require 'date'
class GraphController < ApplicationController
class GruffGraff
def initialize(options)
# fill in the data with the optional data name
+ #Check to see if multiple datasets, if so, fill them all!
+ if options[:data].size > 1 && options[:data].all? {|i| i.is_a?(Array)}
+ options[:data].each do |array|
+ options.fetch(:data_name, "Data"), array)
+ end
+ else #one dimensional array, just pass it in options.fetch(:data_name, "Data"), options[:data] )
+ end
# set the labels or create an empty hash
@graph.labels = options[:interval_labels] \
if options.has_key?(:interval_labels) and \
:y_axis_label => "Number of Votes")
- def quickvote_bar
- @election = Election.find(params[:id])
- end
def borda_bar
@election = Election.find(params[:id])
pref_tally = make_preference_tally(@election)
+ def choices_positions
+ @election = Election.find(params[:id])
+ pref_tally = make_preference_tally(@election)
+ fulldata, labels = get_positions_info(@election)
+ labels = @candidates
+ graph = :graph_type => Gruff::Bar,
+ :data_name =>,
+ :data => fulldata,
+ :interval_labels => labels,
+ :title => "Times Voted in Each Position",
+ :y_axis_label => "Number of Times Ranked",
+ :x_axis_label => "Rank")
+ send_data(*graph.output)
+ end
+ def get_positions_info(election)
+ buckets =
+ buckets2=
+ rank_labels =
+ election.candidates.each do |candidate|
+ buckets[] = []
+ buckets2[] = []
+ end
+ election.votes.each do |vote|
+ vote.rankings.each do |ranking|
+ buckets[ranking.candidate_id] << ranking.rank
+ end
+ end
+ buckets.each_pair do |id, array|
+ (1..election.candidates.size).each do |i|
+ buckets2[id] << (array.find_all {|rank| rank == i}).size
+ end
+ end
+ election.votes.each do |vote|
+ vote.rankings.size.times do |i|
+ rank_labels[i] = (i+1).to_s
+ end
+ end
+ return buckets2.values, rank_labels
+ end
# generate the data and labels for each graph
def get_votes_per_day_data(election)
# Make a hash, buckets, indexed by time intervals and containing empty arrays
# The time object must come first in addition!
- # i would start at 0, i+1 goes from 0 up till numcols
+ # i would start at 0, i+1 goes from 1 up till numcols
numcols.times {|i| buckets[starttime + ((i+1)*interval_length)] = []}
# Put votes into bucket according to the time interval to which they belong,
# referenced by their key
- # Will build a graph over time, as each successive interval wil lhave more
+ # Will build a graph over time, as each successive interval will have more
# vote objects
election.votes.each do |vote|
buckets.keys.sort.each do |inter|
interval_type = "Hour of the Day on 24 hour scale"
else #more than 2 days means use dates for labels
labels_hash[0] = (Date.parse(starttime.to_s)).to_s
- labels_hash[(numcols/2)-1] = (Date.parse(starttime + (timedelta/2))).to_s
+ labels_hash[(numcols/2)-1] = (Date.parse((starttime + (timedelta/2)).to_s)).to_s
labels_hash[numcols-1] = (
interval_type = "The Date"