\item 2014. [Invited Article] Shaw, Aaron, Haoqi Zhang, Andrés Monroy-Hernández, Sean Munson, Benjamin Mako Hill, Elizabeth Gerber, Peter Kinnaird, and Patrick Minder. Computer Supported Collective Action. \emph{Interactions} 21, no. 2 74–77. IEEE.
\item 2013. [Book Chapter] Buechley, Leah, Jennifer Jacobs, Benjamin Mako Hill. Lilypad in the Wild: Technology DIY, E-Textiles, and Gender. In \emph{Textile Messages: Dispatches from the World of E-Textiles and Education}, edited by Leah Buechley, Kylie Peppler, Michael Eisenberg, and Yasmin Kafai. Peter Lang. (Expanded version of 2010 article.)
\item 2012. [Book Chapter] Hill, Benjamin Mako. Freedom for Users, Not For Software. In \emph{Wealth of the Commons: A World Beyond Market and State}, edited by David Bollier and Silke Helfrich, Levellers Press. Published in German as \emph{Commons: Für eine neue Politik Jenseits von Markt und Staat}, Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung.
\item 2014. [Invited Article] Shaw, Aaron, Haoqi Zhang, Andrés Monroy-Hernández, Sean Munson, Benjamin Mako Hill, Elizabeth Gerber, Peter Kinnaird, and Patrick Minder. Computer Supported Collective Action. \emph{Interactions} 21, no. 2 74–77. IEEE.
\item 2013. [Book Chapter] Buechley, Leah, Jennifer Jacobs, Benjamin Mako Hill. Lilypad in the Wild: Technology DIY, E-Textiles, and Gender. In \emph{Textile Messages: Dispatches from the World of E-Textiles and Education}, edited by Leah Buechley, Kylie Peppler, Michael Eisenberg, and Yasmin Kafai. Peter Lang. (Expanded version of 2010 article.)
\item 2012. [Book Chapter] Hill, Benjamin Mako. Freedom for Users, Not For Software. In \emph{Wealth of the Commons: A World Beyond Market and State}, edited by David Bollier and Silke Helfrich, Levellers Press. Published in German as \emph{Commons: Für eine neue Politik Jenseits von Markt und Staat}, Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung.