-%%% Kieran's Vita. Full.
-%%% /Users/kjhealy/projects/vita/vita.tex
+%%% A template to produce a nice-looking Curriculm Vitae.
+%%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%%% Requirements (should be included in a modern tex distribution):
+%%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%%% xelatex
+%%% fontspec.sty
+%%% hyperrref.sty
+%%% xunicode.sty
+%%% color.sty
+%%% url.sty
+%%% fancyhdr.sty
+%%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%%% Optional
+%%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%%% git
+%%% vc.sty
+%%% Expert fonts
-%% Git version tracking
+%% Git version tracking: if you don't use git or the vc package, comment this out.
+%% If you comment it out, be sure to remove the \rfoot comment below, too.
%% misc style files
%% needed for xelatex to work
-%% Choose fonts
+%% Choose fonts for use with xelatex
+%% Minion and Myriad are widely available, from Adobe.
+%% Pragmata is available to buy at http://www.fsd.it/fonts/pragma.htm
+%% and is worth every penny. Any good monospace font will work fine, though.
+%% Consolas or inconsolata are good alternatives.
\setromanfont[Mapping={tex-text},Numbers={OldStyle},Ligatures={Common}]{Minion Pro}
\setsansfont[Mapping=tex-text,Colour=AA0000]{Myriad Pro}
-%% custom ampersand
+%%% Local commands
+%% marginal header
+\newcommand{\marginhead}[1]{\marginpar{\textsf{{\footnotesize\vspace{-1em}\flushright #1}}}}
+%% custom ampersand (font consistent with the one chosen above)
\newcommand{\amper}{{\fontspec[Scale=.95,Colour=AA0000]{Minion Pro Medium}\selectfont\&\,}}
%% No bullets on labels
%% Appointments
-\marginpar{\textsf{{\footnotesize\vspace{-1em}\flushright Appointments}}}
\noindent\emph{Duke University \vspace{0.01in}}
%% Education
-\marginpar{\textsf{{\footnotesize\vspace{-1em}\flushright Education}}}
\noindent\emph{Princeton University \vspace{0.01in}}
%% Publications
-\marginpar{\textsf{{\footnotesize\vspace{-0.7em}\flushright Publications}}}
\noindent\emph{Book \vspace{0.01in}}
%% Presentations
-\marginpar{\textsf{{\footnotesize\vspace{-0.6em}\flushright Invited Talks \newline (Since 2004)}}}
+\marginhead{Invited Talks \newline (Since 2004)}
\ind 2009. ``Specialization and Status in Philosophy.'' University of Chicago, Booth School of Business. May.
-\marginpar{\textsf{{\footnotesize\vspace{-0.6em}\flushright Conference \newline Presentations \newline (Since 2004)}}}
+\marginhead{Conference \newline Presentations \newline (Since 2004)}
\ind 2008. Invited speaker, ASA Culture Section 20th Anniversary Symposium, ``Culture and Economy,'' Boston, August.
-\marginpar{\textsf{{\footnotesize\vspace{-0.6em}\flushright Grants and \newline Awards}}}
+\marginhead{Grants and \newline Awards}
\ind 2008. Honorable Mention, American Sociological Association Section on Economic Sociology, Zelizer Distinguished Scholarship Award.
-\marginpar{\textsf{{\footnotesize\flushright Service to the \newline Profession}}}
+\marginhead{Service to the \newline Profession}