% This list includes invitation or application-only workshops. If I give a lecture or present a paper, I will not list it again here.
-\item CSST Summer Research Institute. Organized by the Consortium for the Science of Sociotechnical Systems Researchers (CSST). Rutgers University, New Brunswick. June 18-22, 2019. {[Attended as Mentor]}
+\item NSF Workshop on Frameworks for Integrative Data Equity Systems (FIDES) and Foundations of Responsible Data Science (FORDS). New York University, New York, New York. March 25-26, 2020. {[Virtual due to COVID-19]}
+\item Social Science FOO Camp. Organized by O'Reilly, SAGE, and Facebook. Facebook Campus, Menlo Park, California, February 7-9, 2020.
+\item Summer Institute for Behavioral and Social Scientists Organizations and Their Effectiveness. Center for Advanced Studies in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University, Palo Alto, California, July 8-20, 2019.
+\item CSST Summer Research Institute. Organized by the Consortium for the Science of Sociotechnical Systems Researchers (CSST). Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey. June 18-22, 2019. {[Attended as Mentor]}
\item Digital Infrastructure Kickoff. Organized by the Ford and Alfred P. Sloan Foundations. Ford Foundation, New York, New York, February 4-5, 2019.
\item Social Science FOO Camp. Organized by O'Reilly, SAGE, and Facebook. Facebook Campus, Menlo Park, California, February 1-3, 2019.
\item Design Thinking Meeting. Organized by Liz Gerber, Bob Sutton, and Sarah Stein Greenberg. Center for Advanced Studies in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University, Palo Alto, California, November 29-30, 2018.
I frequently am invited to give talks to non-academic audiences. A selection of these talks is included below.
+\item {[Workshop Participation]} Sustain Summit, Sint-Gilles, Belgium, January 30, 2020.
\item {[Lecture]} “State of Wikimedia Research 2017-2018.” With Tilman Bayer, Reem Al-Kashif, and Mohammed Sadat Abdulai. Wikimania 2018, Cape Town, South Africa, July 21, 2018.
\item {[Lecture and Q\&A]} ``Whither Peer Production?'' Vall de Can Masdeu, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain, June 3, 2018.
\item {[Lecture]} “Free Software Needs Free Tools.” OpenDev Summit, OpenStack Conference, Vancouver Convention Center, Vancouver, BC, Canada, May 22, 2018.