% set up the file to create notes in the output PDFs
-\setbeameroption{show notes on second screen} % for pdfpc -n right
-% \setbeameroption{show notes} % place notes on the second slide
-% \setbeameroption{show only notes} % for making printouts
\node[violet!75,ultra thick,draw,rounded rectangle,fit=(marker-#1-a.center) (marker-#1-b.center)] {};%
-% add function to build a huge centered dropshadow
+% DEPRECATED function to build a huge centered dropshadow
\node[black!30!white] at (#1+0.1,#2-0.1) {
\scalebox{2}{\Huge \textbf{#3}}
+% more flexible non-tikz alternative with no dropshadow
+ \newlength{\centertxtlen}
+ \makeatletter
+ \setlength{\centertxtlen}{#1}%
+ \setlength{\centertxtlen}{0.35\centertxtlen}%
+ {\centering
+ \fontsize{#1}{2\centertxtlen}\selectfont
+ \e{#2}
+% \end{center}
% add function to stop numbering appendix slides
-% pdfpc:begin
-% This is the slide 1 notes.
-% pdfpc:end
+% include version control stuff
+\tikz[overlay,shift=(current page.south west)]{\node [xshift=5.6em,yshift=0.5em]{\colorbox{makopurple1}{\color{white} \tt \smaller \smaller \smaller revision:\ \VCRevision\ (\VCDateTEX)}};}
%% SLIDE: Slide 2
-\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay,shift={(current page.center)}]
-\dropshadow{0}{0.7}{Example and}
-\dropshadow{0}{-.7}{Data Appendix}
+\centertext{7em}{Example and Data Appendix}
\begin{frame}{A sample slide}