2 <h1>Create QuickVote</h1>
4 <%= error_messages_for 'quickvote' %>
6 <p><label for="quickvote_candidatelist">Choices</p>
8 <!-- the list of candidates -->
10 <%= render :partial => 'candidate_list' %>
13 <%= form_tag :action => 'create' %>
14 <!--[form:election]-->
16 <p><label for="quickvote_name">Super-short name (for URL)<br />
18 <em><font size="-1">required; 5-12 characters; only letters and numbers; no spaces</font></em></label><br/>
20 <%= text_field 'quickvote', 'name', :size => 15, :maxsize => 12 %></p>
22 <p><label for="quickvote_description">Description<em><br />
23 <font size="-1">optional; one line summary on the first line</font></em></label><br/>
25 <%= text_area 'quickvote', 'description', :cols => 50, :rows => 4 %></p>
27 <%= submit_tag "Create Quickvote" -%>