%%% A template to produce a nice-looking Curriculm Vitae.
+%%% Kieran Healy <kjhealy@gmail.com>
+%%% Most recent version is at http://kjhealy.github.com/kjh-vita
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
%%% Requirements (should be included in a modern tex distribution):
%% Change as needed. Or just add me as a coauthor. Only some of these are
-%% used below in the hyperref declaration.
+%% used below in the hyperref declaration and address banner section.
\def\myauthor{Kieran Healy}
\def\myaddress{Sociology Department}
+\def\myphone{(919) 660-5737}
+\def\myfax{(919) 660-5623}
%%% Required style files
+%\usepackage{revnumerate} % for reverse-numbered publications if needed.
%% needed for xelatex to work
- \flushright \footnotesize Phone: (650) 321-2052 \\
- Fax: (650) 321-1192 \\
- {\scriptsize \texttt{\href{mailto:kjhealy@soc.duke.edu}{kjhealy@soc.duke.edu}}} \\
- {\scriptsize \texttt{\href{http://www.kieranhealy.org}{http://www.kieranhealy.org}}}
+ \flushright \footnotesize Phone: \myphone \\
+ Fax: \myfax \\
+ {\scriptsize \texttt{\href{mailto:\myemail}{\myemail}}} \\
+ {\scriptsize \texttt{\href{\myweb}{\myweb}}}
\noindent\emph{Journal articles \vspace{0.05in}}
-%% Use revnumerate environment if numbered publications are needed.
+%% Use revnumerate environment if numbered publications are needed.
+%% (Include it above in the preamble).
%% \renewcommand{\labelenumi}{\textsc{a}\theenumi.}
%% \begin{revnumerate}
\ind 2004. ``Organ Procurement in the United States.'' National University of
Ireland at Maynooth. April.
-% \ind 2002. ``Creativity and the Creative Industries.'' Center for Arts and
-% Culture, Washington DC. December.
-% \ind 2002. ``Altruism as an Organizational Problem: The case of organ
-% procurement.'' Northwestern University.
-% November.
-% \ind 2002. ``Sacred Markets and Secular Ritual in the Organ Transplant
-% Industry.'' University of California at San Diego. November.
-% \ind 2002. ``The Ecology of Open Source Software Development.'' Department of
-% Sociology, University of Arizona. August.
-% \ind 2002. ``What's New for Culture in the New Economy?'' Sixth
-% annual Summer Cultural Policy Meetings, New York. July.
-% \ind 2002. ``Sacred Markets and Secular Ritual in the Organ Transplant Industry.''
-% Princeton Economic Sociology Conference, Princeton. February.
-% \ind 2001. ``Altruism as a Resource-extraction Problem.'' Rational Choice
-% Section Miniconference, annual meetings of the American Sociological
-% Association, Anaheim. August.
-% \ind 2001. ``Culture and Technology.'' Keynote Address, Fifth Annual Summer Cultural
-% Policy Meeting, Little Switzerland NC. June.
-% \ind 2000. ``Media Discourse on Organ Transplantation, 1980-2000.'' New York
-% University Graduate Student Sociology Conference. March.
-% \ind 2000. ``Industrializing Altruism: The U.S. Organ Transplant Industry,
-% 1978-1998.'' Princeton \textsc{joie} Workshop on Organizations, Institutions
-% and Economic Sociology. March.
-% \ind 1999. Discussant, regular session on Democratic Transitions, annual
-% meetings of the American Sociological Association, Chicago. August.
\ind 2004. Discussant, Regular Session on the Political Economy of the World System. Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association, San Francisco. August.
-%\begin{revnumerate} \ind 2003. Discussant, Regular Session on Internet and Culture. Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association, Atlanta. August.
-% \ind 2003. ``The Ecology of Open Source Software.'' Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association, Atlanta. August.
-% \ind 2002. ``Altruism as an Organizational Problem: The case of organ
-% procurement.'' Annual meetings of the American Sociological Association,
-% Chicago. August.
-% \ind 2001. ``Cultural Accounts of Organ Donation.'' Annual meetings of the
-% Eastern Sociological Society, Philadelphia. March.
-% \ind 1998. ``Three Ways to Tap a Vein: Blood Collection Regimes and the
-% European Union's Donor Population.'' Annual meetings of the American
-% Sociological Association, San Francisco, August.
-% \ind 1997. ``Three Ways to Tap a Vein: Blood Collection Regimes and the European
-% Union's Donor Population.'' Princeton--Rutgers Conference on the Sociology
-% of Culture.
-% \ind 1998. ``Explaining the \textsc{oecd} Wage Slowdown: Recession or
-% Labor Decline?'' With Bruce Western. Annual meetings of the American
-% Sociological Association, San Francisco. August.
-% \ind 1997. ``Wage Growth and Labor Decline in the Advanced Capitalist
-% Countries, 1965--1993.'' With Bruce Western. Presented at ``Unemployment's
-% Effects: the Southern European Experience in Comparative Perspective,''
-% Southern European Research Group conference held at Princeton University,
-% November.
-% \ind 1997. ``The Organization of Obligation: Markets, Risk and the Blood
-% Supply.'' Annual meetings of the Eastern Sociological Assocation, Baltimore.
-% April.
-% % \medskip
-% % 1994. \emph{The Language of Influence: Public Debate and the Poliøtics of
-% % the X--Case}. M.A. Thesis, University College Cork, Ireland, October.
-% \ind 1994. ``Looking After Your Own: Youth Defence and Abortion.'' Annual
-% Meetings of the Irish Sociological Association, Derry. March.
-% \newpage
\ind 1991--1993. College Undergraduate Scholarship, University
College, Cork.
-% \bigskip
-% \noindent\hrulefill
-% \noindent\textsf{{Courses Taught}}
-% \ind Sociology of Culture. Graduate seminar. (Fall 2004.)
-% \ind Economic Sociology. Graduate seminar. (Fall 2002.)
-% \ind Sources of Sociological Theory. Upper-level undergraduate course. (Fall
-% 2001, Twice; Spring 2002, Twice; Fall 2002; Fall 2004; Fall 2005, Twice.)