+<p><em>QuickVotes</em> are like polls: unstructured, non-anonymous and
+without the complex features of <em>Selectricity</em>. They are the
+quickest way to make a decision or to compare between voting
+<p><%= link_to "Create a QuickVote", :controller => 'quickvote', :action => 'create' %></p>
+<p>Recent <em>QuickVotes</em> include:</p>
+<% for quickvote in @quickvotes %>
+<li><%= link_to (quickvote.shortdesc || "Unnamed"), quickvote_url(:votename => quickvote.name) %></li>
+<% end %>
+<h2>Selectricity <em>Anywhere</em></h2>
+<p>You can also access Selectricity entirely over email or via SMS/text
+messages from your mobile phone using Selectricity anywhere. Email <%=
+link_to "vote\@mako.cc", "mailto:vote@mako.cc" %> with <tt>help</tt> in
+the body for more information or read the <%= link_to "documentation
+online", "selectricity-anywhere.html"%>.</p>
+<td width="6%"></td>
+<td width="47%" valign="top">