<% %>
+<%require 'whois/whois' %>
<% if @election.shortdesc %>
<div class="mainresultbox">
<h3>Schulze Method Results</h3>
-<%= render :partial => 'result', :object => @ssd_result %>
+<%= render :partial => 'result', :object => @election.ssd_result %>
<div class="rbmoreinfo"
<h4>About the Schulze Method</h4>
<div class="resultbox">
<h3>Plurality Results</h3>
-<%= render :partial => 'result', :object => @plurality_result %>
+<%= render :partial => 'result', :object => @election.plurality_result %>
<div class="rbmoreinfo"
<h4>About Plurality Voting</h4>
<div class="resultbox">
<h3>Approval Result</h3>
<p><font size="-1">(This algorithm assumes that top two choices are "approved.")</font></p>
-<%= render :partial => 'result', :object => @approval_result %>
+<%= render :partial => 'result', :object => @election.approval_result %>
<div class="rbmoreinfo"
<h4>About Approval Voting</h4>
<div class="resultbox">
<h3>Simple Condorcet Results</h3>
-<%= render :partial => 'result', :object => @condorcet_result %>
+<%= render :partial => 'result', :object => @election.condorcet_result %>
<div class="rbmoreinfo"
<h4>About Simple Cordorcet Voting</h4>
<div class="resultbox">
<h3>Borda Count Results</h3>
-<%= render :partial => 'result', :object => @borda_result %>
+<%= render :partial => 'result', :object => @election.borda_result %>
<div class="rbmoreinfo"
<h4>About Borda Count</h4>
<div class="clearbox"></div>
+<h2>Voters <%= link_to "[Stalk Voters]", :controller => "quickvote", :action => "mapvoters", :id => @election.id %></h2>
<table class="voterbox">
-<th>IP Address</th>
<% for voter in @election.voters %>
<% next unless voter.voted? %>
- <td><%= voter.ipaddress %></td>
- <td><%= `host #{voter.ipaddress}`.sub(/^.*pointer (.*)\.$/, '\1') %></td>
+ <td><% begin %>
+ <% raise ArgumentError.new, "Local Server" if voter.ipaddress == "" %>
+ <% raise ArgumentError.new, "XML-RPC Voter" if voter.ipaddress == "XMLRPC Request" %>
+ <% w= Whois::Whois.new(IPAddr.new(voter.ipaddress).to_s,true)%>
+ <%=(w.host == nil or w.host.empty?) ? voter.ipaddress : w.host%>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <%w.search_whois%>
+ <%= (w.all.grep(/^(OrgName|org-name)/)[0] or "").sub(/^(OrgName|org-name)\:/,'').strip -%> - <%= (w.all.grep(/^(NetName|netname)/)[0] or "").sub(/^(NetName|netname)\:/,'').strip %>
+ <% rescue ArgumentError => err %>
+ <%= err %>
+ </td>
+ <td><%= err%>
+ <% end %>
+ </td>
<td><%= voter.vote.votestring %></td>
<% end %>
-<%= image_tag( graph_url( :action => 'votes_per_day', :id => @election ) ) %>
+<%= render :partial => 'victories_ties' %>
+<%= render :partial => 'pref_table' %>
+<%= image_tag( graph_url( :action => 'votes_per_day', :id => @election ) ) %><br />
+<%= image_tag( graph_url( :action => 'votes_per_interval', :id => @election ))%><br />
+<%= image_tag( graph_url( :action => 'borda_bar', :id => @election ) ) %><br />
+<%= image_tag( graph_url( :action => 'choices_positions', :id => @election ) ) %>