exit 1
+# category
# comment id sequence number
- <wp:category></wp:category>
-# convert comments
+# convert blog posts
for file in "$@"; do
+ creator="mako"
fullname=`basename "$file" .txt`
dir=`dirname "$file"`
+ commentdir="$(dirname "$file")/comments"
title=`head -n 1 "$file"`
+ type="post"
- # TODO: make this easier to customize
- date_re="[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}"
- time_re="([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})"
- # my pyblosxom posts have a date prefix, e.g. 2010-03-13. my pages don't.
- if [[ "$fullname" =~ ^${date_re} ]]; then
- type=post
- name=${fullname:11}
- datestr="${fullname::10} 00:00:00 -0800"
- else
- type=page
- name=${fullname}
- timestamp_file=${dir}/../timestamps
- datestr=`grep --max-count=1 -E \
- "^${date_re}-${time_re} (.+/)?${fullname}.txt\$" ${timestamp_file} | \
- cut -f1 -d' ' | \
- sed -r "s/-${time_re}\$/ \1:\2 -0500/"`
- if [[ ${datestr} == '' ]]; then
- datestr=`stat --format=%y "$file"`
- fi
- fi
- pubDate=`date -uR -d "$datestr"`
- date=`date -d "$datestr" +'%F %T'`
- dateGmt=`date -u -d "$datestr" +'%F %T'`
+ name=${fullname}
- # TODO: category support
- category="uncategorized"
+ pubDate=$(date -uR -r $file)
+ date=$(date -r "$file" +'%F %T')
+ dateGmt=$(date -u -r "$file" +'%F %T')
if grep -q ']]>' "$file"; then
echo "WARNING: $file contains the string ]]>, which makes its CDATA " \
- <category domain="category" nicename="$category">$category</category>
<guid isPermaLink="true">/${fullname}</guid>
- <content:encoded><![CDATA[`tail -n +3 "$file"`]]></content:encoded>
+ <content:encoded><![CDATA[$(tail -n +4 "$file" | markdown_py)]]></content:encoded>
+ <dc:creator>${creator}</dc:creator>
+ # split the tags
+ raw_tags=$(grep '#tags' "$file" |perl -pe 's/.tags // '|tr ',' "\n")
+ for tag in $raw_tags; do
+ echo "<category domain=\"post_tag\" nicename=\"${tag}\">${tag}</category>"
+ #echo "<category domain=\"category\" nicename=\"$category\">$category</category>"
+ done;
+ all_tags="$all_tags$raw_tags"
+ # category="uncategorized"
+ # <category domain="category" nicename="$category">$category</category>
# other possible elements:
# <link>/${fullname}</link>
# <wp:post_id></wp:post_id>
# <excerpt:encoded></excerpt:encoded>
-# <dc:creator>${creator}</dc:creator>
- for cmtfile in ${dir}/"$fullname"-{all,[0-9]*}.cmt; do
+ for cmtfile in ${commentdir}/"$fullname"-{all,[0-9]*}.cmt; do
if [[ -e "$cmtfile" ]]; then
set +e # because the perl script below uses a non-zero exit code
tail -q -n +2 "$cmtfile" | \
+#for category in $(echo "$all_categories"|sort|uniq); do
+# cat << EOF
+# <wp:category><wp:term_id>${index}</wp:term_id><wp:category_nicename>${category}</wp:category_nicename><wp:category_parent></wp:category_parent><wp:cat_name><![CDATA[${category}]]></wp:cat_name></wp:category>
+# index=$(expr $index + 1)
+for tag in $(echo "$all_tags"|sort|uniq); do
+ cat << EOF
+ <wp:tag><wp:term_id>${index}</wp:term_id><wp:tag_slug>${tag}</wp:tag_slug><wp:tag_name>${tag}</wp:tag_name></wp:tag>
+ index=$(expr $index + 1)
# output footer
cat << EOF