-<% %>
- <head>
- <title><%= @page_title || "Selectricity" %></title>
- <%= stylesheet_link_tag "main", :media => "all" %>
- <%= javascript_include_tag "prototype", "effects", "dragdrop", "controls" %>
- </head>
- <body>
- <div id="top">
- <% if @page_title %>
- <h3><%= @page_title %></h3>
- <% else %>
- <span id="headertext"><%= link_to('<h3>Selectricity<br />
- <font size="-1">Voting Machinery for the Masses</font></h3>', :controller =>
- 'site', :action => 'index')%></span>
- <% end %>
- <div id="links">
- <% if session[:user] %>
- Welcome <strong><%= User.find(session[:user]).login.capitalize %></strong>
- <% else %>
- <%= link_to("Login", :controller => "account", :action => "login")
- %>/<%= link_to("Sign up", :controller => "account", :action => "signup")%>
- <% end %> |
- <% if session[:user] %>
- <%= link_to("Logout", :controller => "account", :action => "logout") %> |
- <% end %>
- <%= link_to("Help/About", :controller => "site", :action => "about") %>
- </div>
- </div>
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
+ <head>
+ <title><%= @page_title || "Selectricity" %></title>
+ <%= stylesheet_link_tag "common", :media => "all" %>
+ <%= stylesheet_link_tag "main", :media => "all" %>
+ <%= stylesheet_link_tag *(@stylesheets) %>
+ <%begin%>
+ <%= stylesheet_link_tag "ie6hacks", :media => "all" if
+ request.user_agent =~ /msie\s(5\.[5-9]|[6]\.[0-9]*).*(win)/i %>
+ <%rescue NoMethodError%>
+ <%end%>
+ <%= javascript_include_tag "prototype", "effects", "dragdrop", "controls" %>
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ <div id="page-wrapper">
+ <div id="left-side">
+ <%= link_to "<h1>Selectricity</h1>", :controller => 'front' %>
+ <div id="left-side-content">
<% if flash[:notice]%>
- <div id="notice"><%= flash[:notice] %></div>
+ <div id="notice"><%= flash[:notice] %></div>
<% end%>
- <div id="main">
- <%= @content_for_layout %>
+ <%= @sidebar_content %>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div id="right-side">
+ <div id="top-bar">
+ <div id="bar-left">
+ <% if session[:user] %>
+ <%= link_to User.find(session[:user]).login.capitalize,
+ :controller => "account",
+ :action => "summary", :id => session[:user][:id] %>
+ <%= link_to "logout", :controller => "account",
+ :action => "logout" %>
+ <% else %>
+ <%= link_to "login", :controller => "account", :action => "login"
+ %>/<%= link_to "sign up", :controller => "account", :action => "signup" %>
+ <% end %>
- <div id="footer">
- <hr />
- <%= link_to "Copyleft", "http://code.selectricity.org/"
- %> 2006, 2007 ||
- <%= link_to "MIT Media Lab", "http://www.media.mit.edu" %> and the
- <a href="http://code.selectricity.org/team">Selectricity Team</a>
- </div>
+ <div id="bar-right">
+ <%= link_to "help/about", :controller => 'about' %>
+ </div>
+ </div> <!-- end of top-bar -->
+ <div id="main-box">
+ <%= @content_for_layout %>
+ </div>
- </body>
+ </div> <!-- end of right-side -->
+ <div class="clear-div"></div>
+ <%= render_partial 'layouts/footer' %>
+ </div>
+ </body>