-% >> article-2 <<
-% the name needs to start with article-n so that it automatically gets
-% adjusted to keep the articles about the same. I've kept article-2
-% since this is what the same rough thing was called in Kieran's
-% document.
+% >> article-1 <<
+ \setsecheadstyle{\large\scshape}
+ \setsubsecheadstyle{\normalsize\itshape}
+ \renewcommand{\printchaptername}{}
+ \renewcommand{\chapternamenum}{}
+ \renewcommand{\chapnumfont}{\chaptitlefont}
+ \renewcommand{\printchapternum}{\chapnumfont \thechapter\space}
+ \renewcommand{\afterchapternum}{}
+ \renewcommand{\printchaptername}{\secheadstyle}
+ \renewcommand{\cftchapterfont}{\normalfont}
+ \renewcommand{\cftchapterpagefont}{\normalfont\scshape}
+ \renewcommand{\cftchapterpresnum}{\scshape}
+ \captiontitlefont{\small}
+ % turn off chapter numbering
+ \counterwithout{section}{chapter}
+ % reduce skip after section heading
+ \setaftersecskip{1.2ex}
+ \pretitle{\newline\centering \LARGE\scshape \MakeLowercase }
+ \posttitle{\par\vskip 1em}
+ \predate{\footnotesize \centering}
+ \postdate{\par\vskip 1em}
+ % 'abstract' title, bigger skip from title
+ \renewcommand{\abstractname}{}
+ \abstractrunin