+<% if @voter.election.authenticated? %>
+<div class="normal-header">
+ <span class="header">Current Voter</span>
+ <span class="subheader"></span>
+<% end %>
+<p><strong><%= @voter.email %></strong></p>
+<div class="normal-header">
+ <span class="header">Instructions</span>
+ <span class="subheader"></span>
+<p>Drag and drop the items on <strong>list in the left column</strong>
+until they are in order from most preferred at the top to least
+preferred at the bottom. When you are done, press the 'Submit Vote'
+button at the bottom of the left column to record your
+<div class="normal-header">
+ <span class="header">Candidate List</span>
+ <span class="subheader"></span>
+<% @voter.election.candidates.each do |candidate| %>
+ <% @current_candidate = candidate %>
+ <div id="cand<%= @current_candidate.id %>">
+ <h3><%= h @current_candidate.name %></h3>
+ <%= render :partial => 'election/candidate_box_info' %>
+ </div>
+ <% end %>