+++ /dev/null
-class Array
- # Chooses a random array element from the receiver based on the weights
- # provided. If _weights_ is nil, then each element is weighed equally.
- #
- # [1,2,3].random #=> 2
- # [1,2,3].random #=> 1
- # [1,2,3].random #=> 3
- #
- # If _weights_ is an array, then each element of the receiver gets its
- # weight from the corresponding element of _weights_. Notice that it
- # favors the element with the highest weight.
- #
- # [1,2,3].random([1,4,1]) #=> 2
- # [1,2,3].random([1,4,1]) #=> 1
- # [1,2,3].random([1,4,1]) #=> 2
- # [1,2,3].random([1,4,1]) #=> 2
- # [1,2,3].random([1,4,1]) #=> 3
- #
- # If _weights_ is a symbol, the weight array is constructed by calling
- # the appropriate method on each array element in turn. Notice that
- # it favors the longer word when using :length.
- #
- # ['dog', 'cat', 'hippopotamus'].random(:length) #=> "hippopotamus"
- # ['dog', 'cat', 'hippopotamus'].random(:length) #=> "dog"
- # ['dog', 'cat', 'hippopotamus'].random(:length) #=> "hippopotamus"
- # ['dog', 'cat', 'hippopotamus'].random(:length) #=> "hippopotamus"
- # ['dog', 'cat', 'hippopotamus'].random(:length) #=> "cat"
- def random(weights=nil)
- return random(map {|n| n.send(weights)}) if weights.is_a? Symbol
- weights ||= Array.new(length, 1.0)
- total = weights.inject(0.0) {|t,w| t+w}
- point = rand * total
- zip(weights).each do |n,w|
- return n if w >= point
- point -= w
- end
- end
- # Generates a permutation of the receiver based on _weights_ as in
- # Array#random. Notice that it favors the element with the highest
- # weight.
- #
- # [1,2,3].randomize #=> [2,1,3]
- # [1,2,3].randomize #=> [1,3,2]
- # [1,2,3].randomize([1,4,1]) #=> [2,1,3]
- # [1,2,3].randomize([1,4,1]) #=> [2,3,1]
- # [1,2,3].randomize([1,4,1]) #=> [1,2,3]
- # [1,2,3].randomize([1,4,1]) #=> [2,3,1]
- # [1,2,3].randomize([1,4,1]) #=> [3,2,1]
- # [1,2,3].randomize([1,4,1]) #=> [2,1,3]
- def randomize(weights=nil)
- return randomize(map {|n| n.send(weights)}) if weights.is_a? Symbol
- weights = weights.nil? ? Array.new(length, 1.0) : weights.dup
- # pick out elements until there are none left
- list, result = self.dup, []
- until list.empty?
- # pick an element
- result << list.random(weights)
- # remove the element from the temporary list and its weight
- weights.delete_at(list.index(result.last))
- list.delete result.last
- end
- result
- end