%% Publications
+\marginhead{{\vskip 0.3em}Publications}
\noindent\emph{Book \vspace{0.01in}}
%% Presentations
-\marginhead{Invited Talks \newline (Since 2004)}
+\marginhead{{\vskip 0.4em}Invited Talks \newline (Since 2004)}
\ind 2009. ``Specialization and Status in Philosophy.'' University of Chicago, Booth School of Business. May.
-\marginhead{Conference \newline Presentations \newline (Since 2004)}
+\marginhead{{\vskip 0.4em}Conference \newline Presentations \newline (Since 2004)}
\ind 2008. Invited speaker, ASA Culture Section 20th Anniversary Symposium, ``Culture and Economy,'' Boston, August.
-\marginhead{Grants and \newline Awards}
+\marginhead{{\vskip 0.4em}Grants and \newline Awards}
\ind 2008. Honorable Mention, American Sociological Association Section on Economic Sociology, Zelizer Distinguished Scholarship Award.
-\marginhead{Service to the \newline Profession}
+\marginhead{{\vskip 0.9em}Service to the \newline Profession}