3 Page can either be a talk page or can be any other page in the
4 wiki. If the page is not a talk page, the message will be appended
5 to the associated talk page
7 Section can be indicated in this field with a #
12 The time that the change was made (based on the local clock).
16 The Username, on the wiki in question, of the person who made the edit.
20 Email address of the person who made the edit.
22 Export-date [OPTIONAL]
24 The date that the offline readers database was exported
28 Can be set to `Nofollow' for
30 Page-revision [OPTIONAL]
32 The MediaWiki Page ID.
36 Name and version of program that has generated query.
41 Identification of the wiki to push changes.
43 The form should be a link to the MediaWiki API or, oprtionally, an
44 interwiki link "code to a known wiki.