} else {
$taglist = 'system:unfiled';
+ // The privacy setting in scuttle is to set bStatus to 2 in the database.
+ if(trim($row['bStatus']) == '2') {
+ $shared = "no";
+ } else {
+ $shared = "yes";
+ }
- echo "\t<post href=\"". filter($row['bAddress'], 'xml') .'" description="'. filter($row['bTitle'], 'xml') .'" '. $description .'hash="'. md5($row['bAddress']) . ($row['bStatus'] ? '" shared="no' : '') .'" tag="'. filter($taglist, 'xml') .'" time="'. gmdate('Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z', strtotime($row['bDatetime'])) ."\" />\r\n";
+ echo "\t<post href=\"". filter($row['bAddress'], 'xml') .'" shared="' . $shared . '" description="'. filter($row['bTitle'], 'xml') .'" '. $description .'hash="'. md5($row['bAddress']) . ($row['bStatus'] ? '" shared="no' : '') .'" tag="'. filter($taglist, 'xml') .'" time="'. gmdate('Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z', strtotime($row['bDatetime'])) ."\" />\r\n";
echo '</posts>';
} else {
$taglist = 'system:unfiled';
+ // The privacy setting in scuttle is to set bStatus to 2 in database.
+ if(trim($row['bStatus']) == '2') {
+ $shared = "no";
+ } else {
+ $shared = "yes";
+ }
- echo "\t<post href=\"". filter($row['bAddress'], 'xml') .'" description="'. filter($row['bTitle'], 'xml') .'" '. $description .'hash="'. $row['bHash'] .'" others="'. $bookmarkservice->countOthers($row['bAddress']) .'" tag="'. filter($taglist, 'xml') .'" time="'. gmdate('Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z', strtotime($row['bDatetime'])) ."\" />\r\n";
+ echo "\t<post href=\"". filter($row['bAddress'], 'xml') .'" shared="' . $shared . '" description="'. filter($row['bTitle'], 'xml') .'" '. $description .'hash="'. $row['bHash'] .'" others="'. $bookmarkservice->countOthers($row['bAddress']) .'" tag="'. filter($taglist, 'xml') .'" time="'. gmdate('Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z', strtotime($row['bDatetime'])) ."\" />\r\n";
echo '</posts>';
// Implements the del.icio.us API request for a user's recent posts, optionally filtered by
// tag and/or number of posts (default 15, max 100, just like del.icio.us).
} else {
$taglist = 'system:unfiled';
+ // The privacy setting in scuttle is to set bStatus to 2 in the database.
+ if(trim($row['bStatus']) == '2') {
+ $shared = "no";
+ } else {
+ $shared = "yes";
+ }
- echo "\t<post href=\"". filter($row['bAddress'], 'xml') .'" description="'. filter($row['bTitle'], 'xml') .'" '. $description .'hash="'. $row['bHash'] .'" tag="'. filter($taglist, 'xml') .'" time="'. gmdate('Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z', strtotime($row['bDatetime'])) ."\" />\r\n";
+ echo "\t<post href=\"". filter($row['bAddress'], 'xml') .'" shared="' . $shared . '" description="'. filter($row['bTitle'], 'xml') .'" '. $description .'hash="'. $row['bHash'] .'" tag="'. filter($taglist, 'xml') .'" time="'. gmdate('Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z', strtotime($row['bDatetime'])) ."\" />\r\n";
echo '</posts>';