3 #A graphical marker positionned through geographic coordinates (in the WGS84 datum). An HTML info window can be set to be displayed when the marker is clicked on.
5 include MappingObject
6 attr_accessor :point, :options, :info_window, :info_window_tabs, :address
7 #The +points+ argument can be either a GLatLng object or an array of 2 floats. The +options+ keys can be: <tt>:icon</tt>, <tt>:clickable</tt>, <tt>:title</tt>, <tt>:info_window</tt> and <tt>:info_window_tabs</tt>, as well as <tt>:max_width</tt>. The value of the +info_window+ key is a string of HTML code that will be displayed when the markers is clicked on. The value of the +info_window_tabs+ key is an array of GInfoWindowTab objects or a hash directly, in which case it will be transformed to an array of GInfoWindowTabs, with the keys as the tab headers and the values as the content.
8 def initialize(position, options = {})
9 if position.is_a?(Array)
10 @point = GLatLng.new(position)
11 elsif position.is_a?(String)
12 @point = Variable.new("INVISIBLE") #default coordinates: won't appear anyway
17 @info_window = options.delete(:info_window)
18 @info_window_tabs = options.delete(:info_window_tabs)
19 if options.has_key?(:max_url)
20 @info_window_options = {:max_url => options.delete(:max_url) }
22 @info_window_options = {}
26 #Creates a marker: If an info_window or info_window_tabs is present, the response to the click action from the user is setup here.
29 creation = "new GMarker(#{MappingObject.javascriptify_variable(@point)})"
31 creation = "new GMarker(#{MappingObject.javascriptify_variable(@point)},#{MappingObject.javascriptify_variable(@options)})"
33 if @info_window && @info_window.is_a?(String)
34 creation = "addInfoWindowToMarker(#{creation},#{MappingObject.javascriptify_variable(@info_window)},#{MappingObject.javascriptify_variable(@info_window_options)})"
35 elsif @info_window_tabs && @info_window_tabs.is_a?(Hash)
36 creation = "addInfoWindowTabsToMarker(#{creation},#{MappingObject.javascriptify_variable(@info_window_tabs.to_a.collect{|kv| GInfoWindowTab.new(kv[0],kv[1] ) })},#{MappingObject.javascriptify_variable(@info_window_options)})"
37 elsif @info_window_tabs
38 creation = "addInfoWindowTabsToMarker(#{creation},#{MappingObject.javascriptify_variable(Array(@info_window_tabs))},#{MappingObject.javascriptify_variable(@info_window_options)})"
43 "addGeocodingToMarker(#{creation},#{MappingObject.javascriptify_variable(@address)})"
48 #Represents a tab to be displayed in a bubble when a marker is clicked on.
49 class GInfoWindowTab < Struct.new(:tab,:content)
50 include MappingObject
52 "new GInfoWindowTab(#{MappingObject.javascriptify_variable(tab)},#{MappingObject.javascriptify_variable(content)})"
56 #Represents a definition of an icon. You can pass rubyfied versions of the attributes detailed in the Google Maps API documentation. You can initialize global icons to be used in the application by passing a icon object, along with a variable name, to GMap#icon_init. If you want to declare an icon outside this, you will need to declare it first, since the JavaScript constructor does not accept any argument.
58 include MappingObject
59 DEFAULT = Variable.new("G_DEFAULT_ICON")
60 attr_accessor :options, :copy_base
62 #Options can contain all the attributes (in rubyfied format) of a GIcon object (see Google's doc), as well as <tt>:copy_base</tt>, which indicates if the icon is copied from another one.
63 def initialize(options = {})
64 @copy_base = options.delete(:copy_base)
70 c = "new GIcon(#{MappingObject.javascriptify_variable(@copy_base)})"
75 "addOptionsToIcon(#{c},#{MappingObject.javascriptify_variable(@options)})"
84 include MappingObject
85 attr_accessor :points,:color,:weight,:opacity
86 #Can take an array of +GLatLng+ or an array of 2D arrays. A method to directly build a polyline from a GeoRuby linestring is provided in the helper.rb file.
87 def initialize(points,color = nil,weight = nil,opacity = nil)
88 if !points.empty? and points[0].is_a?(Array)
89 @points = points.collect { |pt| GLatLng.new(pt) }
97 #Creates a new polyline.
99 a = "new GPolyline(#{MappingObject.javascriptify_variable(points)}"
100 a << ",#{MappingObject.javascriptify_variable(@color)}" if @color
101 a << ",#{MappingObject.javascriptify_variable(@weight)}" if @weight
102 a << ",#{MappingObject.javascriptify_variable(@opacity)}" if @opacity
107 #Encoded GPolyline class
108 class GPolylineEncoded
109 include MappingObject
110 attr_accessor :points,:color,:weight,:opacity,:levels,:zoom_factor,:num_levels
112 def initialize(options={})
113 #points = options[:points]
114 #if !points.empty? and points[0].is_a?(Array)
115 # @points = points.collect { |pt| GLatLng.new(pt) }
119 @points = options[:points]
120 @color = options[:color]
121 @weight = options[:weight]
122 @opacity = options[:opacity]
123 @levels = options[:levels] || "BBBBBBBBBBBB"
124 @zoom_factor = options[:zoom_factor] || 32
125 @num_levels = options[:num_levels] || 4
128 a = "new GPolyline.fromEncoded({points: #{MappingObject.javascriptify_variable(points)},\n"
129 a << "levels: #{MappingObject.javascriptify_variable(@levels)},"
130 a << "zoomFactor: #{MappingObject.javascriptify_variable(@zoom_factor)},"
131 a << "numLevels: #{MappingObject.javascriptify_variable(@num_levels)}"
132 a << ",color: #{MappingObject.javascriptify_variable(@color)}" if @color
133 a << ",weight: #{MappingObject.javascriptify_variable(@weight)}" if @weight
134 a << ",opacity: #{MappingObject.javascriptify_variable(@opacity)}" if @opacity
139 #A basic Latitude/longitude point.
141 include MappingObject
142 attr_accessor :lat,:lng,:unbounded
144 def initialize(latlng,unbounded = nil)
147 @unbounded = unbounded
151 "new GLatLng(#{MappingObject.javascriptify_variable(@lat)},#{MappingObject.javascriptify_variable(@lng)})"
153 "new GLatLng(#{MappingObject.javascriptify_variable(@lat)},#{MappingObject.javascriptify_variable(@lng)},#{MappingObject.javascriptify_variable(@unbounded)})"
158 #A rectangular bounding box, defined by its south-western and north-eastern corners.
159 class GLatLngBounds < Struct.new(:sw,:ne)
160 include MappingObject
162 "new GLatLngBounds(#{MappingObject.javascriptify_variable(sw)},#{MappingObject.javascriptify_variable(ne)})"
166 #Polygon. Not documented yet in the Google Maps API
168 include MappingObject
170 attr_accessor :points,:stroke_color,:stroke_weight,:stroke_opacity,:color,:opacity
172 #Can take an array of +GLatLng+ or an array of 2D arrays. A method to directly build a polygon from a GeoRuby polygon is provided in the helper.rb file.
173 def initialize(points,stroke_color="#000000",stroke_weight=1,stroke_opacity=1.0,color="#ff0000",opacity=1.0,encoded=false)
174 if !points.empty? and points[0].is_a?(Array)
175 @points = points.collect { |pt| GLatLng.new(pt) }
179 @stroke_color = stroke_color
180 @stroke_weight = stroke_weight
181 @stroke_opacity = stroke_opacity
186 #Creates a new polygon
188 a = "new GPolygon(#{MappingObject.javascriptify_variable(points)}"
189 a << ",#{MappingObject.javascriptify_variable(@stroke_color)}"
190 a << ",#{MappingObject.javascriptify_variable(@stroke_weight)}"
191 a << ",#{MappingObject.javascriptify_variable(@stroke_opacity)}"
192 a << ",#{MappingObject.javascriptify_variable(@color)}"
193 a << ",#{MappingObject.javascriptify_variable(@opacity)}"
198 class GPolygonEncoded
199 include MappingObject
201 attr_accessor :polyline, :color, :opacity, :outline, :fill
203 def initialize(polylines,fill=true,color="#000000",opacity=0.5,outline=false)
204 #force polylines to be an array
205 if polylines.is_a? Array
206 @polylines = polylines
208 @polylines = [polylines]
216 #Creates a new polygon.
218 polylines_for_polygon= []
219 @polylines.each do |p|
220 x = "{points: #{MappingObject.javascriptify_variable(p.points)},"
221 x << "levels: #{MappingObject.javascriptify_variable(p.levels)},"
222 x << "zoomFactor: #{MappingObject.javascriptify_variable(p.zoom_factor)},"
223 x << "numLevels: #{MappingObject.javascriptify_variable(p.num_levels)} "
225 polylines_for_polygon << x
228 polylines_for_polygon = "[" + polylines_for_polygon.join(",") + "]"
230 a = "new GPolygon.fromEncoded({polylines: #{polylines_for_polygon},"
231 a << "fill: #{MappingObject.javascriptify_variable(@fill)},"
232 a << "color: #{MappingObject.javascriptify_variable(@color)},"
233 a << "opacity: #{MappingObject.javascriptify_variable(@opacity)},"
234 a << "outline: #{MappingObject.javascriptify_variable(@outline)}"
240 attr_accessor :point, :text, :style
241 include MappingObject
243 def initialize(point, text=nil, style=nil)
250 a = "new ELabel(#{MappingObject.javascriptify_variable(@point)}"
251 a << ",#{MappingObject.javascriptify_variable(@text)}" if @text
252 a << ",#{MappingObject.javascriptify_variable(@style)}" if @style
258 #A GGeoXml object gets data from a GeoRSS or KML feed and displays it. Use <tt>overlay_init</tt> to add it to a map at initialization time.
260 include MappingObject
264 def initialize(url)
269 "new GGeoXml(#{MappingObject.javascriptify_variable(@url)})"
274 #A GOverlay representing a group of GMarkers. The GMarkers can be identified with an id, which can be used to show the info window of a specific marker, in reponse, for example, to a click on a link. The whole group can be shown on and off at once. It should be declared global at initialization time to be useful.
276 include MappingObject
277 attr_accessor :active, :markers, :markers_by_id
279 def initialize(active = true , markers = nil)
282 @markers_by_id = {}
283 if markers.is_a?(Array)
285 elsif markers.is_a?(Hash)
286 @markers_by_id = markers
291 "new GMarkerGroup(#{MappingObject.javascriptify_variable(@active)},#{MappingObject.javascriptify_variable(@markers)},#{MappingObject.javascriptify_variable(@markers_by_id)})"
295 #Can be used to implement a clusterer, similar to the clusterer below, except that there is more stuff to manage explicitly byt the programmer (but this is also more flexible). See the README for usage esamples.
296 class GMarkerManager
297 include MappingObject
299 attr_accessor :map,:options,:managed_markers
301 #options can be <tt>:border_padding</tt>, <tt>:max_zoom</tt>, <tt>:track_markers</tt> and <tt>:managed_markers</tt>: managed_markers must be an array of ManagedMarker objects
302 def initialize(map, options = {})
304 @managed_markers = Array(options.delete(:managed_markers)) #[] if nil
309 puts @options.inspect
310 "addMarkersToManager(new GMarkerManager(#{MappingObject.javascriptify_variable(@map)},#{MappingObject.javascriptify_variable(@options)}),#{MappingObject.javascriptify_variable(@managed_markers)})"
315 #A set of similarly managed markers: They share the same minZoom and maxZoom.
316 class ManagedMarker
317 include MappingObject
319 attr_accessor :markers,:min_zoom, :max_zoom
321 def initialize(markers,min_zoom,max_zoom = nil)
323 @min_zoom = min_zoom
324 @max_zoom = max_zoom
328 "new ManagedMarker(#{MappingObject.javascriptify_variable(@markers)},#{MappingObject.javascriptify_variable(@min_zoom)},#{MappingObject.javascriptify_variable(@max_zoom)})"
333 #Makes the link with the Clusterer2 library by Jef Poskanzer (slightly modified though). Is a GOverlay making clusters out of its GMarkers, so that GMarkers very close to each other appear as one when the zoom is low. When the zoom gets higher, the individual markers are drawn.
335 include MappingObject
336 attr_accessor :markers,:icon, :max_visible_markers, :grid_size, :min_markers_per_cluster , :max_lines_per_info_box
338 def initialize(markers = [], options = {})
340 @icon = options[:icon] || GIcon::DEFAULT
341 @max_visible_markers = options[:max_visible_markers] || 150
342 @grid_size = options[:grid_size] || 5
343 @min_markers_per_cluster = options[:min_markers_per_cluster] || 5
344 @max_lines_per_info_box = options[:max_lines_per_info_box] || 10
348 js_marker = '[' + @markers.collect do |marker|
349 add_description(marker)
350 end.join(",") + ']'
352 "new Clusterer(#{js_marker},#{MappingObject.javascriptify_variable(@icon)},#{MappingObject.javascriptify_variable(@max_visible_markers)},#{MappingObject.javascriptify_variable(@grid_size)},#{MappingObject.javascriptify_variable(@min_markers_per_cluster)},#{MappingObject.javascriptify_variable(@max_lines_per_info_box)})"
356 def add_description(marker)
357 "addDescriptionToMarker(#{MappingObject.javascriptify_variable(marker)},#{MappingObject.javascriptify_variable(marker.options[:description] || marker.options[:title] || '')})"
361 #Makes the link with the MGeoRSS extension by Mikel Maron (a bit modified though). It lets you overlay on top of Google Maps the items present in a RSS feed that has GeoRss data. This data can be either in W3C Geo vocabulary or in the GeoRss Simple format. See http://georss.org to know more about GeoRss.
362 class GeoRssOverlay
363 include MappingObject
364 attr_accessor :url, :proxy, :icon, :options
366 #You can pass the following options:
367 #- <tt>:icon</tt>: An icon for the items of the feed. Defaults to the classic red balloon icon.
368 #- <tt>:proxy</tt>: An URL on your server where fetching the RSS feed will be taken care of.
369 #- <tt>:list_div</tt>: In case you want a list of all the markers, with a link on which you can click in order to display the info on the marker, use this option to indicate the ID of the div (that you must place yourself).
370 #- <tt>:list_item_class</tt>: class of the DIV containing each item of the list. Ignored if option <tt>:list_div</tt> is not set.
371 #- <tt>:limit</tt>: Maximum number of items to display on the map.
372 #- <tt>:content_div</tt>: Instead of having an info window appear, indicates the ID of the DIV where this info should be displayed.
373 def initialize(url, options = {})
375 @icon = options.delete(:icon) || GIcon::DEFAULT
376 @proxy = options.delete(:proxy) || Variable::UNDEFINED
377 @options = options
381 "new GeoRssOverlay(#{MappingObject.javascriptify_variable(@url)},#{MappingObject.javascriptify_variable(@icon)},#{MappingObject.javascriptify_variable(@proxy)},#{MappingObject.javascriptify_variable(@options)})"