-class GraphController < ApplicationController
- # produce a graph of votes per day during an election
- def votes_per_day
+require 'date'
+class GraphController < ApplicationController
+ class GruffGraff
- @election = Election.find(params[:id])
- data, labels = get_votes_per_day_data(@election)
+ COLORS = ['#74CE00', '#005CD9', '#DC0D13', '#131313', '#990033']
+ BACKGROUND_COLORS = ['#74CE00', '#FFFFFF'] #for green and white background
+ def initialize(options)
+ size = options[:size] ? options[:size] : "400x300" #allow custom sizing
+ @graph = options[:graph_type].new(size)
+ @graph.no_data_message = "No Voters"
+ @graph.theme = { :colors => COLORS,
+ :background_colors => ['#e5e5e5', '#FFFFFF'] }
+ @graph.font = File.expand_path('/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TTF/Vera.ttf',
+ if options[:legend_font_size]
+ @graph.legend_font_size = options[:legend_font_size]
+ end
+ if options[:title_font_size]
+ @graph.title_font_size = options[:title_font_size]
+ end
+ #marker count doesn't include minimum value line, default is 4
+ @graph.marker_count = options[:marker_count] if options[:marker_count]
+ @graph.marker_font_size = options[:marker_font_size] if options[:marker_font_size]
+ @graph.marker_color = options[:marker_color] if options[:marker_color]
+ # fill in the data with the optional data name
+ #Check to see if multiple datasets, if so, fill them all!
+ #Sort by biggest first piece of data.
+ if options[:data].is_a?(Hash)
+ options[:data].sort {|a,b| b[1][0] <=> a[1][0]}.each do |dataset|
+ @graph.data(dataset[0], dataset[1])
+ end
+ #if each dataset nameless, will have only multiple arrays
+ elsif options[:data].size > 1 && options[:data].all? {|i| i.is_a?(Array)}
+ options[:data].each do |array|
+ @graph.data( options.fetch(:data_name, "Data"), array)
+ end
+ else #one dimensional array, just pass it in
+ @graph.data( options.fetch(:data_name, "Data"), options[:data] )
+ end
+ # set the labels or create an empty hash
+ @graph.labels = options[:interval_labels] \
+ if options.has_key?(:interval_labels) and \
+ options[:interval_labels].class == Hash
+ @graph.x_axis_label = options[:x_axis_label] \
+ if options.has_key?(:x_axis_label)
+ @graph.y_axis_label = options[:y_axis_label] \
+ if options.has_key?(:y_axis_label)
+ @graph.title = options[:title] if options.has_key?(:title)
+ @graph.minimum_value = 0.0
- line = Gruff::Line.new
- line.title = "Voters Per Day"
- line.font = File.expand_path('/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TTF/Vera.ttf',
+ end
- line.data("#{@election.name}", data )
- line.labels = labels
+ def output
+ return([@graph.to_blob, {:disposition => 'inline', :type => 'image/png'}])
+ end
- line.x_axis_label = "Date"
- line.y_axis_label = "Number of Votes"
- line.minimum_value = 0.0
+ end
- line.draw
- send_data(line.to_blob, :disposition => 'inline', :type => 'image/png')
+ # produce a graph of votes per day during an election
+ def votes_per_day
+ @election = Election.find(params[:id])
+ data, labels = get_votes_per_day_data(@election)
+ graph = GruffGraff.new( :graph_type => Gruff::Line,
+ :data_name => @election.name,
+ :data => data,
+ :interval_labels => labels,
+ :title => "Voters Per Day",
+ :x_axis_label => "Data",
+ :y_axis_label =>"Number of Votes")
+ send_data(*graph.output)
+ end
+ #will place votes in a fixed number of intervals, and shows votes over time
+ def votes_per_interval
+ @election = Election.find(params[:id])
+ data, labels, scale = get_votes_per_interval_data(@election)
+ graph = GruffGraff.new( :graph_type => Gruff::Line,
+ :data_name => @election.name,
+ :data => data,
+ :interval_labels => labels,
+ :title => "Voters Over Time",
+ :size => "330x232",
+ :legend_font_size => 40,
+ :title_font_size => 50,
+ :marker_count => 2,
+ :marker_font_size => 30,
+ :marker_color => '#999999',
+ :x_axis_label => scale,
+ :y_axis_label => "Number of Votes")
+ send_data(*graph.output)
+ end
+ def borda_bar
+ @election = Election.find(params[:id])
+ @election.results unless @election.borda_result
+ data, labels = get_borda_points(@election.borda_result)
+ graph = GruffGraff.new( :graph_type => Gruff::Bar,
+ :data_name => @election.name,
+ :data => data,
+ :interval_labels => labels,
+ :title => "Points Per Candidate",
+ :marker_color => '#999999',
+ :y_axis_label => "Points",
+ :x_axis_label => "Candidate")
+ send_data(*graph.output)
+ end
+ #Acording to Tufte, small, concomparitive, highly labeled data sets usually
+ #belong in tables. The following is a bar graph...but would it be better
+ #as a table?
+ def choices_positions
+ @election = Election.find(params[:id])
+ legend = Hash.new
+ alldata, labels = get_positions_info(@election)
+ @election.results unless @election.condorcet_result || @election.ssd_result
+ ranked_candidates = @election.condorcet_result.ranked_candidates.flatten
+ names = Hash.new
+ candidates = @election.candidates.sort.collect {|candidate| candidate.id}
+ candidates.each do |candidate|
+ names[candidate]= (Candidate.find(candidate)).name
+ end
+ ranked_candidates.each_with_index \
+ {|candidate, index| legend[names[candidate]] = alldata[index]}
+ graph = GruffGraff.new( :graph_type => Gruff::Bar,
+ :data => legend,
+ :interval_labels => labels,
+ :title => "Times Voted in Each Position",
+ :y_axis_label => "Number of Times Ranked",
+ :x_axis_label => "Rank")
+ send_data(*graph.output)
+ end
+ def plurality_pie
+ @election = Election.find(params[:id])
+ @election.results unless @election.plurality_result || @election.approval_result
+ votes = @election.votes.size
+ data = Hash.new
+ names = @election.names_by_id
+ @election.plurality_result.points.each do |candidate, votes|
+ data[names[candidate]] = votes
+ end
+ pie = GruffGraff.new( :graph_type => Gruff::Pie,
+ :title => "Percentage of First Place Votes",
+ :data => data)
+ send_data(*pie.output)
+ end
+ private
+ def get_positions_info(election)
+ buckets = Hash.new
+ buckets2= Hash.new
+ rank_labels = Hash.new
+ #attach the ranking to the candidate's array to which is belongs
+ #creating a key if necessary
+ election.votes.each do |vote|
+ vote.rankings.each do |ranking|
+ unless buckets.has_key?(ranking.candidate_id)
+ buckets[ranking.candidate_id] = []
+ end
+ buckets[ranking.candidate_id] << ranking.rank
+ end
+ end
+ #count how many times each candidate has been ranked at a certain level
+ buckets.each_pair do |id, array|
+ (1..election.candidates.size).each do |i|
+ buckets2[id] = [] unless buckets2.has_key?(id)
+ buckets2[id] << (array.find_all {|rank| rank == i}).size
+ end
+ end
+ #sort by amount of 1st place votes
+ sorted_data = buckets2.values.sort {|a,b| b[0] <=> a[0]}
+ election.votes.each do |vote|
+ vote.rankings.size.times do |i|
+ rank_labels[i] = (i+1).to_s
+ end
+ end
+ return sorted_data, rank_labels
# generate the data and labels for each graph
def get_votes_per_day_data(election)
- voter_times = Array.new
+ voter_days = Array.new
unique_days = Array.new
- voters_per_day = Array.new
- days_hash = Hash.new
+ total_per_day = Array.new
+ election_days = Hash.new
+ #turn election startdate into date object, and create the range of election
+ startdate = Date.parse(election.startdate.to_s)
+ election_range = startdate..Date.today
+ # create a hash with all the dates of the election in String format
+ # referenced by their order in the election
+ election_range.each_with_index do |day, index|
+ election_days[index] = day.to_s
+ end
+ # Now I need to create an array with all the times votes were made
election.votes.each do |vote|
- unless voter_times.any? {|utime| utime == vote.time}
- voter_times << vote.time
- end
+ next unless vote.time
+ voter_days << Date.parse(vote.time.to_s)
+ voter_days.sort!
- voter_times.sort!
- voter_times.each_with_index do |time, index|
- count = 1
- # TODO: add comment
- unless unique_days.any? { |d1| d1.eql?(time.mon.to_s + "/" + time.day.to_s) }
- unique_days << (time.mon.to_s + "/" + time.day.to_s)
- count += (voter_times[(index+1)..-1].find_all \
- {|t| t.mon == time.mon && t.day == time.day}).size
- voters_per_day << count
- end
+ # Now I need to count how many times each each date appears in voter_days,
+ # and put that number into a votes_per_day array, the 'data' for the graph
+ #Create an array of unique days from voter_days
+ voter_days.each do |day|
+ unless unique_days.any? {|date| date.eql?(day)}
+ unique_days << day
+ end
+ unique_days.sort!
- unique_days.each_with_index do |fmtdate, index|
- days_hash[index] = fmtdate
+ #find all dates where those days = date at current index, put size of returned
+ #array into total_per_day
+ unique_days.each_with_index do |date, index|
+ total_per_day << (voter_days.select {|day| day.eql?(date)}).size
# return the data and the labels
- return voters_per_day, days_hash
+ return total_per_day, election_days
+ def get_votes_per_interval_data(election)
+ labels_hash = Hash.new
+ buckets = Hash.new
+ total_per_interval = Array.new
+ interval_type = ""
+ starttime = election.startdate
+ timedelta = Time.now - starttime
+ numcols = 10
+ interval_length = timedelta/numcols
+ # Make a hash, buckets, indexed by time intervals and containing empty arrays
+ # The time object must come first in addition!
+ # i would start at 0, i+1 goes from 1 up till numcols
+ numcols.times {|i| buckets[starttime + ((i+1)*interval_length)] = []}
+ # Put votes into bucket according to the time interval to which they belong,
+ # referenced by their key
+ # Will build a graph over time, as each successive interval will have more
+ # vote objects
+ election.votes.each do |vote|
+ next unless vote.time
+ buckets.keys.sort.each do |inter|
+ if vote.time < inter
+ buckets[inter] << vote
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ total_per_interval = buckets.keys.sort.collect {|key| buckets[key].size}
+ # Create the hash for the labels. Each graph has ten columns, and three
+ # will be labeled
+ if timedelta < 2.hours #under two hours use minutes for labels
+ labels_hash[0] = "Start"
+ labels_hash[(numcols/2)-1] = fmt_decimal((timedelta/120)) #halfway
+ labels_hash[numcols-1] = fmt_decimal((timedelta/60))
+ interval_type = "Minutes After Start"
+ elsif timedelta < 2.days #more than 2 hours means use hours for labels
+ labels_hash[0] = "Start"
+ labels_hash[(numcols/2)-1] = fmt_decimal((timedelta/7200))
+ labels_hash[numcols-1] = fmt_decimal((timedelta/3600))
+ interval_type = "Hours After Start (Up to 48)"
+ else #more than 2 days means use dates for labels
+ labels_hash[0] = (Date.parse(starttime.to_s)).to_s
+ labels_hash[(numcols/2)-1] = (Date.parse((starttime + (timedelta/2)).to_s)).to_s
+ labels_hash[numcols-1] = (Date.today).to_s
+ interval_type = "The Date"
+ end
+ # Make sure to return an array for data and hash for labels
+ return total_per_interval, labels_hash, interval_type
+ end
+ def fmt_decimal(number)
+ sprintf( "%0.1f", number)
+ end
+ def get_borda_points(result)
+ points = Array.new
+ labels = Hash.new
+ #Populate points with an sorted array from election.votes hash
+ #biggest to smallest will go from left to right
+ points = result.points.sort do |a, b|
+ b[1] <=> a[1]
+ end.collect {|i| i[1]}
+ #make the labels
+ result.ranked_candidates.each_with_index do |candidate, index|
+ labels[index] = Candidate.find(candidate).name
+ end
+ return points, labels
+ end
+ #most vote result objects require an array of vote arrays, which this will make
+ def make_preference_tally(election)
+ preference_tally = Array.new
+ @election.voters.each do |voter|
+ next unless voter.voted?
+ preference_tally << voter.vote.rankings.sort.collect \
+ { |ranking| ranking.candidate.id }
+ end
+ return preference_tally
+ end