+ <emphasis>Karl Fogel</emphasis>, the author of <emphasis>Open
+ Source Development with CVS</emphasis> published by the Coriolis
+ Open Press. Larges parts of the book are available <ulink
+ url="http://cvsbook.red-bean.com">on the web</ulink>. 225 pages of
+ the book are available under the GPL and constitute the best
+ tutorial on CVS I have ever seen. The rest of the book covers,
+ "the challenges and philosophical issues inherent in running an
+ Open Source project using CVS." The book does a good job of
+ covering some of the subjects brought up in this HOWTO and much
+ more. <ulink url="http://cvsbook.red-bean.com">The book's
+ website</ulink> has information on ordering the book and provides
+ several translations of the chapters on CVS. I you are seriously
+ interested in running a Free Software project, you want this book.