--- /dev/null
+This repository has three branches with three different version of the
+I've run this twice and I've found that every PyBlosxom instance is a
+little different and requires a different (sometimes very different)
+version of this script. If you want to use it, you will *need*
+to modify it to fit your needs. I've included three version of this
+script in three different branches. Please use git to look at the three
+to pick and choose what you want.
+1. pyblosxom2wxr-snarfed.sh: This is the version available on
+ http://snarfed.org/pyblosxom2wxr
+ It assumes posts are .txt files which are HTML extension
+ and assumes both posts and pages as distinct types.
+2. pyblosxom2wxr-revealingerrors.sh: coverted http://revealingerrors.com
+ This assumes only posts, in .txt files, but which are all in fact
+ markdown files. It also takes into account 'tags' using the tags.py
+ plugin and assumes that they are the second line of every file
+ following a "#tags" line.
+ REQUIRES: markdown_py
+3. pyblosxom2wxr-copyrighteous.sh: converted http://mako.cc/copyrighteous
+ This deals with two types of files: .txt files which are standard
+ html pyblosxom files as well as .rst files which are restructured
+ text. It also looks for comma separated tags in the "#tags " line of
+ each file.
+ REQUIRES: python-docutils
+ HUGE WARNING: This version of the script changes the GUID or the
+ permalinks. It does *not* keep the links that worked with your old
+ version of PyBlosxom. I done because I usd date based URLS and I
+ wanted to get rid of them. The script *also* writes a new file,
+ called "url_mapping_list" in the local directory. I use that to set
+ up a series of 301 permanant redirects with Apache so that people
+ going to the old links still arrive at the page.
+Known Bugs / Workaround
+One bug I have not worked around is that comments are created with the
+'comment_author' field in the database including either the IP address
+or the IP address and time timestamp pre-pended to the name. I think
+this might be a bug in the Wordpress import code. Rather than debug it,
+I wrote a simple perl script (fix_comment.pl) which will fix the
+comments in the database. It's an ugly kluge but it worked for me.
+Please read it carefully before running it.
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin /perl -w
+use DBI;
+my $dbh = DBI->connect('DBI:mysql:copyrighteous:localhost', 'mako')
+ or die "Cannot connect: " . $DBI::errstr;
+$sql = qq`SELECT comment_ID, comment_author from wp_comments`;
+$sth = $dbh->prepare($sql) or die "Cannot prepare: " . $dbh->errstr();
+$sth->execute() or die "Cannot execute: " . $sth->errstr();
+my @row;
+my @fields;
+while(@row = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
+ my @record = @row;
+ push(@fields, \@record);
+# now process the fields
+my $new_username;
+my $comment_id;
+if (@fields != 0) {
+ foreach $line (@fields) {
+ # datestamp method
+ if (@$line[1] =~ /^.*\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2} (.*)$/) {
+ $new_username = $1;
+ }
+ # just the ip address
+ elsif (@$line[1] =~ /^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+ (.*)$/) {
+ $new_username = $1;
+ } else {
+ next;
+ }
+ $comment_id = @$line[0];
+ #print "Old: ", @$line[1], "\n";
+ print "Updating: ", $comment_id, " ", $new_username, "\n";
+ $sql = qq`UPDATE wp_comments SET comment_author = "$new_username" WHERE comment_ID = $comment_id`;
+ $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql) or die "Cannot prepare: " .
+ $dbh->errstr();
+ $sth->execute() or die "Cannot execute: " . $sth->errstr();
+ $sth->finish();
+ #print "row $i - id is @$line[0], name is @$line[1]\n";
+ }
--- /dev/null
+# pyblosxom2wxr.sh
+# http://projects.mako.cc/source/pyblosxom2wxr
+# Benjamin Mako Hill <mako@atdot.cc>
+# http://snarfed.org/pyblosxom2wxr
+# Ryan Barrett <pyblosxom2wxr@ryanb.org>
+# Version 0.2.1-cpy. This script is public domain.
+# This script converts PyBlosxom posts and comments into a WXR (WordPress
+# eXtensible RSS) XML file that can be imported into a WordPress blog.
+# Example usage:
+# $ ./pyblosxom2wxr.sh post1.txt post2.txt > posts.xml
+# pyblosxom2wxr has been tested with PyBlosxom 1.4 and WordPress 2.9 and 3.0. It
+# should work with other versions too, but your mileage may vary.
+# TODO: comment ordering
+# exit on error
+set -e
+# check args
+if [[ $# = "0" || $1 = "--help" ]]; then
+ echo 'Usage: pyblosxom2wxr.sh FILES...'
+ exit 1
+# category
+# create a variable to include all the urls we've seen
+rm $url_map_file; touch $url_map_file
+# comment id sequence number
+# output header
+now=`date --rfc-3339=seconds`
+cat << EOF
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!-- generator="pyblosxom2wxr/1.0" created="${now}" -->
+<rss version="2.0"
+ xmlns:excerpt="http://wordpress.org/export/1.0/excerpt/"
+ xmlns:content="http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/content/"
+ xmlns:wfw="http://wellformedweb.org/CommentAPI/"
+ xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"
+ xmlns:wp="http://wordpress.org/export/1.0/">
+ <title></title>
+ <link></link>
+ <description></description>
+ <pubDate></pubDate>
+ <generator>http://snarfed.org/pyblosxom2wxr?v=1.0</generator>
+ <language>en</language>
+ <wp:wxr_version>1.0</wp:wxr_version>
+ <wp:base_site_url></wp:base_site_url>
+ <wp:base_blog_url></wp:base_blog_url>
+# convert blog posts
+for file in "$@"; do
+ # extract the filetype and then the payload
+ if [[ ${file##*.} = 'rst' ]]; then
+ payload=$(tail -n +4 "$file" | python ./convert_rst_frag.py)
+ fullname=$(basename "$file" ".rst")
+ elif [[ ${file##*.} = 'txt' ]]; then
+ filetype=".txt"
+ payload=$(tail -n +4 "$file"|perl -pe 's/\n/ /g')
+ fullname=$(basename "$file" ".txt")
+ fi
+ creator="mako"
+ dir=$(dirname "$file")
+ commentdir="$(dirname "$file")/comments"
+ title=$(head -n 1 "$file")
+ type="post"
+ # create a new slug and then save it to the url map file to create a
+ # set of redirects afteward
+ slug=$(echo $title | perl -p -e \
+ 's/\s*(.*?)\s*$/\1/; s/<\/?\w+>//g; $_ = lc; tr/ /-/; s/[^A-Za-z0-9-]//g; s/-+/-/g')
+ # count to see if the slug has been before, and then increement it
+ slug_count=$(echo "$all_slugs" | perl -ne "print if /$slug(\-\d)?/" | wc -l)
+ if [[ $slug_count -gt 0 ]]; then
+ slug="$slug-$(expr $slug_count + 1)"
+ fi
+ # save the new slug to the list of slugs, and write it to the
+ # url_map_file
+ all_slugs=$(echo "$all_slugs"; echo "$slug" )
+ echo "$fullname $slug" >> $url_map_file
+ name=${fullname}
+ pubDate=$(date -uR -r $file)
+ date=$(date -r "$file" +'%F %T')
+ dateGmt=$(date -u -r "$file" +'%F %T')
+ if grep -q ']]>' "$file"; then
+ echo "WARNING: $file contains the string ]]>, which makes its CDATA " \
+ "section invalid. WordPress handles this ok, but still, heads up." 1>&2
+ fi
+ cat << EOF
+ <title>${title}</title>
+ <pubDate>${pubDate}</pubDate>
+ <guid isPermaLink="true">/${slug}</guid>
+ <description></description>
+ <content:encoded><![CDATA[${payload}]]></content:encoded>
+ <wp:post_date>${date}</wp:post_date>
+ <wp:post_date_gmt>${dateGmt}</wp:post_date_gmt>
+ <wp:comment_status>open</wp:comment_status>
+ <wp:ping_status>open</wp:ping_status>
+ <wp:post_name>${slug}</wp:post_name>
+ <wp:status>publish</wp:status>
+ <wp:post_parent>0</wp:post_parent>
+ <wp:menu_order>0</wp:menu_order>
+ <wp:post_type>${type}</wp:post_type>
+ <wp:post_password></wp:post_password>
+ <wp:is_sticky>0</wp:is_sticky>
+ <dc:creator>${creator}</dc:creator>
+ # split the tags
+ raw_tags=$(grep '#tags' "$file" |perl -pe 's/.tags // '|tr ',' "\n")
+ for tag in $raw_tags; do
+ tag=$(echo "$tag"|perl -p -e 's/^\s*(.*)\s*$/\1/')
+ echo "<category domain=\"post_tag\" nicename=\"${tag}\">${tag}</category>"
+ #echo "<category domain=\"category\" nicename=\"$category\">$category</category>"
+ all_tags=$(echo "$tag"; echo "$all_tags")
+ done;
+ # category="uncategorized"
+ # <category domain="category" nicename="$category">$category</category>
+ # other possible elements:
+# <link>/${fullname}</link>
+# <wp:post_id></wp:post_id>
+# <excerpt:encoded></excerpt:encoded>
+ for cmtfile in ${commentdir}/"$fullname"-{all,[0-9]*}.cmt; do
+ if [[ -e "$cmtfile" ]]; then
+ set +e # because the perl script below uses a non-zero exit code
+ tail -q -n +2 "$cmtfile" | \
+ sed -r '
+ s/^<item>$/<wp:comment>\n<wp:comment_id>X<\/wp:comment_id>/;
+ s/^<\/item>$/<wp:comment_approved>1<\/wp:comment_approved>\n<\/wp:comment>/;
+ s/<(\/)?author>/<\1wp:comment_author>/g;
+ s/<(\/)?link>/<\1wp:comment_author_url>/g;
+ s/<(\/)?ipaddress>/<\1wp:comment_author_IP>/g;
+ s/<(\/)?description>/<\1wp:comment_content>/g;
+ s/<(\/)?email>/<\1wp:comment_email>/g;
+ s/^<(ajax|cmt_date|openid_url|parent|post|secretToken|source|title|w3cdate)>.+$//;
+ s/^<\/?items>$//;
+ /^$/d' | \
+ perl -pe 'use HTML::Entities; decode_entities($_)' | \
+ perl -pe 'use POSIX qw(strftime);
+ s/^<pubDate>(.+)<\/pubDate>$/"<wp:comment_date>" . (strftime "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime($1)) . "<\/wp:comment_date>"/e;' | \
+ perl -e '
+ my $id = '${commentid}';
+ while (<STDIN>) {
+ s/^(<wp:comment_id>)X(<\/wp:comment_id>)$/$1 . $id++ . $2/e;
+ print $_;
+ }
+ exit $id - '${commentid}';'
+ # TODO: this is a hack since exit codes are only 8 bits unsigned.
+ # this will break on posts with >255 comments.
+ let commentid+=$?
+ set -e
+ fi
+ done
+ cat << EOF
+#for category in $(echo "$all_categories"|sort|uniq); do
+# cat << EOF
+# <wp:category><wp:term_id>${index}</wp:term_id><wp:category_nicename>${category}</wp:category_nicename><wp:category_parent></wp:category_parent><wp:cat_name><![CDATA[${category}]]></wp:cat_name></wp:category>
+# index=$(expr $index + 1)
+for tag in $(echo "$all_tags"|sort|uniq); do
+ cat << EOF
+ <wp:tag><wp:term_id>${index}</wp:term_id><wp:tag_slug>${tag}</wp:tag_slug><wp:tag_name>${tag}</wp:tag_name></wp:tag>
+ index=$(expr $index + 1)
+# output footer
+cat << EOF