die "directory $(quote "$orig_maildir") doesn't exist or is no Maildir"
-jump_cmd="<$MUTTJUMP_MODE>~i '$msgid'<enter>"
if [ "$MUTTJUMP_USE_SCREEN" = no ] ; then
+ jump_cmd="<$MUTTJUMP_MODE>$jump_expr<enter>"
# Close message-stdin and open terminal-stdin instead.
# mutt behaves different if STDIN is no terminal
# TODO: Find cleaner solution (e.g. mutt command-line argument?)
+ case $MUTTJUMP_MODE in
+ limit)
+ jump_cmd="l$jump_expr"
+ ;;
+ search)
+ jump_cmd="/$jump_expr"
+ ;;
+ esac
screen_window_name=$(MUTTJUMP_SCREEN_WINDOW_NAME_MANGLE "$orig_maildir")
declare -a screen_opts
if [ -n "$MUTTJUMP_SCREEN_SESSION" ] ; then
screen_opts_str="-S $(quote "$MUTTJUMP_SCREEN_SESSION")"
- $SCREEN "${screen_opts[@]}" -p "$screen_window_name" -X select .
- $SCREEN "${screen_opts[@]}" -p "$screen_window_name" -X stuff ":push \"$jump_cmd\"\r"
+ $SCREEN "${screen_opts[@]}" -p "$screen_window_name" -X eval "select ." "stuff \"$jump_cmd\r\""
if [ $? != 0 ] ; then
die "You have to manually start a screen session with:
$SCREEN $screen_opts_str -t $(quote "$screen_window_name") $MUTT -f $(quote "$orig_maildir")"