+<div id="title-header">
+ <span class="header">Team</span>
+ <span class="subheader"></span>
+<div class="photo">
+ <img src="/images/selectricity_team_photo.jpg" alt="Team Photo" />
+<p>Selectricity was designed and built in the <%= link_to("MIT Media
+Lab", "http://www.media.mit.edu") %> in the <%= link_to("Computing
+Culture group", "http://compcult.media.mit.edu") %>. The team (pictured
+above from left to right), includes Benjamin Mako Hill, Alyssa Wright,
+Justin Sharps, Courtland Allen, and John Dong.</p>
+<div class="normal-header">
+ <span class="header">Benjamin Mako Hill</span>
+ <span class="subheader"></span>
+<p>Benjamin Mako Hill is the founder and leader of the project. He is a
+long-time free software developer and advocate and a rebel with rather
+too many causes. More information on Mako and his many projects can be
+found on <%= link_to("his website", "http://mako.cc") %></p>
+<div class="normal-header">
+ <span class="header">Alyssa Wright</span>
+ <span class="subheader"></span>
+<p>Alyssa Wright is a Masters student at the MIT Media Lab. Her role in
+Selectricity includes coordination of design and business
+<div class="normal-header">
+ <span class="header">Justin Sharps</span>
+ <span class="subheader"></span>
+<p>Justin Sharps is a native of Southern California who spent summer
+2007 in Massachusetts (bleh) convincing himself that sitting in front of
+a computer for more than 8 hours a day is, in fact, an OK way to spend
+the summer. For the project, Justin focused on visualizing the results
+of the elections and implementing the user system to keep track of
+voters. Justin loves programming when not occupied by any of his
+numerous hobbies such as homework, doing homework, hiding from homework,
+or setting homework on fire. He also likes cars, expensive jeans, and
+<div class="normal-header">
+ <span class="header">Courtland Allen</span>
+ <span class="subheader"></span>
+<p>Hailing from the cold, hard, paved, 2-lane streets of Atlanta,
+Courtland Allen is now a junior at MIT majoring in Computer Science.
+When not sitting in front of his computer creating websites and what
+not, he can be found teaching beginner CSS classes or spending
+(generally) unproductive time chilling with his fraternity brothers.
+His motto is, "Think for yourself." Courtland contributed to the visual
+design of the site including its HTML, CSS styling, and images.</p>
+<div class="normal-header">
+ <span class="header">John Dong</span>
+ <span class="subheader"></span>
+<p>John Dong is a MIT undergraduate and a hacker. His role on
+Selectricity involved writing tests and designing and building the API
+interface. He's also an administrator on the <%= link_to("Ubuntu Forums",
+"http://www.ubuntuforums.com") %> and leader of the Ubuntu backports