# Likewise, all the methods added will be available for all controllers.
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
+ include AuthenticatedSystem
helper :user
model :user
+ def day_votes
+ @election = Election.find(params[:id])
+ line = Gruff::Line.new
+ line.title = "Voters Per Day"
+ line.font = File.expand_path('/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TTF/Vera.ttf', RAILS_ROOT)
+ line.data("#{@election.name}", voter_days["voters_per_day"] )
+ line.labels = voter_days["days_hash"]
+ line.x_axis_label = "Date"
+ line.y_axis_label = "Number of Votes"
+ line.minimum_value = 0.0
+ line.draw
+ send_data(line.to_blob,
+ :disposition => 'inline',
+ :type => 'image/png',
+ :filename => "dayvotes#{@poll.id}.png")
+ end
+ def voter_days
+ @election = Election.find(params[:id])
+ voter_times = Array.new
+ unique_days = Array.new
+ voters_per_day = Array.new
+ days_hash = Hash.new
+ @election.votes.each do |vote|
+ voter_times << vote.time unless voter_times.any? {|utime| utime == vote.time}
+ end
+ voter_times.sort!
+ voter_times.each_with_index do |time, index|
+ count = 1
+ unless unique_days.any? { |d1| d1.eql?(time.mon.to_s+"/"+time.day.to_s) }
+ unique_days << (time.mon.to_s+"/"+time.day.to_s)
+ count += (voter_times[(index+1)..-1].find_all {|t| t.mon == time.mon && t.day == time.day}).size
+ voters_per_day << count
+ end
+ end
+ unique_days.each_with_index do |fmtdate, index|
+ days_hash[index] = fmtdate
+ end
+ return { "voters_per_day" => voters_per_day, "days_hash" => days_hash }
+ end