+% set up the file to create notes in the output PDFs
- \renewcommand{\rmdefault}{ugm}
- \renewcommand{\sfdefault}{phv}
+% add tikz and a bunch of tikz foo
+\tikzstyle{every picture}+=[overlay,remember picture]
+% add functions to circle parts of slides (e.g., in tables)
+\newcommand\marktopleft[1]{\tikz \node (marker-#1-a) at (0,1.5ex) {};}
+ \tikz{\node (marker-#1-b) at (0,0) {};}
+ \tikz[dashed,inner sep=3pt]{\node[violet!75,ultra thick,draw,rounded rectangle,fit=(marker-#1-a.center) (marker-#1-b.center)] {};}}
+% DEPRECATED function to build a huge centered dropshadow
+ \node[black!30!white] at (#1+0.1,#2-0.1) {
+ \scalebox{2}{\Huge \textbf{#3}}
+ };
+ \node at (#1,#2) {
+ \scalebox{2}{\Huge \e{#3}}
+ };
+% create an empty quotetxt so we can reuse it
+% more flexible non-tikz alternative with no dropshadow
+ \setlength{\centertxtlen}{#1}%
+ \setlength{\centertxtlen}{0.35\centertxtlen}%
+ {\centering
+ \fontsize{#1}{2\centertxtlen}\selectfont
+ \e{#2}
+ }
+% add function to stop numbering appendix slides
+ \newcounter{framenumberappendix}
+ \setcounter{framenumberappendix}{\value{framenumber}}
+ \addtocounter{framenumberappendix}{-\value{framenumber}}
+ \addtocounter{framenumber}{\value{framenumberappendix}}
% packages i use in essentially every document
+% \usepackage{dcolumn}
+% \usepackage{booktabs}
+% replace footnotes with symbols instead of numbers
\usetheme[pageofpages=/,% String used between the current page and the
% total page count.
bullet=default,% Use circles instead of squares for bullets.
% These options will be applied to all `tcolorboxes`
- colback=white, %background color of the box
+ colback=makopurple5, %background color of the box
colframe=makopurple1, %color of frame and title background
coltext=black, %color of body text
coltitle=white, %color of title text
+% tweak the beamer font to make it a bit lists a bit smaller
+\setbeamerfont*{itemize/enumerate body}{size=\small}
+\setbeamerfont*{itemize/enumerate subbody}{size=\footnotesize}
+\setbeamerfont*{itemize/enumerate subsubbody}{size=\footnotesize}
+% indent the margins of the itemize lists a little bit
+% create a new \e{} command to make things purple and bold
% remove the nagivation symbols
\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}
\title{Presentation Title}
% \subtitle{Presentation Subtitle}
-\author[Benj. Mako Hill]{\textbf{Benjamin Mako Hill}\\ mako@mit.edu}
+\author[Benj. Mako Hill]{\textbf{Benjamin Mako Hill}\\ makohill@uw.edu}
-\institute[MIT/Harvard]{\textbf{Massachusetts Institute of Technology}\\
- Sloan School of Management\\
- MIT Media Lab\\
+\institute[MIT/Harvard]{\textbf{University of Washington}\\
+ Department of Communication\\
+ \emph{Acting Assistant Professor}\\
\textbf{Harvard University}\\
- Berkman Center for Internet and Society}
+ Berkman Center for Internet and Society\\
+ \emph{Resident Fellow}}
\date{December 2, 1980}
+% remove some of the space in the itemize to make it quite compact
%% SLIDE: Title Slide
-% pdfpc:begin
-% This is the slide 1 notes.
-% pdfpc:end
+% include version control stuff
+\tikz[overlay,shift=(current page.south west)]{\node [xshift=5.6em,yshift=0.5em]{\colorbox{makopurple1}{\color{white} \tt \smaller \smaller \smaller revision:\ \VCRevision\ (\VCDateTEX)}};}
%% SLIDE: Slide 2
+\centertext{7em}{Example and Data Appendix}
\begin{frame}{A sample slide}
+Final Sample Slide
% pdfpc:begin
% This is the slide 3 notes.
% pdfpc:end