2 Ym4r::GmPlugin::GPolyline.class_eval do
3 #Creates a GPolyline object from a georuby line string. Assumes the points of the line strings are stored in Longitude(x)/Latitude(y) order.
4 def self.from_georuby(line_string,color = nil,weight = nil,opacity = nil)
5 GPolyline.new(line_string.points.collect { |point| GLatLng.new([point.y,point.x])},color,weight,opacity)
9 Ym4r::GmPlugin::GMarker.class_eval do
10 #Creates a GMarker object from a georuby point. Accepts the same options as the GMarker constructor. Assumes the points of the line strings are stored in Longitude(x)/Latitude(y) order.
11 def self.from_georuby(point,options = {})
12 GMarker.new([point.y,point.x],options)
16 Ym4r::GmPlugin::GLatLng.class_eval do
17 #Creates a GLatLng object from a georuby point. Assumes the points of the line strings are stored in Longitude(x)/Latitude(y) order.
18 def self.from_georuby(point,unbounded = nil)
19 GLatLng.new([point.y,point.x],unbounded)
23 Ym4r::GmPlugin::GLatLngBounds.class_eval do
24 #Creates a GLatLng object from a georuby point. Assumes the points of the line strings are stored in Longitude(x)/Latitude(y) order.
25 def self.from_georuby(envelope)
26 GLatLngBounds.new(GLatLng.from_georuby(envelope.lower_corner),
27 GLatLng.from_georuby(envelope.upper_corner))
31 Ym4r::GmPlugin::GPolygon.class_eval do
32 #Creates a GPolygon object from a georuby polygon or line string. Assumes the points of the line strings are stored in Longitude(x)/Latitude(y) order.
33 def self.from_georuby(ls_or_p, stroke_color="#000000",stroke_weight=1,stroke_opacity=1.0,color="#ff0000",opacity=1.0)
34 if ls_or_p.is_a?(GeoRuby::SimpleFeatures::LineString)
35 GPolygon.new(ls_or_p.collect { |point| GLatLng.new([point.y,point.x])},stroke_color,stroke_weight,stroke_opacity,color,opacity)
37 GPolygon.new(ls_or_p[0].collect { |point| GLatLng.new([point.y,point.x])},stroke_color,stroke_weight,stroke_opacity,color,opacity)