+ if params[:election_id]
+ @election = Election.find(params[:election_id])
+ unless @election.authenticated?
+ @voter = OpenVoter.find(:all,
+ :conditions => ["session_id = ? and election_id = ?",
+ session.session_id, @election.id])[0]
+ unless @voter and not @voter.election.kiosk
+ @voter = OpenVoter.new
+ end
+ @voter.election = @election
+ @voter.session_id = session.session_id
+ @password = "open." + @election.id.to_s
+ end
+ elsif params[:urlpassword]
+ password = params[:urlpassword]
+ if @voter = FullVoter.find(:all,
+ :conditions => [ "password = ?", password ] )[0]
+ @election = @voter.election
+ @password = @voter.password
+ end
+ end
+ if @voter and @election
+ # initialize things if the vote is blank
+ if @voter.vote.nil?
+ @voter.vote = Vote.new
+ @voter.save
+ end
+ @voter.vote.set_defaults! if @voter.vote.rankings.empty?
+ # if the election is now finished
+ if @election.enddate < Time.now
+ redirect_to :action => :results, :id => @password
+ else
+ @sidebar_content = render_to_string(:partial => 'vote_sidebar')
+ if @election.embeddable? and params[:embed] == "true"
+ #look for custom theme, and assign to instance variabels for widget use
+ if @election.embed_custom_string
+ @top_bar = SkinPicture.find(:first,
+ :conditions => ["filename = ?", @election.embed_custom_string + "top_bar.png"])
+ @default_image = SkinPicture.find(:first,
+ :conditions => ["filename = ?", @election.embed_custom_string + "default_image.png"])
+ @bg1 = SkinPicture.find(:first,
+ :conditions => ["filename = ?", @election.embed_custom_string + "bg1.png"])
+ @bg2 = SkinPicture.find(:first,
+ :conditions => ["filename = ?", @election.embed_custom_string + "bg2.png"])
+ @bottom_bar = SkinPicture.find(:first,
+ :conditions => ["filename = ?", @election.embed_custom_string + "bottom_bar.png"])
+ end
+ render :template => 'embed/full_vote', :layout => 'embed'
+ else
+ render :action => 'full_vote'
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def login
+ if params[:vote] and params[:vote][:password]
+ redirect_to votepassword_url( :action => 'index', :urlpassword => params[:vote][:password])
+ else
+ redirect_to :action => 'index'
+ end