* Convert old DNS field to WHOIS OrganizationName field.
* Btter handle invalid IP's, including proper display of XMLRPC voters
<table class="voterbox">
<table class="voterbox">
-<th>IP Address</th>
<% for voter in @election.voters %>
<% next unless voter.voted? %>
<% for voter in @election.voters %>
<% next unless voter.voted? %>
- <td><%= voter.ipaddress %></td>
- <td><% begin %>
- <% raise ArgumentError.new if voter.ipaddress == "" %>
- <%= Whois::Whois.new(IPAddr.new(voter.ipaddress).to_s).search_whois.grep(/^OrgName/)[0].sub(/^OrgName\:/,'').strip %>
+ <td><% begin %>
+ <% raise ArgumentError.new, "Local Server" if voter.ipaddress == "" %>
+ <% raise ArgumentError.new, "XML-RPC Voter" if voter.ipaddress == "XMLRPC Request" %>
+ <% w= Whois::Whois.new(IPAddr.new(voter.ipaddress).to_s,true)%>
+ <%=(w.host == nil or w.host.empty?) ? "Unknown voter" : w.host%>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <%= w.search_whois.grep(/^OrgName/)[0].sub(/^OrgName\:/,'').strip %>
<% rescue ArgumentError => err %>
<% rescue ArgumentError => err %>
+ <%= err %>
+ </td>
+ <td><%= err%>
<% end %>
<td><%= voter.vote.votestring %></td>
<% end %>
<td><%= voter.vote.votestring %></td>