3 To use this, you should install the expandingarchives.py file in your plugin directory.
7 You will also need to download the Prototype Javascript library (just the
8 prototype.js file) and make sure it is loaded with each page:
10 http://prototypejs.org/
14 Finally, I added the following configuration options to my config.py:
16 py['archive_template_year'] = '<li><a href="#" onclick="Element.toggle(\'archive_year_contents_%(Y)s\'); return false;">%(Y)s</a><ul id="archive_year_contents_%(Y)s">%(month_contents)s</ul></li>'
17 py['archive_template_month'] = '<li><a href="%(base_url)s/%(Y)s/%(b)s">%(b)s/%(Y)s</a></li>'