% \metroset{background=light}
+Path = ./fonts/OpenSans/,
+Extension = .ttf,
+UprightFont = *-Regular,
+BoldFont = *-Bold,
+ItalicFont = *-Italic,
+BoldItalicFont = *-BoldItalic
+Path = ./fonts/RobotoMono/,
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\tikz{\node at (current page.center) [anchor=center, yshift=-0.5in, xshift=1in]
- {\includegraphics[width=0.35\textwidth]{figures/logo.pdf}};
+ {\includegraphics[width=0.25\textwidth]{figures/logo.pdf}};
% include version control stuff
+ \sectionpage
+ \note{This is an example section page.}
%% SLIDE: Slide 2
\begin{frame}{A sample slide, A sample slide, A sample slide, A sample
slide, A sample slide, A sample slide}
And then \e{a second} paragraph.
+\subsection{Introductory Subsection}
+ \subsectionpage
+ \note{This is an example subsection page.}
\begin{frame}{A sample slide}
Final Sample Slide
+ \texttt{Monospace font?}
\note{These are the slide 4 notes.}