+\subsection{Selected Coverage}
+My research is frequently covered in the media and I am often quoted as expert in the press. An extensive list of media coverage with hyerplinks to online articles is available at \url{http://mako.cc/press/}. A few notable examples of press describing my academic research include:
+ \item 2016-01-03. Karlin, Mark.. Aaron Swartz’s Quest to Keep Corporations From Privatizing the Internet. \emph{Truthout}. [Interview]
+ \item 2014.01.18. Harford, Tim. There are No New Ideas - Only Remixes; The Undercover Economist. \emph{Financial Times}, p. 44.
+ \item 2013-05-13. Steadman, Ian. Study: open source remixing seems to lead to less original work. \emph{Wired UK}.
+ \item 2011-10-13. Wemple, Erik. Media news derivatives: Oct. 13. \emph{The Washington Post Blogs}.
+ \item 2011-10-12. Garber, Megan. The contribution conundrum: Why did Wikipedia succeed while other encyclopedias failed? \emph{Nieman Journalism Lab}.
+ \item 2011-05-31. Rohwetter, Marcus. Technikmafia: Die Technikmafia. \emph{Die Zeit}. Hamburg, Germany.
+ \item 2007-07-16. Anderson, Nate. MIT Project aims human buffer overflow at Secret Service. \emph{Ars Technica}.