1 <p>The full results of this election ranked the candidates in order of
2 preference (from most preferred to least preferred):</p>
5 <% @election.ssd_result.ranked_candidates.each do |place| %>
6 <li><%= white_list place.collect {|c| @names[c].capitalize}.join( " <em>and</em> " ) %>
7 <%= "<strong>(TIE)</strong>" if place.length > 1 %></li>
12 <div class="rbmoreinfo">
13 <h4>About the Schulze Method</h4>
15 <p>The <%= link_to "Schulze method",
16 "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schulze_method" %> is a preferential
17 voting system. It is based on the Condorcet method but includes a set of
18 methods for resolving "circular" defeats.</p>
20 <p>The Schulze method is also known as Schwartz Sequential Dropping
21 (SSD), Cloneproof Schwartz Sequential Dropping (CSSD), Beatpath Method,
22 Beatpath Winner, Path Voting, and Path Winner.</p>
26 <% candidates = @election.ssd_result.ranked_candidates.flatten -%>
27 <% if candidates.size <= 7 -%>
28 <%= render :partial => 'common/pref_tables' %>
31 There are too many candidates in your elections to show the result
34 <% if not @election.class == QuickVote %>
35 <%= link_to "Click here", { :action => 'pref_tables', :id => @voter.password }, :popup => [] %>