1 require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../test_helper'
2 require 'selectricity_service_controller'
4 class SelectricityServiceTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
6 @controller=SelectricityServiceController.new
7 @request=ActionController::TestRequest.new
8 @response = ActionController::TestResponse.new
11 def test_list_quickvotes
12 result= invoke_delegated :vote, :list_quickvotes
13 assert_instance_of Array, result
14 assert_equal result.length, 0
16 def test_create_quickvote
17 election = ElectionStruct.new :name => "TestVote", :description => "Test Vote", :candidate_names => ["Apple", "Orange", "Banana", "Pineapple"]
18 assert_create_quickvote_succeeds election
20 def test_cast_quickvote
22 election = invoke_delegated :vote, :get_quickvote, "TestVote"
23 casted_vote = election.candidate_ids.sort_by {rand} #Shuffles
24 assert_cast_quickvote_succeeds "TestVote", 42, [casted_vote]
26 def test_cast_nil_quickvote
27 assert_cast_quickvote_fails nil, nil, nil
28 assert_cast_quickvote_fails "foo", nil, nil
29 assert_cast_quickvote_fails "foo",33, []
31 assert_cast_quickvote_fails "TestVote",42,nil
32 assert_cast_quickvote_fails "TestVote",nil,[]
34 def test_cast_malformed_votelist
36 election = invoke_delegated :vote, :get_quickvote, "TestVote"
37 assert_cast_quickvote_fails "TestVote", 11, [election.candidate_ids[0]]
38 assert_cast_quickvote_fails "TestVote", 11, [1,2]
39 assert_cast_quickvote_fails "TestVote", 11, [election.candidate_ids[0],election.candidate_ids[0], election.candidate_ids[1], election.candidate_ids[1], election.candidate_ids[2]]
41 def test_get_nonexistent_quickvote
42 assert_raises ArgumentError do
43 qv = invoke_delegated :vote, :get_quickvote, "asdfasdfasdf"
46 def test_get_voters_nonexistent_quickvote
47 assert_raises(ArgumentError) {invoke_delegated :vote, :get_quickvote_votes, "asdfasdf"}
49 def test_get_candidate_map_nonexistent_quickvote
50 assert_raises(ArgumentError) { invoke_delegated :vote, :get_quickvote_candidate_map, "asdfasdf"}
52 def test_cast_mass_quickvote
54 election = invoke_delegated :vote, :get_quickvote, "TestVote"
56 casted_vote = election.candidate_ids.sort_by {rand}
57 assert_cast_quickvote_succeeds "TestVote", t, [casted_vote]
60 def test_cast_quickvote_nonexistent
61 assert_cast_quickvote_fails "ASDFJOFASF", "me", [1,2,3]
63 def test_cast_quickvote_nonexistent_candidates
65 election = invoke_delegated :vote, :get_quickvote, "TestVote"
66 assert_cast_quickvote_fails "TestVote", 42, [123,342314,5342,1,1,2]
68 def test_create_mass_quickvote
70 election = ElectionStruct.new :name => "test#{t}", :description => "Test Vote", :candidate_names => ["Apple", "Orange", "Banana", "Pineapple"]
71 assert_create_quickvote_succeeds election
74 def test_create_quickvote_bad_name
75 election = ElectionStruct.new :name => "invalid space", :description => "Test Vote", :candidate_names => ["Apple", "Orange", "Banana", "Pineapple"]
76 assert_create_quickvote_fails election
78 def test_create_quickvote_nil
79 election = ElectionStruct.new
80 assert_create_quickvote_fails election
82 def test_create_quickvote_name_nil
83 election = ElectionStruct.new :name => "", :description => "Test Vote", :candidate_names => ["Apple", "Orange", "Banana", "Pineapple"]
84 assert_create_quickvote_fails election
86 def test_create_quickvote_description_nil
87 election = ElectionStruct.new :name => "foobar", :description => nil, :candidate_names => ["Apple", "Orange", "Banana", "Pineapple"]
88 assert_create_quickvote_fails election
91 def test_create_quickvote_description_whitespace
92 election = ElectionStruct.new :name => "foobar", :description => " ", :candidate_names => ["Apple", "Orange", "Banana", "Pineapple"]
93 assert_create_quickvote_fails election
94 election = ElectionStruct.new :name => "foobar", :description => "\t\t", :candidate_names => ["Apple", "Orange", "Banana", "Pineapple"]
95 assert_create_quickvote_fails election
97 def test_create_quickvote_candidates_nil
98 election = ElectionStruct.new :name => "foobar", :description => "valid", :candidate_names => nil
99 assert_create_quickvote_fails election
101 def test_create_quickvote_insufficient_candidates
102 election = ElectionStruct.new :name => "foobar", :description => "valid", :candidate_names => ["Apple"]
103 assert_create_quickvote_fails election
105 def test_create_quickvote_candidates_whitespace
106 election = ElectionStruct.new :name => "foobar", :description => "valid", :candidate_names => [" ", " ", " ", " "]
107 assert_create_quickvote_fails election
109 def test_create_quickvote_dupe_candidates
110 election = ElectionStruct.new :name => "foobar", :description => "valid", :candidate_names => ["Apple", "Apple", "Apple", "Apple"]
111 assert_create_quickvote_fails election
113 # Previous may pass coincidentally if a uniq! then a sizecheck reveals too few unique names
114 # We don't want this to happen. Dupe canidates should fail regardless of how many are left.
116 election = ElectionStruct.new :name => "foobar", :description => "valid", :candidate_names => ["Apple", "Apple", "Orange", "Orange", "Pineapple" , "Pineapple"]
117 assert_create_quickvote_fails election
119 def test_create_quickvote_candidates_nil_mixed
120 election = ElectionStruct.new :name => "foobar", :description => "valid", :candidate_names => ["Apple", nil ]
121 assert_create_quickvote_fails election
123 def test_create_quickvote_description_xmlescape
124 # Will an embedded XML element bork the table?
125 election = ElectionStruct.new :name => "foobar", :description => "test </string>", :candidate_names => ["Apple", "Orange", "Banana", "Pineapple"]
126 assert_create_quickvote_succeeds election
128 def test_create_quickvote_unprintable_description
129 election = ElectionStruct.new :name => "foobar", :description => "test \x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08", :candidate_names => ["Apple", "Orange", "Banana", "Pineapple"]
130 assert_create_quickvote_succeeds election
132 def test_quickvote_proper_results
133 election = ElectionStruct.new :name => "favdev", :description => "Who is your favorite developer?", :candidate_names => ["mako", "jdong", "justin"]
134 assert_create_quickvote_succeeds election
135 reflection = invoke_delegated :vote, :get_quickvote, "favdev"
137 reflection.candidate_names.each_with_index do |name, index|
138 candidates[name] = reflection.candidate_ids[index]
141 vote = [candidates["jdong"], candidates["mako"], candidates["justin"]]
142 assert_cast_quickvote_succeeds "favdev", "1:#{t}", [vote]
145 vote = [candidates["mako"], candidates["justin"], candidates["jdong"]]
146 assert_cast_quickvote_succeeds "favdev", "2:#{t}", [vote]
149 vote = [candidates["justin"], candidates["mako"], candidates["jdong"]]
150 assert_cast_quickvote_succeeds "favdev", "3:#{t}", [vote]
153 assert_nothing_raised {results=invoke_delegated(:vote, :get_quickvote_results, "favdev")}
154 assert_equal results.approval_winners, [candidates["mako"]]
155 assert_equal results.borda_winners, [candidates["jdong"]]
156 assert_equal results.plurality_winners, [candidates["jdong"]]
157 assert_equal results.condorcet_winners, [candidates["jdong"]]
158 assert_equal results.ssd_winners, [candidates["jdong"]]
161 def assert_cast_quickvote_succeeds(shortname, id, vote)
162 assert_nothing_raised do
163 old_votes = invoke_delegated :vote, :get_quickvote_votes, shortname
164 invoke_delegated :vote, :cast_quickvote, shortname, id, vote
165 new_votes = invoke_delegated :vote, :get_quickvote_votes, shortname
166 assert_equal old_votes.length, new_votes.length-1
167 assert_not_nil(reflection = new_votes.find_all { |v| v.voter_session_id == "XMLRPC:#{id}" })
168 assert_equal reflection.length, 1
169 assert_equal reflection[0].vote, vote[0]
172 def assert_cast_quickvote_fails(shortname, id, vote)
173 assert_raise Test::Unit::AssertionFailedError do
174 assert_cast_quickvote_succeeds(shortname, id, vote)
177 def assert_create_quickvote_succeeds(election)
178 # Checks if a created quickvote is identical when retrieved
179 assert_nothing_raised do
180 old_len=invoke_delegated(:vote,:list_quickvotes).length
181 result = invoke_delegated :vote, :create_quickvote, election
182 assert_equal result, ""
183 reflection = invoke_delegated :vote, :get_quickvote, election.name
184 assert_equal election.description, reflection.description
185 assert_equal 0, election.name.casecmp(reflection.name)
186 assert_equal election.candidate_names, reflection.candidate_names
187 assert_equal(invoke_delegated(:vote,:list_quickvotes).length, old_len+1)
190 def assert_create_quickvote_fails(election)
191 assert_raise Test::Unit::AssertionFailedError do
192 assert_create_quickvote_succeeds election