :above_color => 'red',
++ :below_color => 'grey',
++ :background_color => 'white',
++ :share_color => 'red',
++ :remain_color => 'lightgrey',
++ :min_color => 'blue',
++ :max_color => 'green',
++ :last_color => 'red',
++ :has_min => false,
++ :has_max => false,
++ :has_last => false,
++ :label => nil
++ }
++ # HACK for HashWithIndifferentAccess
++ options_sym = Hash.new
++ options.keys.each do |key|
++ options_sym[key.to_sym] = options[key]
++ end
++ options_sym = defaults.merge(options_sym)
++ # Call the appropriate method for actual plotting.
++ sparkline = self.new(data, options_sym)
++ if %w(area bar pie smooth discrete whisker).include? options_sym[:type]
++ sparkline.send options_sym[:type]
++ else
++ sparkline.plot_error options_sym
++ end
++ end
++ # Writes a graph to disk with the specified filename, or "sparklines.png"
++ def plot_to_file(filename="sparklines.png", data=[], options={})
++ File.open( filename, 'wb' ) do |png|
++ png << self.plot( data, options)
++ end
++ end
++ end # class methods
++ def initialize(data=[], options={})
++ @data = Array(data)
++ @options = options
++ normalize_data
++ end
++ ##
++ # Creates a continuous area sparkline. Relevant options.
++ #
++ # :step - An integer that determines the distance between each point on the sparkline. Defaults to 2.
++ #
++ # :height - An integer that determines what the height of the sparkline will be. Defaults to 14
++ #
++ # :upper - An integer that determines the threshold for colorization purposes. Any value less than upper will be colored using below_color, anything above and equal to upper will use above_color. Defaults to 50.
++ #
++ # :has_min - Determines whether a dot will be drawn at the lowest value or not. Defaults to false.
++ #
++ # :has_max - Determines whether a dot will be drawn at the highest value or not. Defaults to false.
++ #
++ # :has_last - Determines whether a dot will be drawn at the last value or not. Defaults to false.
++ #
++ # :min_color - A string or color code representing the color that the dot drawn at the smallest value will be displayed as. Defaults to blue.
++ #
++ # :max_color - A string or color code representing the color that the dot drawn at the largest value will be displayed as. Defaults to green.
++ #
++ # :last_color - A string or color code representing the color that the dot drawn at the last value will be displayed as. Defaults to red.
++ #
++ # :above_color - A string or color code representing the color to draw values above or equal the upper value. Defaults to red.
++ #
++ # :below_color - A string or color code representing the color to draw values below the upper value. Defaults to gray.
++ def area
++ step = @options[:step].to_i
++ height = @options[:height].to_i
++ background_color = @options[:background_color]
++ create_canvas((@norm_data.size - 1) * step + 4, height, background_color)
++ upper = @options[:upper].to_i
++ has_min = @options[:has_min]
++ has_max = @options[:has_max]
++ has_last = @options[:has_last]
++ min_color = @options[:min_color]
++ max_color = @options[:max_color]
++ last_color = @options[:last_color]
++ below_color = @options[:below_color]
++ above_color = @options[:above_color]
++ coords = [[0,(height - 3 - upper/(101.0/(height-4)))]]
++ i=0
++ @norm_data.each do |r|
++ coords.push [(2 + i), (height - 3 - r/(101.0/(height-4)))]
++ i += step
++ end
++ coords.push [(@norm_data.size - 1) * step + 4, (height - 3 - upper/(101.0/(height-4)))]
++ # TODO Refactor! Should take a block and do both.
++ #
++ # Block off the bottom half of the image and draw the sparkline
++ @draw.fill(above_color)
++ @draw.define_clip_path('top') do
++ @draw.rectangle(0,0,(@norm_data.size - 1) * step + 4,(height - 3 - upper/(101.0/(height-4))))
++ end
++ @draw.clip_path('top')
++ @draw.polygon *coords.flatten
++ # Block off the top half of the image and draw the sparkline
++ @draw.fill(below_color)
++ @draw.define_clip_path('bottom') do
++ @draw.rectangle(0,(height - 3 - upper/(101.0/(height-4))),(@norm_data.size - 1) * step + 4,height)
++ end
++ @draw.clip_path('bottom')
++ @draw.polygon *coords.flatten
++ # The sparkline looks kinda nasty if either the above_color or below_color gets the center line
++ @draw.fill('black')
++ @draw.line(0,(height - 3 - upper/(101.0/(height-4))),(@norm_data.size - 1) * step + 4,(height - 3 - upper/(101.0/(height-4))))
++ # After the parts have been masked, we need to let the whole canvas be drawable again
++ # so a max dot can be displayed
++ @draw.define_clip_path('all') do
++ @draw.rectangle(0,0,@canvas.columns,@canvas.rows)
++ end
++ @draw.clip_path('all')
++ drawbox(coords[@norm_data.index(@norm_data.min)+1], 1, min_color) if has_min == true
++ drawbox(coords[@norm_data.index(@norm_data.max)+1], 1, max_color) if has_max == true
++ drawbox(coords[-2], 1, last_color) if has_last == true
++ @draw.draw(@canvas)
++ @canvas.to_blob
++ end
++ ##
++ # A bar graph.
++ def bar
++ step = @options[:step].to_i
++ height = @options[:height].to_f
++ background_color = @options[:background_color]
++ create_canvas(@norm_data.length * step + 2, height, background_color)
++ upper = @options[:upper].to_i
++ below_color = @options[:below_color]
++ above_color = @options[:above_color]
++ i = 1
++ @norm_data.each_with_index do |r, index|
++ color = (r >= upper) ? above_color : below_color
++ @draw.stroke('transparent')
++ @draw.fill(color)
++ @draw.rectangle( i, @canvas.rows,
++ i + step - 2, @canvas.rows - ( (r / @maximum_value) * @canvas.rows) )
++ i += step
++ end
++ @draw.draw(@canvas)
++ @canvas.to_blob
++ end
++ ##
++ # Creates a discretized sparkline
++ #
++ # :height - An integer that determines what the height of the sparkline will be. Defaults to 14
++ #
++ # :upper - An integer that determines the threshold for colorization purposes. Any value less than upper will be colored using below_color, anything above and equal to upper will use above_color. Defaults to 50.
++ #
++ # :above_color - A string or color code representing the color to draw values above or equal the upper value. Defaults to red.
++ #
++ # :below_color - A string or color code representing the color to draw values below the upper value. Defaults to gray.
++ def discrete
++ height = @options[:height].to_i
++ upper = @options[:upper].to_i
++ background_color = @options[:background_color]
++ step = @options[:step].to_i
++ create_canvas(@norm_data.size * step - 1, height, background_color)
++ below_color = @options[:below_color]
++ above_color = @options[:above_color]
++ i = 0
++ @norm_data.each do |r|
++ color = (r >= upper) ? above_color : below_color
++ @draw.stroke(color)
++ @draw.line(i, (@canvas.rows - r/(101.0/(height-4))-4).to_i,
++ i, (@canvas.rows - r/(101.0/(height-4))).to_i)
++ i += step
++ end
++ @draw.draw(@canvas)
++ @canvas.to_blob
++ end
++ ##
++ # Creates a pie-chart sparkline
++ #
++ # :diameter - An integer that determines what the size of the sparkline will be. Defaults to 20
++ #
++ # :share_color - A string or color code representing the color to draw the share of the pie represented by percent. Defaults to red.
++ #
++ # :remain_color - A string or color code representing the color to draw the pie not taken by the share color. Defaults to lightgrey.
++ def pie
++ diameter = @options[:diameter].to_i
++ background_color = @options[:background_color]
++ create_canvas(diameter, diameter, background_color)
++ share_color = @options[:share_color]
++ remain_color = @options[:remain_color]
++ percent = @norm_data[0]
++ # Adjust the radius so there's some edge left in the pie
++ r = diameter/2.0 - 2
++ @draw.fill(remain_color)
++ @draw.ellipse(r + 2, r + 2, r , r , 0, 360)
++ @draw.fill(share_color)
++ # Special exceptions
++ if percent == 0
++ # For 0% return blank
++ @draw.draw(@canvas)
++ return @canvas.to_blob
++ elsif percent == 100
++ # For 100% just draw a full circle
++ @draw.ellipse(r + 2, r + 2, r , r , 0, 360)
++ @draw.draw(@canvas)
++ return @canvas.to_blob
++ end
++ # Okay, this part is as confusing as hell, so pay attention:
++ # This line determines the horizontal portion of the point on the circle where the X-Axis
++ # should end. It's caculated by taking the center of the on-image circle and adding that
++ # to the radius multiplied by the formula for determinig the point on a unit circle that a
++ # angle corresponds to. 3.6 * percent gives us that angle, but it's in degrees, so we need to
++ # convert, hence the muliplication by Pi over 180
++ arc_end_x = r + 2 + (r * Math.cos((3.6 * percent)*(Math::PI/180)))
++ # The same goes for here, except it's the vertical point instead of the horizontal one
++ arc_end_y = r + 2 + (r * Math.sin((3.6 * percent)*(Math::PI/180)))
++ # Because the SVG path format is seriously screwy, we need to set the large-arc-flag to 1
++ # if the angle of an arc is greater than 180 degrees. I have no idea why this is, but it is.
++ percent > 50? large_arc_flag = 1: large_arc_flag = 0
++ # This is also confusing
++ # M tells us to move to an absolute point on the image. We're moving to the center of the pie
++ # h tells us to move to a relative point. We're moving to the right edge of the circle.
++ # A tells us to start an absolute elliptical arc. The first two values are the radii of the ellipse
++ # the third value is the x-axis-rotation (how to rotate the ellipse if we wanted to [could have some fun
++ # with randomizing that maybe), the fourth value is our large-arc-flag, the fifth is the sweep-flag,
++ # (again, confusing), the sixth and seventh values are the end point of the arc which we calculated previously
++ # More info on the SVG path string format at: http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/paths.html
++ path = "M#{r + 2},#{r + 2} h#{r} A#{r},#{r} 0 #{large_arc_flag},1 #{arc_end_x},#{arc_end_y} z"
++ @draw.path(path)
++ @draw.draw(@canvas)
++ @canvas.to_blob
++ end
++ ##
++ # Creates a smooth sparkline.
++ #
++ # :step - An integer that determines the distance between each point on the sparkline. Defaults to 2.
++ #
++ # :height - An integer that determines what the height of the sparkline will be. Defaults to 14
++ #
++ # :has_min - Determines whether a dot will be drawn at the lowest value or not. Defaults to false.
++ #
++ # :has_max - Determines whether a dot will be drawn at the highest value or not. Defaults to false.
++ #
++ # :has_last - Determines whether a dot will be drawn at the last value or not. Defaults to false.
++ #
++ # :min_color - A string or color code representing the color that the dot drawn at the smallest value will be displayed as. Defaults to blue.
++ #
++ # :max_color - A string or color code representing the color that the dot drawn at the largest value will be displayed as. Defaults to green.
++ #
++ # :last_color - A string or color code representing the color that the dot drawn at the last value will be displayed as. Defaults to red.
++ def smooth
++ step = @options[:step].to_i
++ height = @options[:height].to_i
++ background_color = @options[:background_color]
++ create_canvas((@norm_data.size - 1) * step + 4, height, background_color)
++ min_color = @options[:min_color]
++ max_color = @options[:max_color]
++ last_color = @options[:last_color]
++ has_min = @options[:has_min]
++ has_max = @options[:has_max]
++ has_last = @options[:has_last]
++ line_color = @options[:line_color]
++ @draw.stroke(line_color)
++ coords = []
++ i=0
++ @norm_data.each do |r|
++ coords.push [ 2 + i, (height - 3 - r/(101.0/(height-4))) ]
++ i += step
++ end
++ open_ended_polyline(coords)
++ drawbox(coords[@norm_data.index(@norm_data.min)], 2, min_color) if has_min == true
++ drawbox(coords[@norm_data.index(@norm_data.max)], 2, max_color) if has_max == true
++ drawbox(coords[-1], 2, last_color) if has_last == true
++ @draw.draw(@canvas)
++ @canvas.to_blob
++ end
++ ##
++ # Creates a whisker sparkline to track on/off type data. There are five states:
++ # on, off, no value, exceptional on, exceptional off. On values create an up
++ # whisker and off values create a down whisker. Exceptional values may be
++ # colored differently than regular values to indicate, for example, a shut out.
++ # No value produces an empty row to indicate a tie.
++ #
++ # * results - an array of integer values between -2 and 2. -2 is exceptional
++ # down, 1 is regular down, 0 is no value, 1 is up, and 2 is exceptional up.
++ # * options - a hash that takes parameters
++ #
++ # :height - height of the sparkline
++ #
++ # :whisker_color - the color of regular whiskers; defaults to black
++ #
++ # :exception_color - the color of exceptional whiskers; defaults to red
++ def whisker
++ # step = @options[:step].to_i
++ height = @options[:height].to_i
++ background_color = @options[:background_color]
++ create_canvas((@data.size - 1) * 2, height, background_color)
++ whisker_color = @options[:whisker_color] || 'black'
++ exception_color = @options[:exception_color] || 'red'
++ i = 0
++ @data.each do |r|
++ color = whisker_color
++ if ( (r == 2 || r == -2) && exception_color )
++ color = exception_color
++ end
++ y_mid_point = (r >= 1) ? (@canvas.rows/2.0 - 1).ceil : (@canvas.rows/2.0).floor
++ y_end_point = y_mid_point
++ if ( r > 0)
++ y_end_point = 0
++ end
++ if ( r < 0 )
++ y_end_point = @canvas.rows
++ end
++ @draw.stroke( color )
++ @draw.line( i, y_mid_point, i, y_end_point )
++ i += 2
++ end
++ @draw.draw(@canvas)
++ @canvas.to_blob
++ end
++ ##
++ # Draw the error Sparkline.
++ def plot_error(options={})
++ create_canvas(40, 15, 'white')
++ @draw.fill('red')
++ @draw.line(0,0,40,15)
++ @draw.line(0,15,40,0)
++ @draw.draw(@canvas)
++ @canvas.to_blob
++ end
++ def normalize_data
++ @maximum_value = @data.max
++ if @options[:type].to_s == 'pie'
++ @norm_data = @data
++ else
++ @norm_data = @data.map { |value| value = (value.to_f / @maximum_value) * 100.0 }
++ end
++ end
++ ##
++ # * :arr - an array of points (represented as two element arrays)
++ def open_ended_polyline(arr)
++ 0.upto(arr.length - 2) { |i|
++ @draw.line(arr[i][0], arr[i][1], arr[i+1][0], arr[i+1][1])
++ }
++ end
++ ##
++ # Create an image to draw on and a drawable to do the drawing with.
++ #
++ # TODO Refactor into smaller methods
++ def create_canvas(w, h, bkg_col)
++ @draw = Magick::Draw.new
++ @draw.pointsize = @@pointsize # TODO Use height
++ @canvas = Magick::Image.new(w , h) { self.background_color = bkg_col }
++ # Make room for label and last value
++ unless @options[:label].nil?
++ @options[:has_last] = true
++ @label_width = calculate_width(@options[:label])
++ @data_last_width = calculate_width(@data.last)
++ # HACK The 7.0 is a severe hack. Must figure out correct spacing
++ @label_and_data_last_width = @label_width + @data_last_width + @@label_margin * 7.0
++ w += @label_and_data_last_width
++ end
++ @canvas = Magick::Image.new(w , h) { self.background_color = bkg_col }
++ @canvas.format = "PNG"
++ # Draw label and last value
++ unless @options[:label].nil?
++ if ENV.has_key?('MAGICK_FONT_PATH')
++ vera_font_path = File.expand_path('Vera.ttf', ENV['MAGICK_FONT_PATH'])
++ @font = File.exists?(vera_font_path) ? vera_font_path : nil
++ else
++ @font = nil
++ end
++ @draw.fill = 'black'
++ @draw.font = @font if @font
++ @draw.gravity = Magick::WestGravity
++ @draw.annotate( @canvas,
++ @label_width, 1.0,
++ w - @label_and_data_last_width + @@label_margin, h - calculate_caps_height/2.0,
++ @options[:label])
++ @draw.fill = 'red'
++ @draw.annotate( @canvas,
++ @data_last_width, 1.0,
++ w - @data_last_width - @@label_margin * 2.0, h - calculate_caps_height/2.0,
++ @data.last.to_s)
++ end
++ end
++ ##
++ # Utility to draw a coloured box
++ # Centred on pt, offset off in each direction, fill color is col
++ def drawbox(pt, offset, color)
++ @draw.stroke 'transparent'
++ @draw.fill(color)
++ @draw.rectangle(pt[0]-offset, pt[1]-offset, pt[0]+offset, pt[1]+offset)
++ end
++ def calculate_width(text)
++ @draw.get_type_metrics(@canvas, text.to_s).width
++ end
++ def calculate_caps_height
++ @draw.get_type_metrics(@canvas, 'X').height
++ end