--- /dev/null
+% based on kieran healy's memoir modifications
+% packages i use in essentially every document
+% packages i use in many documents but leave off by default
+% \usepackage{amsmath, amsthm, amssymb}
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+% \usepackage{endfloat}
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+ {\begin{enumerate}%
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+\title{Diversity Statement}
+\author{Benjamin Mako Hill}
+% \published{\textsc{\textcolor{BrickRed}{This document is an
+% unpublished draft.\\ Please do not distribute or cite without
+% permission.}}}
+Issues of diversity and inequality are deeply important to me --
+personally and professionally. I grew up in a large and implausibly
+diverse family. Through adoption and chance, I have siblings who are
+white, black-, and Asian-American, who are gay and straight, and who
+have several different native languages. Having worked as humanitarian
+medics in the developing world, my parents found ways for their
+children to spend time growing up outside the United States. I
+finished high school in an Amharic language school in Ethiopia before
+returning to the US for college. I am in an interracial marriage to
+someone who grew up outside the US. Through these experiences, I
+understand some of the challenges and benefits of diversity and have
+come to appreciate how privileged I am.
+In my previous work as a leader and professional in free and open
+source software (FOSS) projects and firms, I sought to highlight and
+address the lack of diversity -- especially gender diversity -- in
+FOSS organizations. On my very first day working on the \emph{Ubuntu
+ Project}, I wrote a ``code of conduct'' designed, in large part, to
+increase the diversity of our contributor pool. That document has now
+been signed by thousands of participants and has been employed in
+dozens of other FOSS organizations. On the board and advisory boards
+of several non-profits, I have worked to create and support diverse
+staffs and memberships.
+This commitment to diversity has also shaped my research. In a short
+working paper with Aaron Shaw, I describe a method to estimate the
+diversity of participant pools in online communities by characterizing
+and correcting for self-selection bias in online surveys (we
+specifically consider diversity in terms of gender, income, and
+education in the context of Wikipedia). In a published paper with Leah
+Buechley, I evaluate the effect of a new microcontroller platform
+designed to increase diversity in hobbyist electronics communities by
+increasing the participation of women and girls. That paper is part of
+a larger conversation spanning several disciplines that tries to
+understand and address under-representation of women in science,
+technology, and math -- an issue I am passionate about. I take pride
+in the diversity of my group of coauthors.
+In my teaching, I take seriously the challenge of teaching to diverse
+audiences. As I explain in my teaching statement, I have found that my
+students have an enormous amount to teach me and I strive to learn
+from and to adapt both the style and content of my teaching material
+to reflect the diversity of my students. This has included mundane but
+important steps like learning to lecture more effectively to
+non-native English speakers as well as to create content and
+syllabuses that are more diverse in the material they include. In
+organizing classes, seminars, and lectures, I have found that more
+diverse programs are able to attract, and communicate more effectively
+to, broad audiences. By bringing in a wide variety of perspectives, a
+more diverse program can also support broader, more widely applicable,
+and more memorable learning.
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+% Some article styles and page layout tweaks for the LaTeX Memoir class.
+% Copyright 2009 Benjamin Mako Hill <mako@atdot.cc>
+% Copyright 2008-2009 Kieran Healy <kjhealy@soc.duke.edu>
+% Distributed as free software under the GNU GPL v3
+% This file is heavily based on one by Kieran Healy
+% available here: http://github.com/kjhealy/latex-custom-kjh/
+% blank footnote
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+% Useful for initial acknowledgment note.
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+% Make the style for vc-git revision control headers and footers
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