def test_create_quickvote
election = ElectionStruct.new :name => "TestVote", :description => "Test Vote", :candidate_names => ["Apple", "Orange", "Banana", "Pineapple"]
- result = invoke_delegated :vote, :create_quickvote, election
- assert_instance_of String, result
- assert_equal "", result
- assert_equal(invoke_delegated(:vote,:list_quickvotes).length, 1)
- end
- def test_get_quickvote
- test_create_quickvote
- result = invoke_delegated :vote, :get_quickvote, "TestVote"
- assert_instance_of ElectionStruct, result
- assert_equal 0, result.name.casecmp("TestVote")
- assert_equal result.description, "Test Vote"
- assert_equal result.candidate_names.sort, ["Apple", "Orange", "Banana", "Pineapple"].sort
- assert_not_nil result.id
- assert result.id != 0
- assert_nil result.candidate_ids.uniq!
- assert result.candidate_ids.length == result.candidate_names.length
+ assert_create_quickvote_succeeds election
def test_cast_quickvote
def test_create_mass_quickvote
10.times do |t|
election = ElectionStruct.new :name => "test#{t}", :description => "Test Vote", :candidate_names => ["Apple", "Orange", "Banana", "Pineapple"]
- result = invoke_delegated :vote, :create_quickvote, election
- assert_instance_of String, result
- assert_equal "", result
- assert_equal(invoke_delegated(:vote,:list_quickvotes).length, t+1)
+ assert_create_quickvote_succeeds election
def test_create_quickvote_bad_name
def test_create_quickvote_description_xmlescape
# Will an embedded XML element bork the table?
election = ElectionStruct.new :name => "foobar", :description => "test </string>", :candidate_names => ["Apple", "Orange", "Banana", "Pineapple"]
+ assert_create_quickvote_succeeds election
+ end
+ def test_create_quickvote_unprintable_description
+ election = ElectionStruct.new :name => "foobar", :description => "test \x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08", :candidate_names => ["Apple", "Orange", "Banana", "Pineapple"]
+ assert_create_quickvote_succeeds election
+ end
+ private
+ def assert_create_quickvote_succeeds(election)
+ # Checks if a created quickvote is identical when retrieved
+ old_len=invoke_delegated(:vote,:list_quickvotes).length
result = invoke_delegated :vote, :create_quickvote, election
assert_equal result, ""
reflection = invoke_delegated :vote, :get_quickvote, election.name
assert_equal election.description, reflection.description
- assert_not_equal reflection.description.length, 0
+ assert_equal 0, election.name.casecmp(reflection.name)
+ assert_equal election.candidate_names, reflection.candidate_names
+ assert_equal(invoke_delegated(:vote,:list_quickvotes).length, old_len+1)
- private
def assert_create_quickvote_fails(election)
+ # Helper function to check that creating this quickvote fails
result = invoke_delegated :vote, :create_quickvote, election
assert_instance_of String, result