2 require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/base'
4 # Experimental!!! See also the Spider graph.
5 class Gruff::Net < Gruff::Base
7 # Hide parts of the graph to fit more datapoints, or for a different appearance.
8 attr_accessor :hide_dots
20 return unless @has_data
22 @radius = @graph_height / 2.0
23 @center_x = @graph_left + (@graph_width / 2.0)
24 @center_y = @graph_top + (@graph_height / 2.0) - 10 # Move graph up a bit
26 @x_increment = @graph_width / (@column_count - 1).to_f
27 circle_radius = clip_value_if_greater_than(@columns / (@norm_data.first[1].size * 2.5), 5.0)
29 @d = @d.stroke_opacity 1.0
30 @d = @d.stroke_width clip_value_if_greater_than(@columns / (@norm_data.first[1].size * 4), 5.0)
32 if (defined?(@norm_baseline)) then
33 level = @graph_top + (@graph_height - @norm_baseline * @graph_height)
35 @d.stroke_color @baseline_color
37 @d.stroke_dasharray(10, 20)
39 @d.line(@graph_left, level, @graph_left + @graph_width, level)
43 @norm_data.each do |data_row|
45 @d = @d.stroke data_row[DATA_COLOR_INDEX]
46 @d = @d.fill data_row[DATA_COLOR_INDEX]
48 data_row[1].each_with_index do |data_point, index|
49 next if data_point.nil?
51 rad_pos = index * Math::PI * 2 / @column_count
52 point_distance = data_point * @radius
53 start_x = @center_x + Math::sin(rad_pos) * point_distance
54 start_y = @center_y - Math::cos(rad_pos) * point_distance
56 next_index = index + 1 < data_row[1].length ? index + 1 : 0
58 next_rad_pos = next_index * Math::PI * 2 / @column_count
59 next_point_distance = data_row[1][next_index] * @radius
60 end_x = @center_x + Math::sin(next_rad_pos) * next_point_distance
61 end_y = @center_y - Math::cos(next_rad_pos) * next_point_distance
63 @d = @d.line(start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y)
65 @d = @d.circle(start_x, start_y, start_x - circle_radius, start_y) unless @hide_dots
74 # the lines connecting in the center, with the first line vertical
76 return if @hide_line_markers
79 # have to do this here (AGAIN)... see draw() in this class
80 # because this funtion is called before the @radius, @center_x and @center_y are set
81 @radius = @graph_height / 2.0
82 @center_x = @graph_left + (@graph_width / 2.0)
83 @center_y = @graph_top + (@graph_height / 2.0) - 10 # Move graph up a bit
86 # Draw horizontal line markers and annotate with numbers
87 @d = @d.stroke(@marker_color)
88 @d = @d.stroke_width 1
91 (0..@column_count-1).each do |index|
92 rad_pos = index * Math::PI * 2 / @column_count
94 @d = @d.line(@center_x, @center_y, @center_x + Math::sin(rad_pos) * @radius, @center_y - Math::cos(rad_pos) * @radius)
97 marker_label = labels[index] ? labels[index].to_s : '000'
99 draw_label(@center_x, @center_y, rad_pos * 360 / (2 * Math::PI), @radius, marker_label)
105 def draw_label(center_x, center_y, angle, radius, amount)
107 x_offset = center_x # + 15 # The label points need to be tweaked slightly
108 y_offset = center_y # + 0 # This one doesn't though
109 x = x_offset + (radius * r_offset * Math.sin(angle.deg2rad))
110 y = y_offset - (radius * r_offset * Math.cos(angle.deg2rad))
113 @d.fill = @marker_color
114 @d.font = @font if @font
115 @d.pointsize = scale_fontsize(20)
116 @d.stroke = 'transparent'
117 @d.font_weight = BoldWeight
118 s = angle.deg2rad / (2*Math::PI)
119 @d.gravity = SouthGravity if s >= 0.96 or s < 0.04
120 @d.gravity = SouthWestGravity if s >= 0.04 or s < 0.21
121 @d.gravity = WestGravity if s >= 0.21 or s < 0.29
122 @d.gravity = NorthWestGravity if s >= 0.29 or s < 0.46
123 @d.gravity = NorthGravity if s >= 0.46 or s < 0.54
124 @d.gravity = NorthEastGravity if s >= 0.54 or s < 0.71
125 @d.gravity = EastGravity if s >= 0.71 or s < 0.79
126 @d.gravity = SouthEastGravity if s >= 0.79 or s < 0.96
127 # @d.gravity = NorthGravity
128 @d.annotate_scaled(@base_image, 0, 0, x, y, amount, @scale)
133 # # This method is already in Float
135 # # Used for degree => radian conversions
137 # self * (Math::PI/180.0)