+ def add_candidate
+ candidate_name = params[:ajax][:newcandidate]
+ unless candidate_name.strip.empty?
+ if flash.has_key?(:candidate_names) \
+ and flash[:candidate_names].instance_of?(Array)
+ unless flash[:candidate_names].index(candidate_name)
+ flash[:candidate_names] << candidate_name
+ end
+ else
+ flash[:candidate_names] = [ candidate_name ]
+ end
+ end
+ flash.keep(:candidate_names)
+ render :partial => 'candidate_list'
+ end
+ #############################################################
+ # the following methods pertain to *voting* in the quickvotes
+ #############################################################
+ def index
+ @election = QuickVote.ident_to_quickvote(params[:ident])
+ # if the person has specified an election, we show them the voting
+ # page. otherwise, we redirect back to main the page
+ if @election
+ # if the election is over, redirect to the the results page
+ unless @election.active?
+ redirect_to quickaction_url(:ident => params[:ident],
+ :action => 'results')
+ end
+ # look to see that the voter has been created and has voted in
+ # this election, and has confirmed their vote
+ @voter = QuickVoter.find(:all,
+ :conditions => ["session_id = ? and election_id = ?",
+ session.session_id, @election.id])[0]
+ # if the voter has not voted we destroy them
+ if @voter and not @voter.voted?
+ @voter.destroy
+ @voter = nil
+ end
+ # if the voter does not exist or has has been destroyed, lets
+ # create a new one
+ unless @voter
+ # create a new voter and populate it
+ @voter = QuickVoter.new
+ @voter.election = @election
+ @voter.session_id = session.session_id
+ # create new vote and make it the defaulted sorted list
+ @voter.vote = Vote.new
+ @voter.save
+ @voter.vote.set_defaults!
+ @voter.reload
+ end
+ else
+ redirect_to :controller => 'front'
+ end