+<p><strong>Additional Information</strong></p>
+<ul> <li>Elections will end at <strong><%= @election.enddate
+%></strong>.</li> <li>Elections results <strong><% if
+@election.early_results %>will be<% else %>will not be<% end
+%></strong> visible while election is in progress.</li>
+<% if @election.embeddable %>
+<li>Elections <strong>will be</strong> embeddable.</li>
+<% end %>
+<% if @election.active? and not @election.authenticated? %>
+<%= (link_to ("Go Vote!",
+ :controller => 'voter', :action => 'index', :election_id => @election.id)).to_s %>
+<% end -%>
+<div class="normal-header">
+ <span class="header">Candidates</span>
+ <span class="subheader"></span>
+<% if not (@election.active? or @election.done?) %>
+ <p style="text-align: right;">
+ <%= link_to "Edit Candidates",
+ :action => 'edit_candidates', :id => @election.id %></p>
+<% end %>
+<% if @election.candidates.empty? %>
+ <p><em>There are currently no candidates registered.</em>
+ <%= link_to "Add some!", :action => 'edit_candidates', :id => @election.id %>
+ </p>
+<% else %>
+ <%= render :partial => 'candidate_list' %>
+<% end %>
+<div class="normal-header">
+ <span class="header">Voters</span>
+ <span class="subheader"></span>
+<% if not (@election.active? or @election.done?) %>
+<p style="text-align: right;">
+ <%= link_to "Change Voters/Options",
+ :action => 'edit_voters', :id => @election.id %></p>
+<% end %>
+<% if not @election.authenticated? %>
+ <p><em>This election is open the public.</em></p>
+<% elsif @election.voters.empty? %>
+ <p><em>There are currently no voters registered. </em>
+ <%= link_to "Add some!", :action => 'edit_voters',
+ :id => @election.id %></p>
+<% else %>
+ <%= render :partial => 'voter_list' %>
+ <p><em><%= link_to "Add or remove voters.", :action => 'edit_voters',
+ :id => @election.id unless @election.active? or @election.done? %>
+ </em></p>
+<% end %>
+<% if not (@election.active? or @election.done?) %>
+<div class="normal-header">
+ <span class="header">Start Election</span>
+ <span class="subheader"></span>
+ <% if @election.start_blockers.length > 0 %>
+ <p>Your vote cannot be started for the following reasons:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <% for reason in @election.start_blockers %>
+ <li><%= reason %></li>
+ <% end %>
+ </ul>
+ <% else %>
+ <p>Please check everything carefully on this page before starting this
+ vote. Once you begin the vote, you will <em>not</em> be able to add or
+ change candidates, modify the voting lists, or change the end
+ time.</p>
+ <p>When you begin the vote, the following will happen:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>The vote will be "frozen" so that further edits to the
+ candidate list and voting list cannot occur.</li>
+ <% if @election.authenticated? %>
+ <li>All voters will be emailed notifying them that the vote has
+ begun and of their unique login token.</li>
+ <% end %>
+ </ul>
+ <%= button_to 'Start Election!', :action => 'start_election', :id => @election.id %>
+ <% end %>
+<% elsif @election.embeddable? %>
+<div class="normal-header">
+ <span class="header">Embedding</span>
+ <span class="subheader"></span>