- - [The Simple Logic, 'http://www.thesimplelogic.com/', 'http://www.thesimplelogic.com/feed/']
- skip: [5/31/2010]
- start: 02/15/2010
- links:
- - [Alex Dehnert's Blog, 'http://www.dehnerts.com/~alex/meta/news/', 'http://www.dehnerts.com/~alex/meta/news/?format=rss-full']
- skip:
- - [5/31/2010, 8/16/2010]
- start: 12/21
- links:
- - ['10,000 Hours', 'http://afarrell.scripts.mit.edu/blog/', 'http://afarrell.scripts.mit.edu/blog/?feed=rss2']
- skip:
- - [02/01/2010, 06/07/2010]
- start: 12/28
- links:
- - ['Systems, Service, and Socializing', 'http://blogs.mit.edu/austein', 'http://blogs.mit.edu/CS/blogs/austein/atom.aspx']
- - [austein, 'http://austein.livejournal.com/', 'http://austein.livejournal.com/data/atom']
- start: 2/8/2010
- end: '2010-06-28'
- links:
- - ["\u03B8: The nerd's angle", 'http://ebroder.net/', 'http://ebroder.net/feed/atom/']
- start: 12/28
- end: 4/5/2010
- links:
- - [Clare Bayley, 'http://clarebayley.com/', 'http://clarebayley.com/?feed=rss2']
- skip: [3/22/2010]
- start: 12/28
- end: 5/10/2010
- links:
- - [Chrispy, 'http://ccpost.scripts.mit.edu/blog/', 'http://ccpost.scripts.mit.edu/blog/?feed=rss2']
- skip: [4/5/2010]
- start: 12/28
- end: 02/15/2010
- links:
- - [cristenbc, 'http://www.cristenbc.com/', 'http://www.cristenbc.com/feeds/posts/default']
- start: 12/21
- links:
- - [cslink, 'http://cslink.scripts.mit.edu/blog/', 'http://cslink.scripts.mit.edu/blog/?feed=rss2']
- skip:
- - [5/31/2010, 9/6/2010]
- start: 12/28
- links:
- - [Apparently this installer wants a title, 'http://davidben.scripts.mit.edu/blog/',
- 'http://davidben.scripts.mit.edu/blog/feed/']
- skip:
- - [5/31/2010, 8/30/2010]
- start: 02/15/2010
- links:
- - [Inside 245s, 'http://ezyang.scripts.mit.edu/blog/', 'http://ezyang.scripts.mit.edu/blog/feed/atom/']
- start: 12/28
- links:
- - [Fawkes News, 'http://fawkes.mit.edu/', 'http://fawkes.mit.edu/blog/feed/']
- start: 12/28
- end: '2010-05-31'
- links:
- - [Mad Engineering at its Finest, 'http://codydaniel.wordpress.com', 'http://codydaniel.wordpress.com/feed/']
- start: 12/21
- links:
- - ['[insert title here]', 'http://blog.gregbrockman.com/', 'http://blog.gregbrockman.com/feed/']
- start: 2/8/2010
- links:
- - [syskblogd, 'http://geofft.mit.edu/blog/', 'http://geofft.mit.edu/blog/feed']
- start: 12/21
- links:
- - ['Reviews, Rants and Writings', 'http://reviewsrantsandwritings.blogspot.com/',
- 'http://reviewsrantsandwritings.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default']
- start: 03/29/2010
- end: 5/10/2010
- links:
- - [Common Sense Computing Initiative, 'http://csc.media.mit.edu/blog/havasi', 'http://csc.media.mit.edu/blog/1/feed']
- skip: [3/8/2010]
- start: 12/28
- end: 2/8/2010
- links:
- - [Bias and Sandwiches, 'http://lucien.mit.edu/blog/', 'http://lucien.mit.edu/blog/?feed=atom']
- start: 12/21
- end: 06/14/2010
- links:
- - [snarkbot@mit.edu, 'http://ismith.scripts.mit.edu/snarkblog', 'http://ismith.scripts.mit.edu/feed']
- start: 12/28
- links:
- - [Artificial Awareness, 'http://jhamrick.mit.edu', 'http://jhamrick.mit.edu/feed/atom/']
- start: 12/21
- links:
- - [Talus Slopes, 'http://talusslopes.blogspot.com/', 'http://talusslopes.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default']
- start: 02/15/2010
- links:
- - [Comity of Errors, 'http://kaduk.org/bjk/blog/', 'http://kaduk.org/bjk/blog/feed/']
- start: 12/28
- links:
- - [Wuthering Snow Mooncrash, 'http://kasittig.scripts.mit.edu/blog/', 'http://kasittig.scripts.mit.edu/blog/?feed=rss2']
- skip:
- - 3/15/2010
- - [5/31/2010, 8/23/2010]
- start: 12/21
- links:
- - [procrastination diagram, 'http://www.1ts.org/~kcr/', 'http://www.1ts.org/~kcr/index.rss']
- start: 12/28
- links:
- - [The Dendritic Arbor, 'http://dendritic-arbor.blogspot.com', 'http://dendritic-arbor.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default']
- start: 12/28
- end: 3/29/2010
- links:
- - [Cheesegrating 101, 'http://keach.scripts.mit.edu/blog/', 'http://keach.scripts.mit.edu/blog/?feed=rss2']
- start: 12/28
- links:
- - [Free Dissociation, 'http://free-dissociation.com/blog/', 'http://free-dissociation.com/blog/atom.xml']
- start: 12/21
- end: 02/01/2010
- links:
- - [The World's a Stage, 'http://kyoki.scripts.mit.edu/blog/', 'http://kyoki.scripts.mit.edu/blog/?feed=rss2']
- start: 12/28
- links:
- - [LAURA, 'http://lauraboylan.blogspot.com/', 'http://lauraboylan.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default']
- skip:
- - ['2010-05-31', 06/07/2010]
- start: 12/21
- links:
- - ['Mode: Lexcellent', 'http://lexrj.scripts.mit.edu/lexcellence/', 'http://lexrj.scripts.mit.edu/lexcellence/?feed=rss2']
- start: 12/28
- links:
- - [Playing with Negative Space, 'http://blog.lizdenys.com/', 'http://blog.lizdenys.com/feed/atom']
- start: 12/28