+require 'rubygems'
+require 'mocha'
+require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'test_helper')
+# Uses defaults
+class Company < ActiveRecord::Base #:nodoc: all
+ has_many :locations
+# Configures everything.
+class Location < ActiveRecord::Base #:nodoc: all
+ belongs_to :company
+ acts_as_mappable
+# for auto_geocode
+class Store < ActiveRecord::Base
+ acts_as_mappable :auto_geocode=>true
+# Uses deviations from conventions.
+class CustomLocation < ActiveRecord::Base #:nodoc: all
+ belongs_to :company
+ acts_as_mappable :distance_column_name => 'dist',
+ :default_units => :kms,
+ :default_formula => :flat,
+ :lat_column_name => 'latitude',
+ :lng_column_name => 'longitude'
+ def to_s
+ "lat: #{latitude} lng: #{longitude} dist: #{dist}"
+ end
+class ActsAsMappableTest < Test::Unit::TestCase #:nodoc: all
+ #self.fixture_path = File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/fixtures'
+ #self.fixture_path = RAILS_ROOT + '/test/fixtures/'
+ #puts "Rails Path #{RAILS_ROOT}"
+ #puts "Fixture Path: #{self.fixture_path}"
+ #self.fixture_path = ' /Users/bill_eisenhauer/Projects/geokit_test/test/fixtures/'
+ fixtures :companies, :locations, :custom_locations, :stores
+ def setup
+ @location_a = GeoKit::GeoLoc.new
+ @location_a.lat = 32.918593
+ @location_a.lng = -96.958444
+ @location_a.city = "Irving"
+ @location_a.state = "TX"
+ @location_a.country_code = "US"
+ @location_a.success = true
+ @sw = GeoKit::LatLng.new(32.91663,-96.982841)
+ @ne = GeoKit::LatLng.new(32.96302,-96.919495)
+ @bounds_center=GeoKit::LatLng.new((@sw.lat+@ne.lat)/2,(@sw.lng+@ne.lng)/2)
+ @starbucks = companies(:starbucks)
+ @loc_a = locations(:a)
+ @custom_loc_a = custom_locations(:a)
+ @loc_e = locations(:e)
+ @custom_loc_e = custom_locations(:e)
+ end
+ def test_override_default_units_the_hard_way
+ Location.default_units = :kms
+ locations = Location.find(:all, :origin => @loc_a, :conditions => "distance < 3.97")
+ assert_equal 5, locations.size
+ locations = Location.count(:origin => @loc_a, :conditions => "distance < 3.97")
+ assert_equal 5, locations
+ Location.default_units = :miles
+ end
+ def test_include
+ locations = Location.find(:all, :origin => @loc_a, :include => :company, :conditions => "company_id = 1")
+ assert !locations.empty?
+ assert_equal 1, locations[0].company.id
+ assert_equal 'Starbucks', locations[0].company.name
+ end
+ def test_distance_between_geocoded
+ GeoKit::Geocoders::MultiGeocoder.expects(:geocode).with("Irving, TX").returns(@location_a)
+ GeoKit::Geocoders::MultiGeocoder.expects(:geocode).with("San Francisco, CA").returns(@location_a)
+ assert_equal 0, Location.distance_between("Irving, TX", "San Francisco, CA")
+ end
+ def test_distance_to_geocoded
+ GeoKit::Geocoders::MultiGeocoder.expects(:geocode).with("Irving, TX").returns(@location_a)
+ assert_equal 0, @custom_loc_a.distance_to("Irving, TX")
+ end
+ def test_distance_to_geocoded_error
+ GeoKit::Geocoders::MultiGeocoder.expects(:geocode).with("Irving, TX").returns(GeoKit::GeoLoc.new)
+ assert_raise(GeoKit::Geocoders::GeocodeError) { @custom_loc_a.distance_to("Irving, TX") }
+ end
+ def test_custom_attributes_distance_calculations
+ assert_equal 0, @custom_loc_a.distance_to(@loc_a)
+ assert_equal 0, CustomLocation.distance_between(@custom_loc_a, @loc_a)
+ end
+ def test_distance_column_in_select
+ locations = Location.find(:all, :origin => @loc_a, :order => "distance ASC")
+ assert_equal 6, locations.size
+ assert_equal 0, @loc_a.distance_to(locations.first)
+ assert_in_delta 3.97, @loc_a.distance_to(locations.last, :units => :miles, :formula => :sphere), 0.01
+ end
+ def test_find_with_distance_condition
+ locations = Location.find(:all, :origin => @loc_a, :conditions => "distance < 3.97")
+ assert_equal 5, locations.size
+ locations = Location.count(:origin => @loc_a, :conditions => "distance < 3.97")
+ assert_equal 5, locations
+ end
+ def test_find_with_distance_condition_with_units_override
+ locations = Location.find(:all, :origin => @loc_a, :units => :kms, :conditions => "distance < 6.387")
+ assert_equal 5, locations.size
+ locations = Location.count(:origin => @loc_a, :units => :kms, :conditions => "distance < 6.387")
+ assert_equal 5, locations
+ end
+ def test_find_with_distance_condition_with_formula_override
+ locations = Location.find(:all, :origin => @loc_a, :formula => :flat, :conditions => "distance < 6.387")
+ assert_equal 6, locations.size
+ locations = Location.count(:origin => @loc_a, :formula => :flat, :conditions => "distance < 6.387")
+ assert_equal 6, locations
+ end
+ def test_find_within
+ locations = Location.find_within(3.97, :origin => @loc_a)
+ assert_equal 5, locations.size
+ locations = Location.count_within(3.97, :origin => @loc_a)
+ assert_equal 5, locations
+ end
+ def test_find_within_with_token
+ locations = Location.find(:all, :within => 3.97, :origin => @loc_a)
+ assert_equal 5, locations.size
+ locations = Location.count(:within => 3.97, :origin => @loc_a)
+ assert_equal 5, locations
+ end
+ def test_find_within_with_coordinates
+ locations = Location.find_within(3.97, :origin =>[@loc_a.lat,@loc_a.lng])
+ assert_equal 5, locations.size
+ locations = Location.count_within(3.97, :origin =>[@loc_a.lat,@loc_a.lng])
+ assert_equal 5, locations
+ end
+ def test_find_with_compound_condition
+ locations = Location.find(:all, :origin => @loc_a, :conditions => "distance < 5 and city = 'Coppell'")
+ assert_equal 2, locations.size
+ locations = Location.count(:origin => @loc_a, :conditions => "distance < 5 and city = 'Coppell'")
+ assert_equal 2, locations
+ end
+ def test_find_with_secure_compound_condition
+ locations = Location.find(:all, :origin => @loc_a, :conditions => ["distance < ? and city = ?", 5, 'Coppell'])
+ assert_equal 2, locations.size
+ locations = Location.count(:origin => @loc_a, :conditions => ["distance < ? and city = ?", 5, 'Coppell'])
+ assert_equal 2, locations
+ end
+ def test_find_beyond
+ locations = Location.find_beyond(3.95, :origin => @loc_a)
+ assert_equal 1, locations.size
+ locations = Location.count_beyond(3.95, :origin => @loc_a)
+ assert_equal 1, locations
+ end
+ def test_find_beyond_with_token
+ locations = Location.find(:all, :beyond => 3.95, :origin => @loc_a)
+ assert_equal 1, locations.size
+ locations = Location.count(:beyond => 3.95, :origin => @loc_a)
+ assert_equal 1, locations
+ end
+ def test_find_beyond_with_coordinates
+ locations = Location.find_beyond(3.95, :origin =>[@loc_a.lat, @loc_a.lng])
+ assert_equal 1, locations.size
+ locations = Location.count_beyond(3.95, :origin =>[@loc_a.lat, @loc_a.lng])
+ assert_equal 1, locations
+ end
+ def test_find_range_with_token
+ locations = Location.find(:all, :range => 0..10, :origin => @loc_a)
+ assert_equal 6, locations.size
+ locations = Location.count(:range => 0..10, :origin => @loc_a)
+ assert_equal 6, locations
+ end
+ def test_find_range_with_token_with_conditions
+ locations = Location.find(:all, :origin => @loc_a, :range => 0..10, :conditions => ["city = ?", 'Coppell'])
+ assert_equal 2, locations.size
+ locations = Location.count(:origin => @loc_a, :range => 0..10, :conditions => ["city = ?", 'Coppell'])
+ assert_equal 2, locations
+ end
+ def test_find_range_with_token_excluding_end
+ locations = Location.find(:all, :range => 0...10, :origin => @loc_a)
+ assert_equal 6, locations.size
+ locations = Location.count(:range => 0...10, :origin => @loc_a)
+ assert_equal 6, locations
+ end
+ def test_find_nearest
+ assert_equal @loc_a, Location.find_nearest(:origin => @loc_a)
+ end
+ def test_find_nearest_through_find
+ assert_equal @loc_a, Location.find(:nearest, :origin => @loc_a)
+ end
+ def test_find_nearest_with_coordinates
+ assert_equal @loc_a, Location.find_nearest(:origin =>[@loc_a.lat, @loc_a.lng])
+ end
+ def test_find_farthest
+ assert_equal @loc_e, Location.find_farthest(:origin => @loc_a)
+ end
+ def test_find_farthest_through_find
+ assert_equal @loc_e, Location.find(:farthest, :origin => @loc_a)
+ end
+ def test_find_farthest_with_coordinates
+ assert_equal @loc_e, Location.find_farthest(:origin =>[@loc_a.lat, @loc_a.lng])
+ end
+ def test_scoped_distance_column_in_select
+ locations = @starbucks.locations.find(:all, :origin => @loc_a, :order => "distance ASC")
+ assert_equal 5, locations.size
+ assert_equal 0, @loc_a.distance_to(locations.first)
+ assert_in_delta 3.97, @loc_a.distance_to(locations.last, :units => :miles, :formula => :sphere), 0.01
+ end
+ def test_scoped_find_with_distance_condition
+ locations = @starbucks.locations.find(:all, :origin => @loc_a, :conditions => "distance < 3.97")
+ assert_equal 4, locations.size
+ locations = @starbucks.locations.count(:origin => @loc_a, :conditions => "distance < 3.97")
+ assert_equal 4, locations
+ end
+ def test_scoped_find_within
+ locations = @starbucks.locations.find_within(3.97, :origin => @loc_a)
+ assert_equal 4, locations.size
+ locations = @starbucks.locations.count_within(3.97, :origin => @loc_a)
+ assert_equal 4, locations
+ end
+ def test_scoped_find_with_compound_condition
+ locations = @starbucks.locations.find(:all, :origin => @loc_a, :conditions => "distance < 5 and city = 'Coppell'")
+ assert_equal 2, locations.size
+ locations = @starbucks.locations.count( :origin => @loc_a, :conditions => "distance < 5 and city = 'Coppell'")
+ assert_equal 2, locations
+ end
+ def test_scoped_find_beyond
+ locations = @starbucks.locations.find_beyond(3.95, :origin => @loc_a)
+ assert_equal 1, locations.size
+ locations = @starbucks.locations.count_beyond(3.95, :origin => @loc_a)
+ assert_equal 1, locations
+ end
+ def test_scoped_find_nearest
+ assert_equal @loc_a, @starbucks.locations.find_nearest(:origin => @loc_a)
+ end
+ def test_scoped_find_farthest
+ assert_equal @loc_e, @starbucks.locations.find_farthest(:origin => @loc_a)
+ end
+ def test_ip_geocoded_distance_column_in_select
+ GeoKit::Geocoders::IpGeocoder.expects(:geocode).with(LOCATION_A_IP).returns(@location_a)
+ locations = Location.find(:all, :origin => LOCATION_A_IP, :order => "distance ASC")
+ assert_equal 6, locations.size
+ assert_equal 0, @loc_a.distance_to(locations.first)
+ assert_in_delta 3.97, @loc_a.distance_to(locations.last, :units => :miles, :formula => :sphere), 0.01
+ end
+ def test_ip_geocoded_find_with_distance_condition
+ GeoKit::Geocoders::IpGeocoder.expects(:geocode).with(LOCATION_A_IP).returns(@location_a)
+ locations = Location.find(:all, :origin => LOCATION_A_IP, :conditions => "distance < 3.97")
+ assert_equal 5, locations.size
+ GeoKit::Geocoders::IpGeocoder.expects(:geocode).with(LOCATION_A_IP).returns(@location_a)
+ locations = Location.count(:origin => LOCATION_A_IP, :conditions => "distance < 3.97")
+ assert_equal 5, locations
+ end
+ def test_ip_geocoded_find_within
+ GeoKit::Geocoders::IpGeocoder.expects(:geocode).with(LOCATION_A_IP).returns(@location_a)
+ locations = Location.find_within(3.97, :origin => LOCATION_A_IP)
+ assert_equal 5, locations.size
+ GeoKit::Geocoders::IpGeocoder.expects(:geocode).with(LOCATION_A_IP).returns(@location_a)
+ locations = Location.count_within(3.97, :origin => LOCATION_A_IP)
+ assert_equal 5, locations
+ end
+ def test_ip_geocoded_find_with_compound_condition
+ GeoKit::Geocoders::IpGeocoder.expects(:geocode).with(LOCATION_A_IP).returns(@location_a)
+ locations = Location.find(:all, :origin => LOCATION_A_IP, :conditions => "distance < 5 and city = 'Coppell'")
+ assert_equal 2, locations.size
+ GeoKit::Geocoders::IpGeocoder.expects(:geocode).with(LOCATION_A_IP).returns(@location_a)
+ locations = Location.count(:origin => LOCATION_A_IP, :conditions => "distance < 5 and city = 'Coppell'")
+ assert_equal 2, locations
+ end
+ def test_ip_geocoded_find_with_secure_compound_condition
+ GeoKit::Geocoders::IpGeocoder.expects(:geocode).with(LOCATION_A_IP).returns(@location_a)
+ locations = Location.find(:all, :origin => LOCATION_A_IP, :conditions => ["distance < ? and city = ?", 5, 'Coppell'])
+ assert_equal 2, locations.size
+ GeoKit::Geocoders::IpGeocoder.expects(:geocode).with(LOCATION_A_IP).returns(@location_a)
+ locations = Location.count(:origin => LOCATION_A_IP, :conditions => ["distance < ? and city = ?", 5, 'Coppell'])
+ assert_equal 2, locations
+ end
+ def test_ip_geocoded_find_beyond
+ GeoKit::Geocoders::IpGeocoder.expects(:geocode).with(LOCATION_A_IP).returns(@location_a)
+ locations = Location.find_beyond(3.95, :origin => LOCATION_A_IP)
+ assert_equal 1, locations.size
+ GeoKit::Geocoders::IpGeocoder.expects(:geocode).with(LOCATION_A_IP).returns(@location_a)
+ locations = Location.count_beyond(3.95, :origin => LOCATION_A_IP)
+ assert_equal 1, locations
+ end
+ def test_ip_geocoded_find_nearest
+ GeoKit::Geocoders::IpGeocoder.expects(:geocode).with(LOCATION_A_IP).returns(@location_a)
+ assert_equal @loc_a, Location.find_nearest(:origin => LOCATION_A_IP)
+ end
+ def test_ip_geocoded_find_farthest
+ GeoKit::Geocoders::IpGeocoder.expects(:geocode).with(LOCATION_A_IP).returns(@location_a)
+ assert_equal @loc_e, Location.find_farthest(:origin => LOCATION_A_IP)
+ end
+ def test_ip_geocoder_exception
+ GeoKit::Geocoders::IpGeocoder.expects(:geocode).with('').returns(GeoKit::GeoLoc.new)
+ assert_raises GeoKit::Geocoders::GeocodeError do
+ Location.find_farthest(:origin => '')
+ end
+ end
+ def test_address_geocode
+ GeoKit::Geocoders::MultiGeocoder.expects(:geocode).with('Irving, TX').returns(@location_a)
+ locations = Location.find(:all, :origin => 'Irving, TX', :conditions => ["distance < ? and city = ?", 5, 'Coppell'])
+ assert_equal 2, locations.size
+ end
+ def test_find_with_custom_distance_condition
+ locations = CustomLocation.find(:all, :origin => @loc_a, :conditions => "dist < 3.97")
+ assert_equal 5, locations.size
+ locations = CustomLocation.count(:origin => @loc_a, :conditions => "dist < 3.97")
+ assert_equal 5, locations
+ end
+ def test_find_with_custom_distance_condition_using_custom_origin
+ locations = CustomLocation.find(:all, :origin => @custom_loc_a, :conditions => "dist < 3.97")
+ assert_equal 5, locations.size
+ locations = CustomLocation.count(:origin => @custom_loc_a, :conditions => "dist < 3.97")
+ assert_equal 5, locations
+ end
+ def test_find_within_with_custom
+ locations = CustomLocation.find_within(3.97, :origin => @loc_a)
+ assert_equal 5, locations.size
+ locations = CustomLocation.count_within(3.97, :origin => @loc_a)
+ assert_equal 5, locations
+ end
+ def test_find_within_with_coordinates_with_custom
+ locations = CustomLocation.find_within(3.97, :origin =>[@loc_a.lat, @loc_a.lng])
+ assert_equal 5, locations.size
+ locations = CustomLocation.count_within(3.97, :origin =>[@loc_a.lat, @loc_a.lng])
+ assert_equal 5, locations
+ end
+ def test_find_with_compound_condition_with_custom
+ locations = CustomLocation.find(:all, :origin => @loc_a, :conditions => "dist < 5 and city = 'Coppell'")
+ assert_equal 1, locations.size
+ locations = CustomLocation.count(:origin => @loc_a, :conditions => "dist < 5 and city = 'Coppell'")
+ assert_equal 1, locations
+ end
+ def test_find_with_secure_compound_condition_with_custom
+ locations = CustomLocation.find(:all, :origin => @loc_a, :conditions => ["dist < ? and city = ?", 5, 'Coppell'])
+ assert_equal 1, locations.size
+ locations = CustomLocation.count(:origin => @loc_a, :conditions => ["dist < ? and city = ?", 5, 'Coppell'])
+ assert_equal 1, locations
+ end
+ def test_find_beyond_with_custom
+ locations = CustomLocation.find_beyond(3.95, :origin => @loc_a)
+ assert_equal 1, locations.size
+ locations = CustomLocation.count_beyond(3.95, :origin => @loc_a)
+ assert_equal 1, locations
+ end
+ def test_find_beyond_with_coordinates_with_custom
+ locations = CustomLocation.find_beyond(3.95, :origin =>[@loc_a.lat, @loc_a.lng])
+ assert_equal 1, locations.size
+ locations = CustomLocation.count_beyond(3.95, :origin =>[@loc_a.lat, @loc_a.lng])
+ assert_equal 1, locations
+ end
+ def test_find_nearest_with_custom
+ assert_equal @custom_loc_a, CustomLocation.find_nearest(:origin => @loc_a)
+ end
+ def test_find_nearest_with_coordinates_with_custom
+ assert_equal @custom_loc_a, CustomLocation.find_nearest(:origin =>[@loc_a.lat, @loc_a.lng])
+ end
+ def test_find_farthest_with_custom
+ assert_equal @custom_loc_e, CustomLocation.find_farthest(:origin => @loc_a)
+ end
+ def test_find_farthest_with_coordinates_with_custom
+ assert_equal @custom_loc_e, CustomLocation.find_farthest(:origin =>[@loc_a.lat, @loc_a.lng])
+ end
+ def test_find_with_array_origin
+ locations = Location.find(:all, :origin =>[@loc_a.lat,@loc_a.lng], :conditions => "distance < 3.97")
+ assert_equal 5, locations.size
+ locations = Location.count(:origin =>[@loc_a.lat,@loc_a.lng], :conditions => "distance < 3.97")
+ assert_equal 5, locations
+ end
+ # Bounding box tests
+ def test_find_within_bounds
+ locations = Location.find_within_bounds([@sw,@ne])
+ assert_equal 2, locations.size
+ locations = Location.count_within_bounds([@sw,@ne])
+ assert_equal 2, locations
+ end
+ def test_find_within_bounds_ordered_by_distance
+ locations = Location.find_within_bounds([@sw,@ne], :origin=>@bounds_center, :order=>'distance asc')
+ assert_equal locations[0], locations(:d)
+ assert_equal locations[1], locations(:a)
+ end
+ def test_find_within_bounds_with_token
+ locations = Location.find(:all, :bounds=>[@sw,@ne])
+ assert_equal 2, locations.size
+ locations = Location.count(:bounds=>[@sw,@ne])
+ assert_equal 2, locations
+ end
+ def test_find_within_bounds_with_string_conditions
+ locations = Location.find(:all, :bounds=>[@sw,@ne], :conditions=>"id !=#{locations(:a).id}")
+ assert_equal 1, locations.size
+ end
+ def test_find_within_bounds_with_array_conditions
+ locations = Location.find(:all, :bounds=>[@sw,@ne], :conditions=>["id != ?", locations(:a).id])
+ assert_equal 1, locations.size
+ end
+ def test_auto_geocode
+ GeoKit::Geocoders::MultiGeocoder.expects(:geocode).with("Irving, TX").returns(@location_a)
+ store=Store.new(:address=>'Irving, TX')
+ store.save
+ assert_equal store.lat,@location_a.lat
+ assert_equal store.lng,@location_a.lng
+ assert_equal 0, store.errors.size
+ end
+ def test_auto_geocode_failure
+ GeoKit::Geocoders::MultiGeocoder.expects(:geocode).with("BOGUS").returns(GeoKit::GeoLoc.new)
+ store=Store.new(:address=>'BOGUS')
+ store.save
+ assert store.new_record?
+ assert_equal 1, store.errors.size
+ end