% \subtitle{Presentation Subtitle}
\author[Benj. Mako Hill]{\textbf{Benjamin Mako Hill}\\ makohill@uw.edu}
-\institute[MIT/Harvard]{\textbf{University of Washington}\\
+\institute[UW/Harvard]{\textbf{University of Washington}\\
Department of Communication\\
- \emph{Acting Assistant Professor}\\
+ \emph{Assistant Professor}\\
\textbf{Harvard University}\\
- Berkman Center for Internet and Society\\
- \emph{Resident Fellow}}
+ Berkman Klein Center\\
+ \emph{Faculty Associate}}
\date{December 2, 1980}
+ \tikz[overlay]{\node at (current page.south east)
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+ {\smaller \smaller {[}#1{]}};}}
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+\note{These are the slide 2 notes.}
\begin{frame}{A sample slide}
Final Sample Slide
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+\note{These are the slide 4 notes.}