-\item 2014--. Assistant Professor, Department of Communication.
-\item 2018--. Adjunct Assistant Professor, Paul G.~Allen School of Computer Science \& Engineering.
-\item 2021--. Adjunct Assistant Professor, Information School.
-% \item 2017--. Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology. % this isn't showing up in workday... 2018-02-07
-\item 2015--. Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Human-Centered Design \& Engineering.
+\item 2022--. Associate Professor, Department of Communication.
+\item 2022--. Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Human-Centered Design \& Engineering.
+\item 2022--. Adjunct Associate Professor, Paul G.~Allen School of Computer Science \& Engineering.
+\item 2022--. Adjunct Associate Professor, Information School.